NOTE: Angel means messenger or a spokesman of God sent or dispatched with a message or task.
A. Angels are a created order of spirit beings - Hebrews 1:7.
1. God made them sometime in the distant past - Colossians 1:16.
2. Since they are an order and not a race, God made each individually.
a. They do not reproduce themselves - Matthew 22:30.
b. Therefore there is no sex distinction for angels.
3. They are most often referred to or seen in masculine form - Mark 16:5 and Acts 1:10-11.
a. No reference to female angels, though it may be possible for them to appear as such under certain
4. They are personal spirit beings with spirit bodies, not flesh and blood physical bodies as humans have - Hebrews 1:13-14.
a. They have their own personalities (souls?), feelings, desires and intellect.
i. They most likely have names to match their position, character or function - Daniel 8:16; 9:21; 10:13, 21.
B. They were made a different life form than man.
1. Angels are not limited to the physical realm of earth as is man.
a. They are inter-dimensional and move within our three dimensional existence to the fourth dimension
and beyond.
i. The heavenly realm is their primary domain as they are referred to as “the heavenly host” – Luke 2:13.
2. They can do all things mankind can do plus things in the spirit realm where they live and function.
i.They can also do many things man can’t do, even in this physical realm.
3. The are stronger than man - 2 Peter 2:11.
a. Since they are spiritual being they are supernatural – beyond our natural limitations.
i. Their abilities are beyond ours, thus supernatural.
4. They have more knowledge than man - 2 Samuel 14:20.
a. Their knowledge comes from God and the realm in which they occupy which exceeds and
envelops our own.
i. They see God and observe Him in operation, thus they have knowledge of His doings.
5. Their number is great - Hebrews 12:22.
C. They have their own bodily form; a spirit body - Daniel 9:5-6.
1. They do not need physical organs, nor do they assimilate nutrients to maintain their lives as we do.
2. They can take on human form, appearance and function of man - Genesis 19:1-13.
a. This is called transmogrification.
A. God made certain angels for certain functions. Each has differing abilities, powers, purposes and talents coinciding with their respective rank. This is revealed in the difference between Michael and Gabriel and others who ministered to Mary, Jesus, Paul, Peter, etc.
1. Cherubim (Cherubs): a top level in rank1.type, a ruler of an item area or domain of God.
a. A special rank with responsibility to guard, keep and protect a specific item of concern something
belonging to God.
i. The Tree of Life - Genesis 3:24.
ii. The Ark of the Covenant - Exodus 25:18-20.
iii. The earth - Ezekiel 28:13-15.
aa. Lucifer, the covering Cherub, was placed in charge of planet earth in the dateless past –
Job 1:7 and 2:2.
NOTE: "Cover" means to fence in; to protect; defend and guard with all responsibility.
iv. Indications are that God has other angelic beings ruling over all His creation; including :
each nation; city, etc.
2. Seraphim (fiery serpents) - indications are that they are God's servants who execute judgment on unrighteousness - Isaiah 6:1-6 and 14:29.
a. They purge and burn out uncleanness.
3. Archangel - chief angel, prince or ruler angel.
a. Michael (meaning "who is like God") is the Prince of Israel - Daniel 10:21; and 12:1.
i. He is assigned to be protector (spirit guard or ruler) of the nation of Israel under the terms of
the Old Covenant.
4. Principalities - prince (ruling) spirits - Daniel 10:13.
a. This includes evil spirit entities that are mentioned in Ephesians 6:12.
5. Powers – spirit beings who exercise supernatural abilities in the spirit realm, or beyond what we
perceive as being natural – Matthew 24:29; Romans 8:38.
a. “Power” is from the Greek dunamis and means miraculous or superhuman ability.
i. Another form is from the Greek word exousia meaning privilege, force authority and influence
and also implies superhuman in this usage.
b. These “powers” are of a lower rank than “principality” spirits.
Note: more on this topic of ranking later on in this lesson.
B. Ranking was established to maintain order - Ephesians 6:10-12; 3:10; 1:21 (and Romans 8:38).
1. Lucifer maintained the ranking of those who followed him.
2. The ranking covers the mightiest to the least significant spirit (demon).
Note: "Religious" demons seem to be very strong, they are referred to as "nephalim" which is the word translated "giants" in Genesis 6:4. These giants were the results of Lucifer's angels interfering with the human race to prevent the promised seed of the woman from coming. Since that time the "nephalim" have been oppressing mankind as
religious spirits and strongholds. Could demons be the spirits of the dead nephalim?
A. Divine messengers and assistants between God and man.
1. They travel back and forth from the Throne of God to earth - Genesis 28:12
(They appear to be trans-dimensional rather that extra-terrestrial).
a. Satan (Lucifer) did this even after He rebelled - Job 1:6-7.
2. They work to communicate and carry out God's will to aid the saints -– Hebrews 1:14.
B. They also communicate or convey messages from God that man needs to know -– Daniel 9:21-23.
1. In response to Daniel's intercession for Israel - see Daniel 10:5 & 14.
a. To reveal the future - Daniel 8:15-19.
NOTE: Angels communicate with saints under the Old Covenant. The Holy Spirit now does most of this under the New Covenant. Why? .... because the Holy Spirit wasn't given to man until after Christ's ascension - John 7:39. Angels still do some, but mostly for those who don't have ears to hear the Spirit speak or for those who are not born again.
2. To tell and prepare for special events or carry out assigned tasks on man’s behalf.
a. Zacharias - Luke 1:11-20.
b. Mary - Luke 1:26-37.
c. Joseph - Matthew 1:18-21; 2:13, 19-20.
3. Angels are involved in evangelism and spreading the gospel - Acts 8:26 and Revelation 14:6-7.
a. Cornelius - Acts 10:3-7, 22.
b. Making sure that the gospel is brought to those for whom saints are praying, as well as protecting
those (missionaries) who bring the gospel message to others.
i. Many testimonies of angel's working (in the see book Angel's On Assignment by Billy Graham), and books by other authors recording such accounts.
C. To assist and serve the Saints - Hebrews 1:13-14.
1. The apostles - Acts 5:18-21, 25.
2. Peter - Acts 12:5-11.
a. Notice this act of the angel was in response to the prayers of the church - vs 5.
D. To guard and protect God's servants - Psalm 34:7.
1. Elijah - 2 Kings 6:15-17.
2. Converts - Matthew 18:3-4, 10.
a. Being in God's presence, they are dispatched from the throne to come to our aid at His command.
3. Jesus is an example - Matthew 4:5-7.
a. This applies to all who trust in Him - Psalm 91:9-12.
4. Paul - Acts 27:22-24.
a. The angel was sent to hold the ship together.
E. Angels are sent to encourage, and supply needs at certain times.
1. After being weakened in a spiritual/physical conflict - Matthew 4:11.
a. They most likely brought food and drink.
2. Christ's agony - Luke 22:42-44.
a. He was in torment of soul (emotions) which wears down the body strength and the will.
i. The angel encouraged him, probably by getting his attention off of what he had to endure and on
the glorious results that would be produced afterward.
3. Paul's dilemma receives new hope - Acts 27:23-24.
a. The angel was there to see them through and gave words of comfort and encouragement.
F. Angels worship of God - Hebrews 1:6
1. On earth at special occasions - Luke 2:8-14.
2. In heaven - Revelation 5:11-14.
G. Angels escort saints at death.
1. Lazarus - Luke 16:22.
2. Saints - Matthew 24:31.
3. Current testimonies of departing saints.
H. They can have great power - Revelation 20:1-3.
1. Many wondrous things they have done and will do.
2. They perform miracles (supernatural feats) - Gen. 19:10-11.
a. They do things in the spirit realm that are natural to them, but supernatural to us.
I. They are used to execute judgment on the wicked, ((not on the righteous)) -– Psalms 35:1-6.
1. Sodom and Gomorrah - Genesis 19:1, 11, 13 (note vs 22).
2. Assyrians - 2 Kings 19:32-35.
3. Herod - Acts 12:21-23.
4. At the end of this age - Matthew 13:49-50.
5. The 7 Trumpet and vial judgments - Revelation 8:6-11, 15.
a. Each trumpet sounds an alarm as to an event that begins.
b. The 7 Vial Judgments - Revelation 15:1, & 16:1-21.
i. Each vial is the initiation of the actual event that is announced by each respective “trumpet”.
NOTE: Scripture does not record a "Death Angel" as many have supposed. This is superstition of man from pagan origin. However, there is an angel of destruction with a sword who is sent to destroy - 1 Chronicles 21:12, 15, & 27.
A. These are angels and spriritss who followed Lucifer in his rebellion against God.
1. It is recordedpresumed that this involved 1/3 of the angels -Revelation 12:4 & 7.
NOTE: I find it is curious that Revelation deals with all future events, yet in this one instance it seems to refer to something which happened in eternity past. Is there is another meaning to this as a future occurrence?
a. It is obviously this same group of angels at this future struggle that rebelled with Lucifer in the
past; long before the 6 day re-creation.
