In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth - Genesis 1:1.
The earth was originally inhabited by life-forms as evidenced by fossil remains. Among the many life forms at this time there was no human form known as man. There may have been creatures similar to man but mankind did not come into being until God Himself formed man in His own likeness and image. It is possible that the earth could indeed be millions of years old - Isaiah 45:18; however, from the time that man has inhabited the earth has been a period of approximately only six-thousand years.
During that era in ages past an angelic being, a cherub named Lucifer, was in charge of the earth - Ezekiel 28:13-17. Note: the function of cherubs is to govern, guard or protect specific items, properties and jurisdictions of God. This included the "Tree of Life" - Genesis 3:24, and the "Mercy Seat" on the Ark of the Covenant - Exodus 25:17-22.
However, after a period of time, Lucifer rebelled against God thinking he was more wise and more powerful than God. He thought he could be greater than God himself. So he led some of the angels as well as the inhabitants of the earth in rebellion and attempted to overthrow God and take control - Isaiah 14:12-15.
As a result Lucifer was judged and lost his position of responsibility and authority. He was no longer in charge of planet earth. He was given another name that identifies him by his rebellious nature and behavior - "SATAN" (accuser of the brethren), the devil.
The earth and its inhabitants were also judged since they were under Lucifer's evil influence and followed his lead. Thus the earth was judged by God and became without form and void of all life - Genesis 1:2. This is known as the age of chaos or darkness.
After a period of time, God embarked on a plan to re-introduce life to the earth; thus the re-creation as listed in Genesis 1:3-25. Notice that God did not create anything other than "great whales". Everything else was already in existence but was "allowed" to come forth with His command of "LET the earth bring forth....." etc.
This time the earth would be under the control of a new kind of being that was made in the exact image of God Himself - Genesis 1:26-28. Thus God formed man and gave him authority and control over the earth - Psalm 115:15-16. However, that authority and control was contingent on man's obedience and fellowship with God - Genesis 2:15-17.
Satan (or Lucifer), though he was defeated in his rebellion, was not eliminated; and as such became very jealous of man who was given his former position over the earth. He regarded man as inferior to himself and sought to use his wisdom, trickery and deceit to regain control over the earth. He succeeded by tempting EVE to sin, to disobey God and submit to his will, thus forsaking God's instructions - Genesis 3:1-5.
As a result of his success, Satan again gained control and authority of the earth. He has dominated mankind through sin and rebellion ever since - Luke 4:5-7 and 2 Corinthians 4:3-4. However God, in His omniscience and foreknowledge, knew what would transpire so He already had a plan set up to redeem fallen man, His favored creation, from the sinful state and reconcile him back into fellowship with Him - Ephesians 1:4.
His plan would also give an open show to all creation and the angels of just how wonderful, wise, righteous, loving and just God is. He enacted His plan to redeem mankind and at the same time utterly and shamefully defeating Satan and his angels. That plan required that God Himself would redeem man by putting all that He is in a man - JESUS.
Jesus then fulfilled God's laws and commands introducing the way of redemption for man back into God's presence and fellowship and ultimately adopting man as part of His family - Ephesians 2:13-18 and 2 Corinthians 5:17-19. God, through Jesus defeated Satan on the cross on behalf of mankind. This is the message referred to as “The Gospel”; it is a love story; the story of God’s love for all mankind, and especially for you personally.
Jesus is the author and finisher of this plan for those who believe on Him, accepting His atoning work on the cross and identify with him in the resurrection of new life. Believers in Jesus Christ, as the atoning Son of God, are called Christians as a result of the change in their lifestyle emulating Christ and reflecting His character and nature rather than that of unregenerate man.
Christianity is more than just a religion, since religion is defined as a system of beliefs and worship. What differentiates Christianity from other religions is that Christians have more than just beliefs, they have a personal RELATIONSHIP with God the Creator. Under the Old Covenant (Old Testament) that relationship was that of a sheep and shepherd, as mentioned in Psalm 23. However under the New Covenant (New Testament) through Jesus Christ, that relationship with God is now that of a Father and son, as mentioned in the “Lord’s Prayer” in Matthew 6. No other religion allows for a personal and intimate relationship with God as is provided through Jesus Christ which is called “Christianity”.