B. Lucifer also maintains a ranking for his forces - Ephesians 6:12.
1. The prince of Persia and Greece were obviously angels with the same rank and power as Gabriel -
Daniel 10:13.
a. Gabriel was evenly matched and needed Michael's help.
C. Satan - (Lucifer is his name, Satan is his descriptive title), uses these forces to oppose and resist God,
and His plan and His people.
1. To try to prevent God's Word of judgment from being fulfilled to him -– Genesis 3:15.
a. He ordered some of his angels to confound the human race and blood line so as to destroy the
seed of the woman - Genesis 6:1-5.
i. Angels are sometimes referred to as Sons of God because they are God's personal creation
as in off-spring made by Him.
b. Only one family lineage remained pure and untainted, Noah - Genesis 6:5-8.
i. God set out to preserve this family and seed to start over repopulating the earth -
Genesis 6:11-13 and 6:17-18.
2. Special punishment was ordained for these angels that materialized in human form to engage in sex
with human women - 2 Peter 2:4-5 and Jude 6.
a. This change process is called transmogrification.
i. There is a special hell for them called "Tartaros" which appears to be beneath the regular hell.
D. Extra-dimensional beings, not extraterrestrial.
1. Not from other planets in space, but from other dimensions that co-exist with ours and may
entirely envelop us.
E. There is a ranking that was established to maintain order - Ephesians 6:10-12; 3:10; 1:2; and Romans 8:38.
1. Lucifer maintained the ranking of various levels of those aligned with him.
a. Principalities – angles that have governmental influence over nations, states, to effect Satan’s evil
will on human rulers and politicians – as referenced above in Daniel.
b. Powers – those angels or spirits that effect changes in human affairs such as war, weather and other material effects.
c. Rulers of darkness of this world – those angels or spirits that promote the occult and false religions
and worship of things or people other than God.
d. Spiritual wickedness in high (heavenly) places – evil or unclean spirits (demons) that oppress and oppose mankind by temptation and manipulation.
2. The ranking covers the mightiest angel to the least significant spirit (demon).
Note: In Genesis 6:4 we read of the "nephalim" which is the word translated "giants" in this verse. These giants were the results of some of Lucifer's angels interfering with the human race to prevent the promised seed of the woman from coming, (Genesis 3:15). Since that time it appears that a form of the "nephalim" have been oppressing mankind as religious spirits and strongholds. It is speculated that demons are the spirits of the dead nephalim (giants)? It also appears that tales handed down from those early times are likely the route of the Greek mythological gods since these giant nephalem appeared to have super-human strengths, knowledge and abilities.
A. Demons do not seem to be the same as angels and they do not have any form of body.
1. They are spirit beings, but have no ability to transmogrify as do angels.
a. They were often referred to as "evil" or "unclean" spirits, (devils) -– Matthew 8:16.
i. They are also identified by their specific nature or (lust) such, as infirmity, fear, seduction, lunacy, etc.
b. Demons need physical bodies in which they can fulfill their evil, unclean desires and character traits in.
i. Each has his own evil lustful personality, trait or specific unclean desire.
c. Demons, as spirits, can enter into and inhabit a body, whether human or animal is not important as
long as it can fulfill its desires in that physical body.
i. Satan's angels do not appear to do this.
B. Demons appear to be confined to the earth with man yet operate in the fourth dimension, the unseen
"spirit" realm.
1. They are a lower level of life form than angels.
2. Angels are celestial spirit beings, demons are terrestrial spirit beings.
a. Terrestrial means earth bound.
C. Demons appear to be under the command of Satan's angels, as though they are the lower in rank in the forces of darkness. Even among them there appears to be a ranking or level - Ephesians 6:12.
NOTE: another theory on the origin of demons is that they are the spirits of those beings that populated the earth during the rule of Lucifer before his rebellion - Isaiah 14:12. Add this to the ; or possibility that the are the spirits of the giants (nephelim) who have since died. This is indicated by their need for a physical body in which they can satisfy their material lustful desires. This implies that they once had a relation to a physical environment in physical bodies sometime in the past.
1. As previous physical beings they were subject to Lucifer and followed in his rebellion eons ago.
2. Those physical beings had spirits of their own.
3. Spirits do not die as physical bodies do, so they continue on today, only as unclean or evil spirits.
a. They are still under the control and direction of Satan/Lucifer.
4. Judgment (that left the earth under water and in a state of chaos is what killed them if they are the
spirits of the life forms that existed previously - Genesis 1:2.
a. Their spirits live on, still ruled by Satan, to tempt, oppress, afflict and torment man.
i. They still have their evil lusts which they try to fulfill in and through the physical bodies of humans.
A. So called because it is where spirit beings operate, including God, the Holy Spirit, all angels and demons.
1. It is parallel to and co-habits with the physical realm.
2. In decades past it hwas been called the fourth dimension, the realm of the unseen.
B. It is the second heaven - 2 Corinthians 12:2.
1. The first heaven (from man's view) is the natural one from earth and up through space.
a. This includes earth's atmosphere and out into space to include our solar system, stars and
the physical expanse of the universe.
2. The second heaven is the spirit realm, the unseen.
a. It encompasses the same area of earth, sky and space as does the first heaven, only it is where
the unseen forces and spirit beings operate.
i. This is where spiritual the warfare occurs that Gabriel told Daniel about.
ii. This is the heaven that Satan will be cast out of in the future -– Revelation 12:7-13.
aa. This is why he will be so mad, because ; he can't hide and work invisibly anymore.
3. The third heaven is God's place, where His throne and His actual being is.
Note other theories as to the three heavens exclude other dimensions and try to fit all within our limited three dimensional awareness which actually denies the spirit realm.
a. This “third heaven” is what Paul saw and said was indescribable - 2 Corinthians 12:2-4.
b. Some refer to the third heaven as a planet.
c. Others say it is the Holy City where God the Father presides with Christ at His right hand and
is in this physical universe.
i. This city that some say is headed for earth and appears to orbit earth as described
in Ezekiel and Revelation - (pure speculation).
aa. Indications that the Heavenly City, the “new” Jerusalem will orbit the in space is due
to its size and the measurements show it could not possible fit on planet earth as it
exists now – Revelation 21:15-17.
bb. This heavenly city measures 1500 miles wide, 1500 miles long and 1500 miles high,
(which is part way to the moon. (The International Space Station is only about 250
miles out in space).
cc. Even the walls are 300 feet high - a cubit being 25 inches.
C. Things that happen in the spirit realm affect, and usually determine the things that happen in the
physical realm afterward - - Ephesians 6:10-18.
1. As demonstrated by the wars fought by Gabriel and Michael and revealed to Daniel.
a. The empires of man appear to be predetermined by events in the spirit realm -– Daniel 10:13 & 20.
D. It is in this realm that your prayers must pass through.
1. Your answers come back through this realm from God.
a. They can be hindered in this area by Satan's forces, which is why we are to be persistent in
prayer until we receive - Luke 18:1-17.
i. Persistence is to overcome the enemy's obstacles, not to convince God -– Daniel 10:12-13.
E. Redeemed mMan (a true Christian) is part spirit being - reborn in spirit through Jesus and given His authority which subjugates the spirit realm.
1. We can affect things in the spirit realm by prayer.
a. Spiritual preparedness - Ephesians 6:11-17.
b. Intercession for others - vs 18.
c. Praying in the spirit, tongues - Romans 8:26 and 1 Corinthians 14:15.
i. Satan's forces do not know what you are praying - 1 Corinthians 14:2.
ii. They don't know enough to stop an answer or who its for.
iii. This is why Satan fights so strongly against tongues; it's a powerful prayer weapon against
his forces that he hates.
A. He is an angelic type being created by God.
1. A Cherub - Ezekiel 28:13-15.
a. A Cherub is a special ruling and guarding class of angel, (can be called a prince) - John 12:27-31.
i. He ruled (covered) the planet earth before his rebellion against God cost him his position -
Ezekiel 28:16-17.
2. As an angelic being, he is called one of the "Sons of God" - Job 1:6.
a. "Sons of God" is merely an expression describing those beings who God made by design, as
though His offspring.
i. Note from whence he came; the earth, his assigned place – Job 2:2.
ii. Note also how God pointed out a righteous man on earth in spite of his efforts to corrupt mankind.
B. His name is Lucifer, which means: Son of the Morning" and "Bright Morning Star" -– Isaiah 14:12-13.
1. Loss of his position in God's Kingdom brought a change in his name.
a. Names were given based on character traits and position.
2. He is now called Satan which is his title, meaning "accuser" (or "accuser of the brethren") which
describes his behavior.
a. He is also referred to as "the devil" which is not a name but a description of his evil and vile
corrupt nature.
b. Devil means slanderer or accuser.
3. His angels and demons still call him by his God given name.
a. They do not consider the rebellion over and assist him in fighting against God and His Word.
C. His original purpose and function was to rule the earth for God as the "covering Cherub" -
Ezekiel 28:14-19 and Job 1:7.
1. It appears that God set Cherubs, ruling or chief angels, as protectors or authorities over specific
items of His creation; which may include other worlds.
a. The Bible only deals with earth, mankind and those things that pertain directly to man.
b. Therefore it does not say much about the rest of God's creation.
2. Lucifer was one of the elite, top-level, ruling beings of the angelic order of seraphim, cherubim,
archangel, etc.
D. As a prince or ruling angel (cherub) he was given great wisdom, power and a magnificent appearance.
1. Wisdom to rule all that was under him as God's agent.
2. Power, might and ability to rule and control spiritual and natural forces as well as physical beings.
NOTE: Satan is not like God who is all knowing; all powerful; and is everywhere present at all times.
a. Satan is limited in knowledge, power, time and space; He can only be in one place at a time.
i. He depends on angels, demons and other spirit beings under him to assist him.
aa. There is a hierarchy or rank of spirit beings under his influence -– Ephesians 6:12
3. He was a magnificent creation - this led to pride and his downfall (rebellion) -– Ezekiel 28:17
and Isaiah 14-13.
II. HIS REBELLION - Isaiah 14:13-14.
A. It appears that he thought more of himself than he should have; then he began to covet money, power,
a greater recognition, a higher position and God's throne.
1. Typical rebellion; "I can do it better myself"; I know more than he does"; "I don't want to do it
his way, I’ll do it my way".
B. He tried to turn the rest of the angels or "Sons of God" against God - Ezekiel 28:18.
1. He filled God's place (sanctuary) with the "iniquity of his traffic".
a. This refers to his slandering God before his own subjects and leading those he could into
open rebellion.
C. The angels that followed him were not in the Cherub class but a lower rank who respected his higher position.
1. He probably took much time to subtly beguile them the same way he worked on Eve in the garden.
NOTE: He was cast down before kings and nations - Isaiah 14:12 and Ezekiel 28:17. This implies that there were beings living on earth and or elsewhere. Some he was able to influence others he did not. This can only be considered theoretically since the Bible only deals with mankind on planet earth.
D. We assume that only the earth and its inhabitants, which were under Lucifer, followed him in the
rebellion along with what other angels joined in.
1. No other inhabited planets in the universe seemed to be involved in this rebellion; (if there are
others that are inhabited which is a possibility given the greatness of God).
a. If such is so, tTheir respective covering Cherubs and inhabitants remained loyal to God - as
may be implied in Matthew 18:11-13.
A. He lost his relationship to God.
1. Thus he lost his God appointed position and authority to rule the earth.
a. Being disenfranchised he is now operating on his own terms.
B. The inhabitants of earth, under his dominion and influence followed him - Isaiah 14:12 and Ezekiel 28:17.
1. This put the whole earth in rebellion against God - Romans 8:19-22.
C. God had to judge the earth in its entirety - Jeremiah 4:23-26.
1. God destroyed the inhabitants and life forms on earth with water.
a. This was not the flood of Noah's day - Genesis 1:2.
i. In the King James Version - "was" is actually "became" in the original language.
ii. Earth was originally created as a livable place - Isaiah 45:18; and 2 Peter 3:5-7.
iii. It was changed into a state of desolate darkness as a result of sin and rebellion of
earth's cherub or guardian angel.
2. The earth remained in this condition of chaos for an unspecified period of time.
a. It was during this time that God began to plan out his program for earth which included
mankind and Satan's continued interference -– Ephesians 1:20 and 1 Peter 1:24.
i. The word "world" comes from "cosmos" and means "social system" referring to mankind.
ii. God planned things concerning man before he formed man and established the social
system of mankind.
3. God then began the six day remaking of the surface of the earth to place it under new leadership - MAN.
a. For which Lucifer became extremely jealous and hateful of man.
IV. SATAN OPPOSES MANKIND (God's representation)
A. He wanted rule of earth back from man.
1. Earth was placed in man's hands - Genesis 1:28.
a. God took His hands off from that time and hence, only intervenes in man's affairs upon
invitation (prayer requests).
B. Satan's wisdom and subtlety at work - Genesis 3:1-4.
1. He shows up in the garden as NACHASH, "the shinning one", and functions as a serpent to mesmerize, beguile wisely deceive God's form, Adam, (actually Eve, Mrs. Adam).
a. Satan's name, Lucifer, means Bright Morning Star; thus the "shinning one" and "mesmerizing
one", (nachash).
i. More wise, subtle than any earthly creature or beast of the field - Genesis 3:1 & Ezekiel 28:17.
2. Man's dominion over earth has been handed over to Satan - Luke 4:6.
a. He is the "god" of this world - 2 Corinthians 4:4
i. In this current degenerate age.
C. Promise of his defeat immediately after his victory over man - Genesis 3:15.
NOTE: Satan has never lost sight of his goal to defeat God and take over His throne. The warfare still goes on. The battleground is the earth and mankind who is made in the image of God and represents God on this earth. Satan thinks he can defeat God by defeating his image and likeness - man. This is why Christ had to come as a man to gain victory over Satan and defeat him. Jesus defeated Satan but did not eliminate him.....yet!
1. His curse, "Upon thy belly shalt thou go.....dust shalt thou eat" shows his punishment is to
experience life as the serpent whose character and nature he utilized to deceive Eve - Genesis 3:14.
a. "Upon thy belly..." is a figure of speech for being brought low, humiliated in disappointment and
failure, and being in subjugation under the foot of the second Adam and redeemed man -
Ephesians 1:20-23 and Luke 10:19.
b. "Dust shalt thou eat..." refers to his feeding on the depravity of fallen mankind, the dust of the earth.
i. This is also a figure of speech of utter humiliation, defeat and subjugation -– Psalm 72:9.
2. We are part of the spiritual warfare that still rages - Ephesians 6:10-12.
a. We, (mankind), are the subjects under attack.
b. Christ gives us what we individually need to withstand him -– Ephesians 6:13-18, & 1 John 4:4 and James 4:7.
3. The earth is the battleground and the object of the conquest.
a. Satan is laying claim to earth, but it belongs to the Lord - Psalm 24:1.
b. If he can gain full control over it, then he has defeated God and won the warfare he originally
set out on.
V. SATAN'S CHARACTER - Diabolical Master Deceiver who resumed his rebellion in the Garden of Eden -
Genesis 3:1.
A. He is a LIAR - John 8:44.
1. The father (progenitor) of lies and liars.
a. No truth is in him, so how can one believe him?
2. He rejected the truth which he abode in when he was in proper relationship to God.
3. Disobedience is to reject truth - 1 John 2:3-5.
a. Lucifer was once in obedience and truth but turned because of the lust he allowed to grow in him.
b. He knows how powerful these lusts are, so he uses them against man.
4. He uses the Word of God but twists it, adds to it or takes away from it so its truth is distorted to mankind.
a. "Hath God said...." - Genesis 3:3; "Ye shall not surely die..." - Genesis 3:4.
i. Satan changed her focus from spiritual death (which happened immediately) to physical death
(which followed as a result years later).
B. He is a MURDERER - John 8:44.
1. Through his tempting and enticing he murdered the whole race of man spiritually.
a. Murderer in Greek means manslayer, slayer of men.
b. Elsewhere the word pheonus (from pheno) "to slay" is used.
C. He is a thief and destroyer - John 10:10
1. He will steal everything from you - spiritual, material and emotional.
2. He will kill you any way he can; crime; disease; wars; disasters or accidents.
3. He will destroy anything about you he can.
a. Your physical, material, emotional and spiritual life.
b. Your testimony for God; your walk and fellowship with God.
c. Your character and nature - which are to reflect God's qualities.
Note: He can and will do these things IF you allow him and don't keep yourself covered the armor of God - Ephesians 6:13-18; and in fellowship with your Father though prayer and the Word - James 4:7-10 and
1 Peter 5:6-9.
D. He is the TEMPTER - Matthew 4:1-3
1. His scheme is to beguile man (God's image) and turn him from God.
a. This also applies to believers whose faith can be weakened and overthrown -– 1 Thessalonians 3:5.
2. When he gets people to sin, especially Christians, he feels a sense of victory.
a. They obey the will (lust or desire) of Satan.
3. His forces of angels and demons carry out his plan of tempting and persecuting man also.
E. He is LUSTFUL - John 8:44.
1. He is the originator and source of lusts - 1 John 3:8.
2. When mankind submitted to Satan in the garden and received their sin nature, it was the rebellious, selfish, prideful nature of Satan they received.
a. "Ye are of your father the devil" - John 8:44.
b. He is the father of the "old man" - Ephesians 4:22-24.
i. Of the self-centered sinful nature of the children of disobedience -– Colossians 3:8-10, Ephesians 2:2.
ii. The spirit of the "old man" is under the influence of Satan.