Once a person accepts this message of the gospel, he embarks on a new life - Acts 2:37. The lessons that follow explain this new life and prepares the faithful followers to rule and reign with Him for eternity. This new life begins at salvation and continues as a growing and developing process unto full maturity - Ephesians 4:13. What you are about to learn is to equip you with knowledge to help you toward this maturity "unto the full stature (likeness) of Christ. This entire study is based on what is recorded in the Holy Bible which is our source for knowledge of the TRUTH. Thus you will see extensive use of scripture in these study outlines. Please read every scripture listed as it is the source of truth and knowledge.
Accepting and believing that Christ died for your sins to restore your relationship and fellowship with God as spoken by Peter at Pentecost – Acts 2:14, 21, 36-38 and begins Lesson #101 - REPENTANCE, the first of the foundational doctrines of the Bible as listed in Hebrews 6:1-2. This begins our journey in the knowledge of our Lord and His will for us and what he provided for every person.
105 SALAVATION (Soteriology)
108 SIN (Unrighteousness)
113 MAN (Anthropology)
116 ESCHATOLOGY (End Times)
Appendix A: VICTORY – A Historical Overview
Appendix B: LOVE STORY – What Really Happened in the Garden
Appendix C: THE SAMARITAN RESPONSE – True & Effective Ministry
LESSON 101 REPENTANCE: The evidence of a new life
NOTE: A kingdom is the domain of a king and where the king has absolute dominion, thus king + domain = kingdom. The kingdom of God is within (Luke 17:21); this is where He rules by His Spirit, giving direction and inspiration. We are to submit to His rule and direction by an act of our will and denying self so His will is done in and through us. Only then are we are subject to His dominion, subjects of His Kingdom. However, mankind does not submit to God's will and is not fit for God's Kingdom because of his selfish, sinful, lustful and rebellious nature. We are so contrary to the character and nature of God that we are actually His enemies and we have much need to repent - Romans 3:23.
A. John the baptiser's warning - Matthew 3:1-2.
1. Being religious is not acceptable - Matthew 3:7-8
a. Being religious is practicing the works of that religious man-made order; these are called dead works - Hebrews 6:1
i. Dead works are any works man can do on his own in an effort to attain true righteousness, which is known as being self-righteous - Isaiah 64:6.
ii. Dead works are efforts of the flesh, the ability of carnal man by his own natural works.
iii. Man's religious efforts do not qualify him to be righteous; yet these very efforts are in all church sects by their rules and ordinances.
2. The Pharisees were called vipers (poisonous snakes) because their fleshly, selfish works include, and/or lead to sin - Galatians 5:19.
a. This is because of dependency on natural ability to accomplish the work - Romans 3:10
b. Dead works are man's attempt to be righteous, and Jesus condemned this in the Pharisees - Matthew 5:20
3. Paul considered his religious background as dung - Philippians 3:4-8.
a. All his human efforts and works were the equivalent of human waste.
B. Christ's FIRST message preached was REPENT - Matthew 4:17.
1. Repentance not only applies to the individual but also to the church - John 2:13-16.
a. Cleansing is required before the power of the Word can operate.
i. Once cleansed then the Word of God being taught can become effective and teaching truth can begin -
Luke 19:45-47.
ii. Healing then occurs because the Word is sown on fertile ground - Matthew 21:12-14.
C. Preaching repentance is Christ's command to the Apostles - Luke 24:46-47.
D. This was Peter's first message - Acts 2:27-28.
E. Paul continued such preaching - Acts 17:30 & 26:20.
A. Repentance is the evidence of Salvation - 2 Corinthians 5:17.
1. A new creation (nature) has new desires, motives and behavior that is clearly seen.
B. Repentance is a complete change of mind, thoughts, behavior and attitu de towards sin.
1. Change from darkness to light - Acts 26:18.
2. Heading in the opposite direction, from darkness toward the light (of the SON).
a. The unrepentant life still goes on in darkness because that is how it thinks and how it sees.