F. "Accuser of the brethren" - the meaning of his name.
1. He oppresses man by accusation, bringing up past sins, failures and weaknesses to keep him in defeat.
a. "See God, your beloved mankind (in your image) can't make it" -– Revelation 12:10.
2. He repudiates God's Word, both to God and to man.
a. He makes situations and circumstances in your life to try make you doubt the word of God.
i. To not trust God's Word is to not trust God who cannot be separated from His Word.
aa. Trust is Faith; and doubt is the opposite of trust and faith.
b. Satan says; "See, it doesn't work"! Thus, he is the accuser.
G. He is our ADVERSARY - 1 Peter 5:8
1. Adversary is an opponent in a match.
2. He does not fight fair; using trickery and deceit - Ephesians 6:10-12.
3. He will resist and attack any godliness in you - Zechariah 3:1.
A. Imposes his nature on fallen man - John 8:44a.
1. His nature is SELFISHNESS - "I will; I want; I am" - Isaiah 14:12-14.
a. Lust of the flesh; lust of the eye; pride of life - 1 John 2:16.
Note: he used these three areas vulnerability to tempt Eve in the garden. He also used the same three
areas to temp Jesus in the wilderness. Compare Genesis 3:6 with Luke 4:1-13.
B. He causes sickness, death, destruction of life and general misery - John 10:10.
1. This applies to both spiritual and physical life.
a. He robs you of anything he can, especially health - Luke 13:11-16 and Matthew 8:16-17.
b. He will kill you if he gets an opportunity.
i. By sickness, disease or accident.
c. He will destroy your life, your testimony, your marriage, your children or anything you cherish,
if he can.
2. Notice Jesus' work! John 10:10 and 1 John 3:8.
C. He causes oppression by various means - Acts 10:38.
1. The word "oppressed" comes from the Greek word meaning "overpowered"; "exercise hard control
over one"; "to use power against one".
D. An invisible influence - Ephesians 6:12.
1. It's not always man you struggle with, but often the forces motivating man to oppose you.
E. He dominates men to control or motivate them to his desired behavior or action -– Luke 22:3-6.
NOTE: BETRAYAL - Satan can't take unless you, the believer and possessor, yield it up and betray it
to him - Luke 22:47-48.
1. As Peter - Luke 22:31-32
2. Ananias - Acts 5:1-3.
F. He seeks opportunity to get advantage - 2 Corinthians 2:11.
1. To destroy marriage - 1 Corinthians 7:5.
2. To deceive - 2 Corinthians 11:14.
3. To destroy relationships through bitterness, strife and resentment -– Ephesians 4:25-27 and
Hebrews 12:14-15.
G. He works to discredit God's Word (what God said) to you.
1. Done by orchestrating situations and circumstances in your experiences that go contrary to the
Word of God.
a. The purpose is to get you to not trust God or His word for your life -– 1 Peter 5:7-9.
i. This makes you ineffective in the work God has called you to do.
ii. It produces discouragement to the point that almost all faith in God can be lost.
H. He hinders ministers in their task - 1 Thessalonians 2:18.
1. Demonic forces - Acts 16:16-18.
2. The Gospel message - Mark 4:15.
I. He is presently engaged in a desperate struggle.
1. Time is running out, and he gets more desperate as the end draws near.
2. He will be confined to the earth, physically manifested as the beast in the near future - Revelation 12:2-9.
A. Jesus warned of great deception in the last days; so much so that the majority would be deceived -
Matthew 24:5-6, 23-24.
1. Deception is based on lies, truth with error added including signs and wonders -– 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.
2. Satan is working unhindered in most churches by means of the using doctrines of men and demons, counterfeit signs and wonders - 2 Thessalonians 2:8-9.
B. The work of the spirit of antichrist is entirely within the church, not the world -– 1 John 2:18-22.
1. Promoting false doctrines that people like and cling to - 1 Timothy 4:1-2.
a. The "greasy" grace message which says God loves you just the way you are and you don't have
to change (repent).
i. The people think they are "born again" but they continue to live in open and shameful sin
which is a delusion - 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12.
2. He works through preachers and ministers and uses the Word of God; but they use it deceptively -
2 Corinthians 11:14-15.
a. They even use the name of Jesus - Luke 21:7-8.
i. They actually think they are servants of God because of their delusion.
3. Paul describes how such ministers come to be - Acts 20:28-31.
a. Because of their pride and selfishness the spirit of antichrist has easy access to their minds
and hearts changing them into the messengers of Satan within the church.
b. Ministers who have failed to die to self and seek to satisfy their perverse desires -– Jude 4 and 8.
c. Their lusts are open doors for demon spirits and the spirit of antichrist to enter and gain control.
d. They usually harbor hidden and unrepented lusts and begin to hold the truth in unrighteousness - Romans 1:21-25, 32.
NOTE: They harden their hearts against the conviction of the Holy Spirit to cease indulging in their secret sins. Hardening of the heart means one can no longer hear or respond to the Spirit of God. Instead, he responds to the evil spirits and eventually to the spirit of antichrist.
e. They invent or modify doctrines to accommodate their continued lusts and godless behavior.
i. Like the "greasy" grace message to excuse their lasciviousness and lusts.
aa. For money, power (control over people), fame (recognition), sexual immorality; drunkenness, etc.
f. As a result they end up preach a false Christ, another gospel and a perverted concept of the
Grace of God which appeals to many others who want to keep their pet sins.
i. They did not plan it this way, but it's the result of their actions and motives.
g. Then God gives them over to their delusion; they actually believe the error they preach -
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12.
4. Believing that a lie is the truth is how the enemy takes ministers captive for his purpose.
a. The delusion is that believing a lie to justify their unrepented sin will not affect their relationship
with God - Romans 6:1-2.
NOTE: Another doctrine that is popular in many churches is the "anointing". The word Christ actually means anointed. Thus when these preachers say "I am anointed" they are actually saying "I am Christ" - Matthew 24:5. Then these false christs preach in His name using His Word to bring in false doctrines and counterfeit supernatural experiences.
C. The spirit of antichrist loves to put on shows to dazzle audiences with supernatural displays of behavior,
signs and wonders.
1. There are true signs, wonders and miracles, but God does not put on shows.
NOTE: When God performs miracles, signs and wonders, it's by His Holy Spirit who always brings conviction of sin to lead to repentance and righteousness and reveals to man a greater awareness of God, His Kingdom and His holiness.
2. How to recognize the devil's show - there is NO CONVICTION OF SIN, NO REPENTANCE, NO RIGHTEOUSNESS, NO CHANGE OF LIFE.
a. There are manifestations that are amusing, frightening, alarming, unusual, and unnatural; all
attention getting.
3. The devil's shows include things not recorded in the Bible such as people acting like animals;
out of control laughter; convulsions; or people being thrown around the auditorium. And other
unnatural behavior.
a. These deluded preachers will then tell you not regard the scripture saying God is doing a "new thing".
NOTE: When God performs a supernatural sign, wonder or miracle, a person is changed and will never be the same for what God has wrought in his life, be it physical, emotional or spiritual. God does do signs, wonders and miraculous supernatural things for the specific purpose of revealing Himself or something about Him and His Kingdom to a person or people - 1 Kings 18:21-39.
D. The spirit of antichrist will operate covertly until Satan is cast out of the second heaven, (the spirit realm)
and takes on the form of a man - the antichrist.
1. From that time on he operates overtly to rally all nations unto himself to oppose
to return of Jesus.
A. Distant past - Isaiah 14:12-15.
1. He lost his original position in the Kingdom of God.
a. This occurred long before the re-creation of the earth.
B. More recent past - Colossians 2:15 (Genesis 3:15).
1. The resurrection of Christ proved Satan had no lasting power of death -– Hebrews 2:14-15.
a. Satan has been defeated by Christ, but has not yet been eliminated.
C. Present - Luke 10:17-18.
1. All believers have authority over Satan and his forces in Jesus' name -– Matthew 28:18 and
Mark 16:17-18.
2. If we know who Jesus is, what He provided for us, and use what He gave us, we put fear in Satan -
1 John 4:4 and James 4:7.
a. We hand Satan a fresh defeat each time we lead a person to Christ; cast out a demon or bring
healing to some one. See: Matthew 12:29 and Luke 11:20-26; Acts 8:5-7 and 16:16-18;
Matthew 16:19.
D. Future - Revelation 20:1-3.
1. He and his influence will be removed from earth for 1000 years.
a. This will give mankind peace and the opportunity to know the Lord and live godly lives without temptation, deception, interference and opposition to God's Word.
b. He will be let lose briefly to be allowed to tempt those who have lived only under the Lordship
of Christ without a tempter - Revelation 20:7-8.
i. This is to see who will remain faithful and loyal and who will choose to follow Satan.
2. His ultimate destiny - Revelation 20:10.
a. He will be completely and permanently eliminated from ever interfering in God's creation again.
NOTE: Angel means messenger or a spokesman of God sent or dispatched with a message or task.
A. Angels are a created order of spirit beings - Hebrews 1:7.
1. God made them sometime in the distant past - Colossians 1:16.
2. Since they are an order and not a race, God made each individually.
a. They do not reproduce themselves - Matthew 22:30.
b. Therefore there is no sex distinction for angels.
3. They are most often referred to or seen in masculine form - Mark 16:5 and Acts 1:10-11.
a. No reference to female angels, though it may be possible for them to appear as such under certain
4. They are personal spirit beings with spirit bodies, not flesh and blood physical bodies as humans have - Hebrews 1:13-14.
a. They have their own personalities (souls?), feelings, desires and intellect.
i. They most likely have names to match their position, character or function - Daniel 8:16; 9:21; 10:13, 21.
B. They were made a different life form than man.
1. Angels are not limited to the physical realm of earth as is man.
a. They are inter-dimensional and move within our three dimensional existence to the fourth dimension
and beyond.
i. The heavenly realm is their primary domain as they are referred to as “the heavenly host” – Luke 2:13.
2. They can do all things mankind can do plus things in the spirit realm where they live and function.
i.They can also do many things man can’t do, even in this physical realm.
3. The are stronger than man - 2 Peter 2:11.
a. Since they are spiritual being they are supernatural – beyond our natural limitations.
i. Their abilities are beyond ours, thus supernatural.
4. They have more knowledge than man - 2 Samuel 14:20.
a. Their knowledge comes from God and the realm in which they occupy which exceeds and
envelops our own.
i. They see God and observe Him in operation, thus they have knowledge of His doings.
5. Their number is great - Hebrews 12:22.
C. They have their own bodily form; a spirit body - Daniel 9:5-6.
1. They do not need physical organs, nor do they assimilate nutrients to maintain their lives as we do.
2. They can take on human form, appearance and function of man - Genesis 19:1-13.
a. This is called transmogrification.
A. God made certain angels for certain functions. Each has differing abilities, powers, purposes and talents coinciding with their respective rank. This is revealed in the difference between Michael and Gabriel and others who ministered to Mary, Jesus, Paul, Peter, etc.
1. Cherubim (Cherubs): a top level in rank1.type, a ruler of an item area or domain of God.
a. A special rank with responsibility to guard, keep and protect a specific item of concern something
belonging to God.
i. The Tree of Life - Genesis 3:24.
ii. The Ark of the Covenant - Exodus 25:18-20.
iii. The earth - Ezekiel 28:13-15.
aa. Lucifer, the covering Cherub, was placed in charge of planet earth in the dateless past –
Job 1:7 and 2:2.
NOTE: "Cover" means to fence in; to protect; defend and guard with all responsibility.
iv. Indications are that God has other angelic beings ruling over all His creation; including :
each nation; city, etc.
2. Seraphim (fiery serpents) - indications are that they are God's servants who execute judgment on unrighteousness - Isaiah 6:1-6 and 14:29.
a. They purge and burn out uncleanness.
3. Archangel - chief angel, prince or ruler angel.
a. Michael (meaning "who is like God") is the Prince of Israel - Daniel 10:21; and 12:1.
i. He is assigned to be protector (spirit guard or ruler) of the nation of Israel under the terms of
the Old Covenant.
4. Principalities - prince (ruling) spirits - Daniel 10:13.
a. This includes evil spirit entities that are mentioned in Ephesians 6:12.
5. Powers – spirit beings who exercise supernatural abilities in the spirit realm, or beyond what we
perceive as being natural – Matthew 24:29; Romans 8:38.
a. “Power” is from the Greek dunamis and means miraculous or superhuman ability.
i. Another form is from the Greek word exousia meaning privilege, force authority and influence
and also implies superhuman in this usage.
b. These “powers” are of a lower rank than “principality” spirits.
Note: more on this topic of ranking later on in this lesson.
B. Ranking was established to maintain order - Ephesians 6:10-12; 3:10; 1:21 (and Romans 8:38).
1. Lucifer maintained the ranking of those who followed him.
2. The ranking covers the mightiest to the least significant spirit (demon).
Note: "Religious" demons seem to be very strong, they are referred to as "nephalim" which is the word translated "giants" in Genesis 6:4. These giants were the results of Lucifer's angels interfering with the human race to prevent the promised seed of the woman from coming. Since that time the "nephalim" have been oppressing mankind as
religious spirits and strongholds. Could demons be the spirits of the dead nephalim?
A. Divine messengers and assistants between God and man.
1. They travel back and forth from the Throne of God to earth - Genesis 28:12
(They appear to be trans-dimensional rather that extra-terrestrial).
a. Satan (Lucifer) did this even after He rebelled - Job 1:6-7.
2. They work to communicate and carry out God's will to aid the saints -– Hebrews 1:14.
B. They also communicate or convey messages from God that man needs to know -– Daniel 9:21-23.
1. In response to Daniel's intercession for Israel - see Daniel 10:5 & 14.
a. To reveal the future - Daniel 8:15-19.
NOTE: Angels communicate with saints under the Old Covenant. The Holy Spirit now does most of this under the New Covenant. Why? .... because the Holy Spirit wasn't given to man until after Christ's ascension - John 7:39. Angels still do some, but mostly for those who don't have ears to hear the Spirit speak or for those who are not born again.
2. To tell and prepare for special events or carry out assigned tasks on man’s behalf.
a. Zacharias - Luke 1:11-20.
b. Mary - Luke 1:26-37.
c. Joseph - Matthew 1:18-21; 2:13, 19-20.
3. Angels are involved in evangelism and spreading the gospel - Acts 8:26 and Revelation 14:6-7.
a. Cornelius - Acts 10:3-7, 22.
b. Making sure that the gospel is brought to those for whom saints are praying, as well as protecting
those (missionaries) who bring the gospel message to others.
i. Many testimonies of angel's working (in the see book Angel's On Assignment by Billy Graham), and books by other authors recording such accounts.
C. To assist and serve the Saints - Hebrews 1:13-14.
1. The apostles - Acts 5:18-21, 25.
2. Peter - Acts 12:5-11.
a. Notice this act of the angel was in response to the prayers of the church - vs 5.
D. To guard and protect God's servants - Psalm 34:7.
1. Elijah - 2 Kings 6:15-17.
2. Converts - Matthew 18:3-4, 10.
a. Being in God's presence, they are dispatched from the throne to come to our aid at His command.
3. Jesus is an example - Matthew 4:5-7.
a. This applies to all who trust in Him - Psalm 91:9-12.
4. Paul - Acts 27:22-24.
a. The angel was sent to hold the ship together.
E. Angels are sent to encourage, and supply needs at certain times.
1. After being weakened in a spiritual/physical conflict - Matthew 4:11.
a. They most likely brought food and drink.
2. Christ's agony - Luke 22:42-44.
a. He was in torment of soul (emotions) which wears down the body strength and the will.
i. The angel encouraged him, probably by getting his attention off of what he had to endure and on
the glorious results that would be produced afterward.
3. Paul's dilemma receives new hope - Acts 27:23-24.
a. The angel was there to see them through and gave words of comfort and encouragement.
F. Angels worship of God - Hebrews 1:6
1. On earth at special occasions - Luke 2:8-14.
2. In heaven - Revelation 5:11-14.
G. Angels escort saints at death.
1. Lazarus - Luke 16:22.
2. Saints - Matthew 24:31.
3. Current testimonies of departing saints.
H. They can have great power - Revelation 20:1-3.
1. Many wondrous things they have done and will do.
2. They perform miracles (supernatural feats) - Gen. 19:10-11.
a. They do things in the spirit realm that are natural to them, but supernatural to us.
I. They are used to execute judgment on the wicked, ((not on the righteous)) -– Psalms 35:1-6.
1. Sodom and Gomorrah - Genesis 19:1, 11, 13 (note vs 22).
2. Assyrians - 2 Kings 19:32-35.
3. Herod - Acts 12:21-23.
4. At the end of this age - Matthew 13:49-50.
5. The 7 Trumpet and vial judgments - Revelation 8:6-11, 15.
a. Each trumpet sounds an alarm as to an event that begins.
b. The 7 Vial Judgments - Revelation 15:1, & 16:1-21.
i. Each vial is the initiation of the actual event that is announced by each respective “trumpet”.
NOTE: Scripture does not record a "Death Angel" as many have supposed. This is superstition of man from pagan origin. However, there is an angel of destruction with a sword who is sent to destroy - 1 Chronicles 21:12, 15, & 27.
A. These are angels and spriritss who followed Lucifer in his rebellion against God.
1. It is recordedpresumed that this involved 1/3 of the angels -Revelation 12:4 & 7.
NOTE: I find it is curious that Revelation deals with all future events, yet in this one instance it seems to refer to something which happened in eternity past. Is there is another meaning to this as a future occurrence?
a. It is obviously this same group of angels at this future struggle that rebelled with Lucifer in the
past; long before the 6 day re-creation.