C. What is changed?
1. From life of SELF (self-ishness & self-centeredness) to GOD CENTERED (righteousness), God filled life consecrated and obedient to Him.
a. Self love and self will as opposed to God's love and God's Will: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, John 15:12, Galatians 5:22 and 1 John 4:3-8.
i. With the life of Christ now abiding within all this is possible.
b. Going on to perfection (completion) is the maturing or spiritual growth process that is supposed to occur after the new birth so you can grow up into the full stature of Christ - which is within you -
2 Peter 1:4-8 and Ephesians 4:12-13.
i. The end result is we ARE like Him - 1 John 3:2, Romans 8:29.
ii. His nature is revealed (seen) in us - 1 John 4:1, 1 John 3:14-16.
2. Gone should be the old way of thinking, and thus the old way of living - Ephesians 4:17-24.
a. Note verse 23 - "spirit of your mind" in the Greek reads, "change after the spirit, your mind".
i. Allow your mind to conform to and think like the perfect spirit (of Christ) that is within each believer.
D. Many Christians are not taught to repent; thus there are unchanged lives in the church.
1. They accept Christ; confess their sins; ask forgiveness, but do not repent, thus there is NO CHANGE.
a. They call themselves Christians, but there is no evidence to support the claim.
i. Confession and forgiveness does not bring change, just acknowledgment of sin; this is NOT change.
E. There can be no conversion without repentance and turning from darkness of thought or deed. Converted means "changed to" - Acts 3:19.
1. Repentance is not remorse or just being sorry, it is change of behavior and thoughts.
2. It does no good to ask God to forgive you if you have no intention to change.
a. You will continue on doing the same things.
F. William Booth, a Methodist minister who was founder of the Salvation Army, foretold the state of Christians in the last days. He saw churches preaching:
1. Religion without the Holy Spirit.
2. Christianity without Christ.
3. Salvation without repentance.
4. Forgiveness without regeneration.
5. Morality without God.
6. Heaven without hell.
G. Paul also foretold of typical Christianity in the last days - 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
1. Notice the worldly, unchanged traits listed.
2. This is the church (in apostasy) having only a form of godliness.
a. The world does not have a form of godliness, so this is the church.
3. The apostates deny the power of God that changes lives.
a. The power of God is to change lives.
b. Flee from such churches and preachers, their doctrine is corrupt and also contagious.
H. Repentance is not only for the new convert, but also for the church that has fallen into lethargy and false doctrines - Revelation 2:5, 16, and 3:3, 19.
1. Repentance is needed whenever and wherever CHANGE is needed.
A. Water baptism is a symbol of repentance - Romans 6:3-6.
1. Die to the old nature and way of life.
2. Bury it (symbolically by baptism).
3. Raise it up again into a new way of living. (More detail in the lesson on Baptisms)
B. Why was Jesus baptized - to demonstrate a public declaration of change.
1. Jesus repented of his past life; (repent means change).
a. His repentance was not for sin but for change in service to his Heavenly Father.
i. Up until this time he served his earthly father and family as the first born son.
b. He declares his change to serve His Heavenly Father and a new family.
i. The new family being the product of redemption - those who accept Him.
c. Then the Heavenly Father acknowledges him - Luke 3:21- 22
2. Thus Jesus gave us the pattern of water baptism to represent putting away the old life, burying it and coming up into the new life, symbolized by water baptism.
A. Knowledge of Christ is not EXPERIENCE with Christ - Matthew 7:21-23.
1. Some profess to know him when actually they only know OF him.
2. They continue in sin, being unchanged.
3. This includes many church members and ministers.
a. They have knowledge but no experience.
b. They are saved in their head, not in the heart.
i. There is no new life because there was no new birth.