B. Lucifer also maintains a ranking for his forces - Ephesians 6:12.
1. The prince of Persia and Greece were obviously angels with the same rank and power as Gabriel -
Daniel 10:13.
a. Gabriel was evenly matched and needed Michael's help.
C. Satan - (Lucifer is his name, Satan is his descriptive title), uses these forces to oppose and resist God,
and His plan and His people.
1. To try to prevent God's Word of judgment from being fulfilled to him -– Genesis 3:15.
a. He ordered some of his angels to confound the human race and blood line so as to destroy the
seed of the woman - Genesis 6:1-5.
i. Angels are sometimes referred to as Sons of God because they are God's personal creation
as in off-spring made by Him.
b. Only one family lineage remained pure and untainted, Noah - Genesis 6:5-8.
i. God set out to preserve this family and seed to start over repopulating the earth -
Genesis 6:11-13 and 6:17-18.
2. Special punishment was ordained for these angels that materialized in human form to engage in sex
with human women - 2 Peter 2:4-5 and Jude 6.
a. This change process is called transmogrification.
i. There is a special hell for them called "Tartaros" which appears to be beneath the regular hell.
D. Extra-dimensional beings, not extraterrestrial.
1. Not from other planets in space, but from other dimensions that co-exist with ours and may
entirely envelop us.
E. There is a ranking that was established to maintain order - Ephesians 6:10-12; 3:10; 1:2; and Romans 8:38.
1. Lucifer maintained the ranking of various levels of those aligned with him.
a. Principalities – angles that have governmental influence over nations, states, to effect Satan’s evil
will on human rulers and politicians – as referenced above in Daniel.
b. Powers – those angels or spirits that effect changes in human affairs such as war, weather and other material effects.
c. Rulers of darkness of this world – those angels or spirits that promote the occult and false religions
and worship of things or people other than God.
d. Spiritual wickedness in high (heavenly) places – evil or unclean spirits (demons) that oppress and oppose mankind by temptation and manipulation.
2. The ranking covers the mightiest angel to the least significant spirit (demon).
Note: In Genesis 6:4 we read of the "nephalim" which is the word translated "giants" in this verse. These giants were the results of some of Lucifer's angels interfering with the human race to prevent the promised seed of the woman from coming, (Genesis 3:15). Since that time it appears that a form of the "nephalim" have been oppressing mankind as religious spirits and strongholds. It is speculated that demons are the spirits of the dead nephalim (giants)? It also appears that tales handed down from those early times are likely the route of the Greek mythological gods since these giant nephalem appeared to have super-human strengths, knowledge and abilities.
A. Demons do not seem to be the same as angels and they do not have any form of body.
1. They are spirit beings, but have no ability to transmogrify as do angels.
a. They were often referred to as "evil" or "unclean" spirits, (devils) -– Matthew 8:16.
i. They are also identified by their specific nature or (lust) such, as infirmity, fear, seduction, lunacy, etc.
b. Demons need physical bodies in which they can fulfill their evil, unclean desires and character traits in.
i. Each has his own evil lustful personality, trait or specific unclean desire.
c. Demons, as spirits, can enter into and inhabit a body, whether human or animal is not important as
long as it can fulfill its desires in that physical body.
i. Satan's angels do not appear to do this.
B. Demons appear to be confined to the earth with man yet operate in the fourth dimension, the unseen
"spirit" realm.
1. They are a lower level of life form than angels.
2. Angels are celestial spirit beings, demons are terrestrial spirit beings.
a. Terrestrial means earth bound.
C. Demons appear to be under the command of Satan's angels, as though they are the lower in rank in the forces of darkness. Even among them there appears to be a ranking or level - Ephesians 6:12.
NOTE: another theory on the origin of demons is that they are the spirits of those beings that populated the earth during the rule of Lucifer before his rebellion - Isaiah 14:12. Add this to the ; or possibility that the are the spirits of the giants (nephelim) who have since died. This is indicated by their need for a physical body in which they can satisfy their material lustful desires. This implies that they once had a relation to a physical environment in physical bodies sometime in the past.
1. As previous physical beings they were subject to Lucifer and followed in his rebellion eons ago.
2. Those physical beings had spirits of their own.
3. Spirits do not die as physical bodies do, so they continue on today, only as unclean or evil spirits.
a. They are still under the control and direction of Satan/Lucifer.
4. Judgment (that left the earth under water and in a state of chaos is what killed them if they are the
spirits of the life forms that existed previously - Genesis 1:2.
a. Their spirits live on, still ruled by Satan, to tempt, oppress, afflict and torment man.
i. They still have their evil lusts which they try to fulfill in and through the physical bodies of humans.
A. So called because it is where spirit beings operate, including God, the Holy Spirit, all angels and demons.
1. It is parallel to and co-habits with the physical realm.
2. In decades past it hwas been called the fourth dimension, the realm of the unseen.
B. It is the second heaven - 2 Corinthians 12:2.
1. The first heaven (from man's view) is the natural one from earth and up through space.
a. This includes earth's atmosphere and out into space to include our solar system, stars and
the physical expanse of the universe.
2. The second heaven is the spirit realm, the unseen.
a. It encompasses the same area of earth, sky and space as does the first heaven, only it is where
the unseen forces and spirit beings operate.
i. This is where spiritual the warfare occurs that Gabriel told Daniel about.
ii. This is the heaven that Satan will be cast out of in the future -– Revelation 12:7-13.
aa. This is why he will be so mad, because ; he can't hide and work invisibly anymore.
3. The third heaven is God's place, where His throne and His actual being is.
Note other theories as to the three heavens exclude other dimensions and try to fit all within our limited three dimensional awareness which actually denies the spirit realm.
a. This “third heaven” is what Paul saw and said was indescribable - 2 Corinthians 12:2-4.
b. Some refer to the third heaven as a planet.
c. Others say it is the Holy City where God the Father presides with Christ at His right hand and
is in this physical universe.
i. This city that some say is headed for earth and appears to orbit earth as described
in Ezekiel and Revelation - (pure speculation).
aa. Indications that the Heavenly City, the “new” Jerusalem will orbit the in space is due
to its size and the measurements show it could not possible fit on planet earth as it
exists now – Revelation 21:15-17.
bb. This heavenly city measures 1500 miles wide, 1500 miles long and 1500 miles high,
(which is part way to the moon. (The International Space Station is only about 250
miles out in space).
cc. Even the walls are 300 feet high - a cubit being 25 inches.
C. Things that happen in the spirit realm affect, and usually determine the things that happen in the
physical realm afterward - - Ephesians 6:10-18.
1. As demonstrated by the wars fought by Gabriel and Michael and revealed to Daniel.
a. The empires of man appear to be predetermined by events in the spirit realm -– Daniel 10:13 & 20.
D. It is in this realm that your prayers must pass through.
1. Your answers come back through this realm from God.
a. They can be hindered in this area by Satan's forces, which is why we are to be persistent in
prayer until we receive - Luke 18:1-17.
i. Persistence is to overcome the enemy's obstacles, not to convince God -– Daniel 10:12-13.
E. Redeemed mMan (a true Christian) is part spirit being - reborn in spirit through Jesus and given His authority which subjugates the spirit realm.
1. We can affect things in the spirit realm by prayer.
a. Spiritual preparedness - Ephesians 6:11-17.
b. Intercession for others - vs 18.
c. Praying in the spirit, tongues - Romans 8:26 and 1 Corinthians 14:15.
i. Satan's forces do not know what you are praying - 1 Corinthians 14:2.
ii. They don't know enough to stop an answer or who its for.
iii. This is why Satan fights so strongly against tongues; it's a powerful prayer weapon against
his forces that he hates.
A. He is an angelic type being created by God.
1. A Cherub - Ezekiel 28:13-15.
a. A Cherub is a special ruling and guarding class of angel, (can be called a prince) - John 12:27-31.
i. He ruled (covered) the planet earth before his rebellion against God cost him his position -
Ezekiel 28:16-17.
2. As an angelic being, he is called one of the "Sons of God" - Job 1:6.
a. "Sons of God" is merely an expression describing those beings who God made by design, as
though His offspring.
i. Note from whence he came; the earth, his assigned place – Job 2:2.
ii. Note also how God pointed out a righteous man on earth in spite of his efforts to corrupt mankind.
B. His name is Lucifer, which means: Son of the Morning" and "Bright Morning Star" -– Isaiah 14:12-13.
1. Loss of his position in God's Kingdom brought a change in his name.
a. Names were given based on character traits and position.
2. He is now called Satan which is his title, meaning "accuser" (or "accuser of the brethren") which
describes his behavior.
a. He is also referred to as "the devil" which is not a name but a description of his evil and vile
corrupt nature.
b. Devil means slanderer or accuser.
3. His angels and demons still call him by his God given name.
a. They do not consider the rebellion over and assist him in fighting against God and His Word.
C. His original purpose and function was to rule the earth for God as the "covering Cherub" -
Ezekiel 28:14-19 and Job 1:7.
1. It appears that God set Cherubs, ruling or chief angels, as protectors or authorities over specific
items of His creation; which may include other worlds.
a. The Bible only deals with earth, mankind and those things that pertain directly to man.
b. Therefore it does not say much about the rest of God's creation.
2. Lucifer was one of the elite, top-level, ruling beings of the angelic order of seraphim, cherubim,
archangel, etc.
D. As a prince or ruling angel (cherub) he was given great wisdom, power and a magnificent appearance.
1. Wisdom to rule all that was under him as God's agent.
2. Power, might and ability to rule and control spiritual and natural forces as well as physical beings.
NOTE: Satan is not like God who is all knowing; all powerful; and is everywhere present at all times.
a. Satan is limited in knowledge, power, time and space; He can only be in one place at a time.
i. He depends on angels, demons and other spirit beings under him to assist him.
aa. There is a hierarchy or rank of spirit beings under his influence -– Ephesians 6:12
3. He was a magnificent creation - this led to pride and his downfall (rebellion) -– Ezekiel 28:17
and Isaiah 14-13.
II. HIS REBELLION - Isaiah 14:13-14.
A. It appears that he thought more of himself than he should have; then he began to covet money, power,
a greater recognition, a higher position and God's throne.
1. Typical rebellion; "I can do it better myself"; I know more than he does"; "I don't want to do it
his way, I’ll do it my way".
B. He tried to turn the rest of the angels or "Sons of God" against God - Ezekiel 28:18.
1. He filled God's place (sanctuary) with the "iniquity of his traffic".
a. This refers to his slandering God before his own subjects and leading those he could into
open rebellion.
C. The angels that followed him were not in the Cherub class but a lower rank who respected his higher position.
1. He probably took much time to subtly beguile them the same way he worked on Eve in the garden.
NOTE: He was cast down before kings and nations - Isaiah 14:12 and Ezekiel 28:17. This implies that there were beings living on earth and or elsewhere. Some he was able to influence others he did not. This can only be considered theoretically since the Bible only deals with mankind on planet earth.
D. We assume that only the earth and its inhabitants, which were under Lucifer, followed him in the
rebellion along with what other angels joined in.
1. No other inhabited planets in the universe seemed to be involved in this rebellion; (if there are
others that are inhabited which is a possibility given the greatness of God).
a. If such is so, tTheir respective covering Cherubs and inhabitants remained loyal to God - as
may be implied in Matthew 18:11-13.
A. He lost his relationship to God.
1. Thus he lost his God appointed position and authority to rule the earth.
a. Being disenfranchised he is now operating on his own terms.
B. The inhabitants of earth, under his dominion and influence followed him - Isaiah 14:12 and Ezekiel 28:17.
1. This put the whole earth in rebellion against God - Romans 8:19-22.
C. God had to judge the earth in its entirety - Jeremiah 4:23-26.
1. God destroyed the inhabitants and life forms on earth with water.
a. This was not the flood of Noah's day - Genesis 1:2.
i. In the King James Version - "was" is actually "became" in the original language.
ii. Earth was originally created as a livable place - Isaiah 45:18; and 2 Peter 3:5-7.
iii. It was changed into a state of desolate darkness as a result of sin and rebellion of
earth's cherub or guardian angel.
2. The earth remained in this condition of chaos for an unspecified period of time.
a. It was during this time that God began to plan out his program for earth which included
mankind and Satan's continued interference -– Ephesians 1:20 and 1 Peter 1:24.
i. The word "world" comes from "cosmos" and means "social system" referring to mankind.
ii. God planned things concerning man before he formed man and established the social
system of mankind.
3. God then began the six day remaking of the surface of the earth to place it under new leadership - MAN.
a. For which Lucifer became extremely jealous and hateful of man.
IV. SATAN OPPOSES MANKIND (God's representation)
A. He wanted rule of earth back from man.
1. Earth was placed in man's hands - Genesis 1:28.
a. God took His hands off from that time and hence, only intervenes in man's affairs upon
invitation (prayer requests).
B. Satan's wisdom and subtlety at work - Genesis 3:1-4.
1. He shows up in the garden as NACHASH, "the shinning one", and functions as a serpent to mesmerize, beguile wisely deceive God's form, Adam, (actually Eve, Mrs. Adam).
a. Satan's name, Lucifer, means Bright Morning Star; thus the "shinning one" and "mesmerizing
one", (nachash).
i. More wise, subtle than any earthly creature or beast of the field - Genesis 3:1 & Ezekiel 28:17.
2. Man's dominion over earth has been handed over to Satan - Luke 4:6.
a. He is the "god" of this world - 2 Corinthians 4:4
i. In this current degenerate age.
C. Promise of his defeat immediately after his victory over man - Genesis 3:15.
NOTE: Satan has never lost sight of his goal to defeat God and take over His throne. The warfare still goes on. The battleground is the earth and mankind who is made in the image of God and represents God on this earth. Satan thinks he can defeat God by defeating his image and likeness - man. This is why Christ had to come as a man to gain victory over Satan and defeat him. Jesus defeated Satan but did not eliminate him.....yet!
1. His curse, "Upon thy belly shalt thou go.....dust shalt thou eat" shows his punishment is to
experience life as the serpent whose character and nature he utilized to deceive Eve - Genesis 3:14.
a. "Upon thy belly..." is a figure of speech for being brought low, humiliated in disappointment and
failure, and being in subjugation under the foot of the second Adam and redeemed man -
Ephesians 1:20-23 and Luke 10:19.
b. "Dust shalt thou eat..." refers to his feeding on the depravity of fallen mankind, the dust of the earth.
i. This is also a figure of speech of utter humiliation, defeat and subjugation -– Psalm 72:9.
2. We are part of the spiritual warfare that still rages - Ephesians 6:10-12.
a. We, (mankind), are the subjects under attack.
b. Christ gives us what we individually need to withstand him -– Ephesians 6:13-18, & 1 John 4:4 and James 4:7.
3. The earth is the battleground and the object of the conquest.
a. Satan is laying claim to earth, but it belongs to the Lord - Psalm 24:1.
b. If he can gain full control over it, then he has defeated God and won the warfare he originally
set out on.
V. SATAN'S CHARACTER - Diabolical Master Deceiver who resumed his rebellion in the Garden of Eden -
Genesis 3:1.
A. He is a LIAR - John 8:44.
1. The father (progenitor) of lies and liars.
a. No truth is in him, so how can one believe him?
2. He rejected the truth which he abode in when he was in proper relationship to God.
3. Disobedience is to reject truth - 1 John 2:3-5.
a. Lucifer was once in obedience and truth but turned because of the lust he allowed to grow in him.
b. He knows how powerful these lusts are, so he uses them against man.
4. He uses the Word of God but twists it, adds to it or takes away from it so its truth is distorted to mankind.
a. "Hath God said...." - Genesis 3:3; "Ye shall not surely die..." - Genesis 3:4.
i. Satan changed her focus from spiritual death (which happened immediately) to physical death
(which followed as a result years later).
B. He is a MURDERER - John 8:44.
1. Through his tempting and enticing he murdered the whole race of man spiritually.
a. Murderer in Greek means manslayer, slayer of men.
b. Elsewhere the word pheonus (from pheno) "to slay" is used.
C. He is a thief and destroyer - John 10:10
1. He will steal everything from you - spiritual, material and emotional.
2. He will kill you any way he can; crime; disease; wars; disasters or accidents.
3. He will destroy anything about you he can.
a. Your physical, material, emotional and spiritual life.
b. Your testimony for God; your walk and fellowship with God.
c. Your character and nature - which are to reflect God's qualities.
Note: He can and will do these things IF you allow him and don't keep yourself covered the armor of God - Ephesians 6:13-18; and in fellowship with your Father though prayer and the Word - James 4:7-10 and
1 Peter 5:6-9.
D. He is the TEMPTER - Matthew 4:1-3
1. His scheme is to beguile man (God's image) and turn him from God.
a. This also applies to believers whose faith can be weakened and overthrown -– 1 Thessalonians 3:5.
2. When he gets people to sin, especially Christians, he feels a sense of victory.
a. They obey the will (lust or desire) of Satan.
3. His forces of angels and demons carry out his plan of tempting and persecuting man also.
E. He is LUSTFUL - John 8:44.
1. He is the originator and source of lusts - 1 John 3:8.
2. When mankind submitted to Satan in the garden and received their sin nature, it was the rebellious, selfish, prideful nature of Satan they received.
a. "Ye are of your father the devil" - John 8:44.
b. He is the father of the "old man" - Ephesians 4:22-24.
i. Of the self-centered sinful nature of the children of disobedience -– Colossians 3:8-10, Ephesians 2:2.
ii. The spirit of the "old man" is under the influence of Satan.