B. The repented life does not seek to fulfill or satisfy the carnal nature (self).
1. The new life seeks to satisfy the new nature indwelling in the spirit - 1 John 3:3-7.
2. The new nature (in the image of God) does not desire to sin because it is the full righteousness of Christ -
2 Corinthians 5:21 and Ephesians 4:24.
a. The new nature desires fellowship with God.
i. Sin breaks the desire of fellowship in ones mind - Ezekiel 18:4.
aa. It keeps you from praying because of the sense of guilt.
ii. The enemy loves this and tries to convince you that you are no good and God will not accept you - Satan's lie.
bb. The SOUL (mind) begins to draw back from God due to that sense of shame and begins to spiritually regress (die - separate from God).
3. The repented one does not practice (deliberately continue in) sin - 1 John 5:18.
a. He consciously resists and throws off temptation by focusing on the righteousness of Christ that is in him, thereby, keeping his guard up in his mind.
b. If he sins, he is immediately very aware (convicted) of it and repents - I John 1:9.
i. Failure to do so begins the turning away and hardening process.
ii. The next sin has less of a sense of conviction and continuing in such behavior has fewer restraints.
C. Lack of repentance produces carnal Christians - 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
1. Believers whose lives do not reflect Christ or His righteousness, but an abundance of self or fleshly lusts.
a. They deny the power - the power to change.
A. Confession is acknowledging the condition and agreeing with God that it is contrary to His will and Christ's divine nature (Spirit) that is within you.
1. The "confessor" may confess the same thing over and over unless he repents, changes his mind and attitude towards that behavior which he likes.
2. The truly repentant one STOPS doing the thing confessed.
a. Because he changed his mind (thinking), and thus his behavior - Proverbs 23:7.
B. Confession brings forgiveness - 1 John 1:9.
1. Repentance brings change.
C. Agree with God about your sin; be truthful, you like to xxxxxxxx, but you know it is the opposite of what God wants for you, it is sin.
1. Confess your fault, weakness or craving honestly, then ask for and receive His help to overcome.
a. He is gracious to forgive and He is your strength to overcome.
b. An over-comer is a person who has had something to over-come.
1. One who has fallen and got back up again to continue on doing right.
A. This tears a person apart (destruction) - Matthew 6:22.
1. Two allegiances create conflict of interest.
a. A compromise indicates lack of commitment to changed life and thoughts, or true repentance.
i. Hanging on to the worldly lusts and not being fixed on Christ.
B. Desire for things of the world have the person's attention and affection - Colossians 3:1-2.
1. Lust for things of the world lead to sin - 1 John 2:15-16 and James 1:14-15.
2. Continuing to practice sin creates a hardened heart that eventually will not acknowledge those practices as being sinful.
a. A hardened heart does not respond to the promptings (convicting and leading) of the Holy Spirit.
3. Such a person loses fellowship with God - Hebrews 3:12-15.
a. Sin breaks fellowship in our conscious mind.
b. Sin makes you want to hide from God - Genesis 3:8-10.
VII. Final Comments On Repentance
A. As you repent and ask forgiveness of God, you must also forgive others who have done wrong to you -
Mark 11:25-26.
1. This is also a form of repentance - "I repent of holding ought against _________".
a. You have authority to forgive those who sin against YOU - John 20:23.
i. When you forgive them, God wipes it off their record.
ii. You have followed in Christ-likeness and fulfilled to command to LOVE them - 1 John 3:10-16 and Colossians 3:12-14.
B. We have need for continual repentance until we are able to live free of sin.
1. Jesus died for original sin (sin nature - the old man or Adamic carnal life).
a. His blood covers sins of the past; those committed before accepting Christ and the human tendency to sin.
b. It also has authority over sins of the future that you may commit.
i. Future sins need to be confessed and repented of - I John 1:9.
aa. Such sins are not automatically forgiven because of accepting Christ in the past but need to be confessed and repented of.
(Note: this is dealt with by continual and constant cleansing - the washing of the water of the Word - Ephesians 5:26.)
2. Having the mind completely changed so we conform to His righteousness that indwells us.
a. Believers do go astray by giving into their old nature (self), or by ignorance - 1 John 2:1.
3. We are commanded to live in the new nature that Christ gave us, which does not sin 1 John 3:9 & 5:18.
a. That sinless nature is in our spirit, but we must renew our mind (thoughts) to conform to our reborn and righteous spirit, and keep "self" in subjection in order to achieve this - Colossians 3:10 and
1 Corinthians 9:27.
C. Sinlessness IS attainable despite what many preach; if it wasn't, it would not be in the Bible.
1. It is a command from God - 1 John 3:5-10
2. It is an attribute of God, part of His Divine nature - 2 Peter 1:4.
3. To deny it is an excuse to justify sinning and a "cop out" on a scriptural command - 1 Corinthians 15:34.
4. Scripture records a man who walked so pure that he pleased God - Enoch - Genesis 5:22-24.
a. How about Job - Job 1:8.
i. Would you like God to say this about you?
D. We are to go on to attain perfection (completeness or maturity in Christ) and SELF CONTROL.
1. Our new nature makes provision to attain because IT IS ALREADY the righteousness of God in Christ -
2 Corinthians 5:21 and 1 Corinthians 1:30.
Note: More detail on being sinless is covered in lesson 108 SIN (Hamartiolgy).
2. Our old nature takes over as we yield to fleshly lusts.
a. Therefore the need for additional repentance if and when the need occurs.
i. Complete and total forgiveness is given by Him - Hebrews 10:17.
ii. So no need of guilt and condemnation - Romans 8:1, (note the condition).
E. Christ has made us free from (the need to) sin and made provision for us to live free of it - Romans 6:1-23.
1. Discipline your thinking to see things this way.
a. This is the way God sees you - as righteous through Christ.
A. Renewing the mind is a must to live the redeemed life without guilt, fear and condemnation - Romans 12:2.
1. Think as God would have you think - His way.
a. Think as instructed according to His Word.
In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth - Genesis 1:1.
The earth was originally inhabited by life-forms as evidenced by fossil remains. Among the many life forms at this time there was no human form known as man. There may have been creatures similar to man but mankind did not come into being until God Himself formed man in His own likeness and image. It is possible that the earth could indeed be millions of years old - Isaiah 45:18; however, from the time that man has inhabited the earth has been a period of approximately only six-thousand years.
During that era in ages past an angelic being, a cherub named Lucifer, was in charge of the earth - Ezekiel 28:13-17. Note: the function of cherubs is to govern, guard or protect specific items, properties and jurisdictions of God. This included the "Tree of Life" - Genesis 3:24, and the "Mercy Seat" on the Ark of the Covenant - Exodus 25:17-22.
However, after a period of time, Lucifer rebelled against God thinking he was more wise and more powerful than God. He thought he could be greater than God himself. So he led some of the angels as well as the inhabitants of the earth in rebellion and attempted to overthrow God and take control - Isaiah 14:12-15.
As a result Lucifer was judged and lost his position of responsibility and authority. He was no longer in charge of planet earth. He was given another name that identifies him by his rebellious nature and behavior - "SATAN" (accuser of the brethren), the devil.
The earth and its inhabitants were also judged since they were under Lucifer's evil influence and followed his lead. Thus the earth was judged by God and became without form and void of all life - Genesis 1:2. This is known as the age of chaos or darkness.
After a period of time, God embarked on a plan to re-introduce life to the earth; thus the re-creation as listed in Genesis 1:3-25. Notice that God did not create anything other than "great whales". Everything else was already in existence but was "allowed" to come forth with His command of "LET the earth bring forth....." etc.
This time the earth would be under the control of a new kind of being that was made in the exact image of God Himself - Genesis 1:26-28. Thus God formed man and gave him authority and control over the earth - Psalm 115:15-16. However, that authority and control was contingent on man's obedience and fellowship with God - Genesis 2:15-17.