F. "Accuser of the brethren" - the meaning of his name.
1. He oppresses man by accusation, bringing up past sins, failures and weaknesses to keep him in defeat.
a. "See God, your beloved mankind (in your image) can't make it" -– Revelation 12:10.
2. He repudiates God's Word, both to God and to man.
a. He makes situations and circumstances in your life to try make you doubt the word of God.
i. To not trust God's Word is to not trust God who cannot be separated from His Word.
aa. Trust is Faith; and doubt is the opposite of trust and faith.
b. Satan says; "See, it doesn't work"! Thus, he is the accuser.
G. He is our ADVERSARY - 1 Peter 5:8
1. Adversary is an opponent in a match.
2. He does not fight fair; using trickery and deceit - Ephesians 6:10-12.
3. He will resist and attack any godliness in you - Zechariah 3:1.
A. Imposes his nature on fallen man - John 8:44a.
1. His nature is SELFISHNESS - "I will; I want; I am" - Isaiah 14:12-14.
a. Lust of the flesh; lust of the eye; pride of life - 1 John 2:16.
Note: he used these three areas vulnerability to tempt Eve in the garden. He also used the same three
areas to temp Jesus in the wilderness. Compare Genesis 3:6 with Luke 4:1-13.
B. He causes sickness, death, destruction of life and general misery - John 10:10.
1. This applies to both spiritual and physical life.
a. He robs you of anything he can, especially health - Luke 13:11-16 and Matthew 8:16-17.
b. He will kill you if he gets an opportunity.
i. By sickness, disease or accident.
c. He will destroy your life, your testimony, your marriage, your children or anything you cherish,
if he can.
2. Notice Jesus' work! John 10:10 and 1 John 3:8.
C. He causes oppression by various means - Acts 10:38.
1. The word "oppressed" comes from the Greek word meaning "overpowered"; "exercise hard control
over one"; "to use power against one".
D. An invisible influence - Ephesians 6:12.
1. It's not always man you struggle with, but often the forces motivating man to oppose you.
E. He dominates men to control or motivate them to his desired behavior or action -– Luke 22:3-6.
NOTE: BETRAYAL - Satan can't take unless you, the believer and possessor, yield it up and betray it
to him - Luke 22:47-48.
1. As Peter - Luke 22:31-32
2. Ananias - Acts 5:1-3.
F. He seeks opportunity to get advantage - 2 Corinthians 2:11.
1. To destroy marriage - 1 Corinthians 7:5.
2. To deceive - 2 Corinthians 11:14.
3. To destroy relationships through bitterness, strife and resentment -– Ephesians 4:25-27 and
Hebrews 12:14-15.
G. He works to discredit God's Word (what God said) to you.
1. Done by orchestrating situations and circumstances in your experiences that go contrary to the
Word of God.
a. The purpose is to get you to not trust God or His word for your life -– 1 Peter 5:7-9.
i. This makes you ineffective in the work God has called you to do.
ii. It produces discouragement to the point that almost all faith in God can be lost.
H. He hinders ministers in their task - 1 Thessalonians 2:18.
1. Demonic forces - Acts 16:16-18.
2. The Gospel message - Mark 4:15.
I. He is presently engaged in a desperate struggle.
1. Time is running out, and he gets more desperate as the end draws near.
2. He will be confined to the earth, physically manifested as the beast in the near future - Revelation 12:2-9.
A. Jesus warned of great deception in the last days; so much so that the majority would be deceived -
Matthew 24:5-6, 23-24.
1. Deception is based on lies, truth with error added including signs and wonders -– 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.
2. Satan is working unhindered in most churches by means of the using doctrines of men and demons, counterfeit signs and wonders - 2 Thessalonians 2:8-9.
B. The work of the spirit of antichrist is entirely within the church, not the world -– 1 John 2:18-22.
1. Promoting false doctrines that people like and cling to - 1 Timothy 4:1-2.
a. The "greasy" grace message which says God loves you just the way you are and you don't have
to change (repent).
i. The people think they are "born again" but they continue to live in open and shameful sin
which is a delusion - 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12.
2. He works through preachers and ministers and uses the Word of God; but they use it deceptively -
2 Corinthians 11:14-15.
a. They even use the name of Jesus - Luke 21:7-8.
i. They actually think they are servants of God because of their delusion.
3. Paul describes how such ministers come to be - Acts 20:28-31.
a. Because of their pride and selfishness the spirit of antichrist has easy access to their minds
and hearts changing them into the messengers of Satan within the church.
b. Ministers who have failed to die to self and seek to satisfy their perverse desires -– Jude 4 and 8.
c. Their lusts are open doors for demon spirits and the spirit of antichrist to enter and gain control.
d. They usually harbor hidden and unrepented lusts and begin to hold the truth in unrighteousness - Romans 1:21-25, 32.
NOTE: They harden their hearts against the conviction of the Holy Spirit to cease indulging in their secret sins. Hardening of the heart means one can no longer hear or respond to the Spirit of God. Instead, he responds to the evil spirits and eventually to the spirit of antichrist.
e. They invent or modify doctrines to accommodate their continued lusts and godless behavior.
i. Like the "greasy" grace message to excuse their lasciviousness and lusts.
aa. For money, power (control over people), fame (recognition), sexual immorality; drunkenness, etc.
f. As a result they end up preach a false Christ, another gospel and a perverted concept of the
Grace of God which appeals to many others who want to keep their pet sins.
i. They did not plan it this way, but it's the result of their actions and motives.
g. Then God gives them over to their delusion; they actually believe the error they preach -
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12.
4. Believing that a lie is the truth is how the enemy takes ministers captive for his purpose.
a. The delusion is that believing a lie to justify their unrepented sin will not affect their relationship
with God - Romans 6:1-2.
NOTE: Another doctrine that is popular in many churches is the "anointing". The word Christ actually means anointed. Thus when these preachers say "I am anointed" they are actually saying "I am Christ" - Matthew 24:5. Then these false christs preach in His name using His Word to bring in false doctrines and counterfeit supernatural experiences.
C. The spirit of antichrist loves to put on shows to dazzle audiences with supernatural displays of behavior,
signs and wonders.
1. There are true signs, wonders and miracles, but God does not put on shows.
NOTE: When God performs miracles, signs and wonders, it's by His Holy Spirit who always brings conviction of sin to lead to repentance and righteousness and reveals to man a greater awareness of God, His Kingdom and His holiness.
2. How to recognize the devil's show - there is NO CONVICTION OF SIN, NO REPENTANCE, NO RIGHTEOUSNESS, NO CHANGE OF LIFE.
a. There are manifestations that are amusing, frightening, alarming, unusual, and unnatural; all
attention getting.
3. The devil's shows include things not recorded in the Bible such as people acting like animals;
out of control laughter; convulsions; or people being thrown around the auditorium. And other
unnatural behavior.
a. These deluded preachers will then tell you not regard the scripture saying God is doing a "new thing".
NOTE: When God performs a supernatural sign, wonder or miracle, a person is changed and will never be the same for what God has wrought in his life, be it physical, emotional or spiritual. God does do signs, wonders and miraculous supernatural things for the specific purpose of revealing Himself or something about Him and His Kingdom to a person or people - 1 Kings 18:21-39.
D. The spirit of antichrist will operate covertly until Satan is cast out of the second heaven, (the spirit realm)
and takes on the form of a man - the antichrist.
1. From that time on he operates overtly to rally all nations unto himself to oppose
to return of Jesus.
A. Distant past - Isaiah 14:12-15.
1. He lost his original position in the Kingdom of God.
a. This occurred long before the re-creation of the earth.
B. More recent past - Colossians 2:15 (Genesis 3:15).
1. The resurrection of Christ proved Satan had no lasting power of death -– Hebrews 2:14-15.
a. Satan has been defeated by Christ, but has not yet been eliminated.
C. Present - Luke 10:17-18.
1. All believers have authority over Satan and his forces in Jesus' name -– Matthew 28:18 and
Mark 16:17-18.
2. If we know who Jesus is, what He provided for us, and use what He gave us, we put fear in Satan -
1 John 4:4 and James 4:7.
a. We hand Satan a fresh defeat each time we lead a person to Christ; cast out a demon or bring
healing to some one. See: Matthew 12:29 and Luke 11:20-26; Acts 8:5-7 and 16:16-18;
Matthew 16:19.
D. Future - Revelation 20:1-3.
1. He and his influence will be removed from earth for 1000 years.
a. This will give mankind peace and the opportunity to know the Lord and live godly lives without temptation, deception, interference and opposition to God's Word.
b. He will be let lose briefly to be allowed to tempt those who have lived only under the Lordship
of Christ without a tempter - Revelation 20:7-8.
i. This is to see who will remain faithful and loyal and who will choose to follow Satan.
2. His ultimate destiny - Revelation 20:10.
a. He will be completely and permanently eliminated from ever interfering in God's creation again.