Satan (or Lucifer), though he was defeated in his rebellion, was not eliminated; and as such became very jealous of man who was given his former position over the earth. He regarded man as inferior to himself and sought to use his wisdom, trickery and deceit to regain control over the earth. He succeeded by tempting EVE to sin, to disobey God and submit to his will, thus forsaking God's instructions - Genesis 3:1-5.
As a result of his success, Satan again gained control and authority of the earth. He has dominated mankind through sin and rebellion ever since - Luke 4:5-7 and 2 Corinthians 4:3-4. However God, in His omniscience and foreknowledge, knew what would transpire so He already had a plan set up to redeem fallen man, His favored creation, from the sinful state and reconcile him back into fellowship with Him - Ephesians 1:4.
His plan would also give an open show to all creation and the angels of just how wonderful, wise, righteous, loving and just God is. He enacted His plan to redeem mankind and at the same time utterly and shamefully defeating Satan and his angels. That plan required that God Himself would redeem man by putting all that He is in a man - JESUS.
Jesus then fulfilled God's laws and commands introducing the way of redemption for man back into God's presence and fellowship and ultimately adopting man as part of His family - Ephesians 2:13-18 and 2 Corinthians 5:17-19. God, through Jesus defeated Satan on the cross on behalf of mankind. This is the message referred to as “The Gospel”; it is a love story; the story of God’s love for all mankind, and especially for you personally.
Jesus is the author and finisher of this plan for those who believe on Him, accepting His atoning work on the cross and identify with him in the resurrection of new life. Believers in Jesus Christ, as the atoning Son of God, are called Christians as a result of the change in their lifestyle emulating Christ and reflecting His character and nature rather than that of unregenerate man.
Christianity is more than just a religion, since religion is defined as a system of beliefs and worship. What differentiates Christianity from other religions is that Christians have more than just beliefs, they have a personal RELATIONSHIP with God the Creator. Under the Old Covenant (Old Testament) that relationship was that of a sheep and shepherd, as mentioned in Psalm 23. However under the New Covenant (New Testament) through Jesus Christ, that relationship with God is now that of a Father and son, as mentioned in the “Lord’s Prayer” in Matthew 6. No other religion allows for a personal and intimate relationship with God as is provided through Jesus Christ which is called “Christianity”.
Once a person accepts this message of the gospel, he embarks on a new life - Acts 2:37. The lessons that follow explain this new life and prepares the faithful followers to rule and reign with Him for eternity. This new life begins at salvation and continues as a growing and developing process unto full maturity - Ephesians 4:13. What you are about to learn is to equip you with knowledge to help you toward this maturity "unto the full stature (likeness) of Christ. This entire study is based on what is recorded in the Holy Bible which is our source for knowledge of the TRUTH. Thus you will see extensive use of scripture in these study outlines. Please read every scripture listed as it is the source of truth and knowledge.
Accepting and believing that Christ died for your sins to restore your relationship and fellowship with God as spoken by Peter at Pentecost – Acts 2:14, 21, 36-38 and begins Lesson #101 - REPENTANCE, the first of the foundational doctrines of the Bible as listed in Hebrews 6:1-2. This begins our journey in the knowledge of our Lord and His will for us and what he provided for every person.
105 SALAVATION (Soteriology)
108 SIN (Unrighteousness)
113 MAN (Anthropology)
116 ESCHATOLOGY (End Times)
Appendix A: VICTORY – A Historical Overview
Appendix B: LOVE STORY – What Really Happened in the Garden
Appendix C: THE SAMARITAN RESPONSE – True & Effective Ministry
LESSON 101 REPENTANCE: The evidence of a new life
NOTE: A kingdom is the domain of a king and where the king has absolute dominion, thus king + domain = kingdom. The kingdom of God is within (Luke 17:21); this is where He rules by His Spirit, giving direction and inspiration. We are to submit to His rule and direction by an act of our will and denying self so His will is done in and through us. Only then are we are subject to His dominion, subjects of His Kingdom. However, mankind does not submit to God's will and is not fit for God's Kingdom because of his selfish, sinful, lustful and rebellious nature. We are so contrary to the character and nature of God that we are actually His enemies and we have much need to repent - Romans 3:23.
A. John the baptiser's warning - Matthew 3:1-2.
1. Being religious is not acceptable - Matthew 3:7-8
a. Being religious is practicing the works of that religious man-made order; these are called dead works - Hebrews 6:1
i. Dead works are any works man can do on his own in an effort to attain true righteousness, which is known as being self-righteous - Isaiah 64:6.
ii. Dead works are efforts of the flesh, the ability of carnal man by his own natural works.
iii. Man's religious efforts do not qualify him to be righteous; yet these very efforts are in all church sects by their rules and ordinances.
2. The Pharisees were called vipers (poisonous snakes) because their fleshly, selfish works include, and/or lead to sin - Galatians 5:19.
a. This is because of dependency on natural ability to accomplish the work - Romans 3:10
b. Dead works are man's attempt to be righteous, and Jesus condemned this in the Pharisees - Matthew 5:20
3. Paul considered his religious background as dung - Philippians 3:4-8.
a. All his human efforts and works were the equivalent of human waste.
B. Christ's FIRST message preached was REPENT - Matthew 4:17.
1. Repentance not only applies to the individual but also to the church - John 2:13-16.
a. Cleansing is required before the power of the Word can operate.
i. Once cleansed then the Word of God being taught can become effective and teaching truth can begin -
Luke 19:45-47.
ii. Healing then occurs because the Word is sown on fertile ground - Matthew 21:12-14.
C. Preaching repentance is Christ's command to the Apostles - Luke 24:46-47.
D. This was Peter's first message - Acts 2:27-28.
E. Paul continued such preaching - Acts 17:30 & 26:20.
A. Repentance is the evidence of Salvation - 2 Corinthians 5:17.
1. A new creation (nature) has new desires, motives and behavior that is clearly seen.
B. Repentance is a complete change of mind, thoughts, behavior and attitu de towards sin.
1. Change from darkness to light - Acts 26:18.
2. Heading in the opposite direction, from darkness toward the light (of the SON).
a. The unrepentant life still goes on in darkness because that is how it thinks and how it sees.
C. What is changed?
1. From life of SELF (self-ishness & self-centeredness) to GOD CENTERED (righteousness), God filled life consecrated and obedient to Him.
a. Self love and self will as opposed to God's love and God's Will: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, John 15:12, Galatians 5:22 and 1 John 4:3-8.
i. With the life of Christ now abiding within all this is possible.
b. Going on to perfection (completion) is the maturing or spiritual growth process that is supposed to occur after the new birth so you can grow up into the full stature of Christ - which is within you -
2 Peter 1:4-8 and Ephesians 4:12-13.
i. The end result is we ARE like Him - 1 John 3:2, Romans 8:29.
ii. His nature is revealed (seen) in us - 1 John 4:1, 1 John 3:14-16.
2. Gone should be the old way of thinking, and thus the old way of living - Ephesians 4:17-24.
a. Note verse 23 - "spirit of your mind" in the Greek reads, "change after the spirit, your mind".
i. Allow your mind to conform to and think like the perfect spirit (of Christ) that is within each believer.
D. Many Christians are not taught to repent; thus there are unchanged lives in the church.
1. They accept Christ; confess their sins; ask forgiveness, but do not repent, thus there is NO CHANGE.
a. They call themselves Christians, but there is no evidence to support the claim.
i. Confession and forgiveness does not bring change, just acknowledgment of sin; this is NOT change.
E. There can be no conversion without repentance and turning from darkness of thought or deed. Converted means "changed to" - Acts 3:19.
1. Repentance is not remorse or just being sorry, it is change of behavior and thoughts.
2. It does no good to ask God to forgive you if you have no intention to change.
a. You will continue on doing the same things.
F. William Booth, a Methodist minister who was founder of the Salvation Army, foretold the state of Christians in the last days. He saw churches preaching:
1. Religion without the Holy Spirit.
2. Christianity without Christ.
3. Salvation without repentance.
4. Forgiveness without regeneration.
5. Morality without God.
6. Heaven without hell.
G. Paul also foretold of typical Christianity in the last days - 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
1. Notice the worldly, unchanged traits listed.
2. This is the church (in apostasy) having only a form of godliness.
a. The world does not have a form of godliness, so this is the church.
3. The apostates deny the power of God that changes lives.
a. The power of God is to change lives.
b. Flee from such churches and preachers, their doctrine is corrupt and also contagious.
H. Repentance is not only for the new convert, but also for the church that has fallen into lethargy and false doctrines - Revelation 2:5, 16, and 3:3, 19.
1. Repentance is needed whenever and wherever CHANGE is needed.
A. Water baptism is a symbol of repentance - Romans 6:3-6.
1. Die to the old nature and way of life.
2. Bury it (symbolically by baptism).
3. Raise it up again into a new way of living. (More detail in the lesson on Baptisms)
B. Why was Jesus baptized - to demonstrate a public declaration of change.
1. Jesus repented of his past life; (repent means change).
a. His repentance was not for sin but for change in service to his Heavenly Father.
i. Up until this time he served his earthly father and family as the first born son.
b. He declares his change to serve His Heavenly Father and a new family.
i. The new family being the product of redemption - those who accept Him.
c. Then the Heavenly Father acknowledges him - Luke 3:21- 22
2. Thus Jesus gave us the pattern of water baptism to represent putting away the old life, burying it and coming up into the new life, symbolized by water baptism.
A. Knowledge of Christ is not EXPERIENCE with Christ - Matthew 7:21-23.
1. Some profess to know him when actually they only know OF him.
2. They continue in sin, being unchanged.
3. This includes many church members and ministers.
a. They have knowledge but no experience.
b. They are saved in their head, not in the heart.
i. There is no new life because there was no new birth.
B. The repented life does not seek to fulfill or satisfy the carnal nature (self).
1. The new life seeks to satisfy the new nature indwelling in the spirit - 1 John 3:3-7.
2. The new nature (in the image of God) does not desire to sin because it is the full righteousness of Christ -
2 Corinthians 5:21 and Ephesians 4:24.
a. The new nature desires fellowship with God.
i. Sin breaks the desire of fellowship in ones mind - Ezekiel 18:4.
aa. It keeps you from praying because of the sense of guilt.
ii. The enemy loves this and tries to convince you that you are no good and God will not accept you - Satan's lie.
bb. The SOUL (mind) begins to draw back from God due to that sense of shame and begins to spiritually regress (die - separate from God).
3. The repented one does not practice (deliberately continue in) sin - 1 John 5:18.
a. He consciously resists and throws off temptation by focusing on the righteousness of Christ that is in him, thereby, keeping his guard up in his mind.
b. If he sins, he is immediately very aware (convicted) of it and repents - I John 1:9.
i. Failure to do so begins the turning away and hardening process.
ii. The next sin has less of a sense of conviction and continuing in such behavior has fewer restraints.
C. Lack of repentance produces carnal Christians - 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
1. Believers whose lives do not reflect Christ or His righteousness, but an abundance of self or fleshly lusts.
a. They deny the power - the power to change.
A. Confession is acknowledging the condition and agreeing with God that it is contrary to His will and Christ's divine nature (Spirit) that is within you.
1. The "confessor" may confess the same thing over and over unless he repents, changes his mind and attitude towards that behavior which he likes.
2. The truly repentant one STOPS doing the thing confessed.
a. Because he changed his mind (thinking), and thus his behavior - Proverbs 23:7.
B. Confession brings forgiveness - 1 John 1:9.
1. Repentance brings change.
C. Agree with God about your sin; be truthful, you like to xxxxxxxx, but you know it is the opposite of what God wants for you, it is sin.
1. Confess your fault, weakness or craving honestly, then ask for and receive His help to overcome.
a. He is gracious to forgive and He is your strength to overcome.
b. An over-comer is a person who has had something to over-come.
1. One who has fallen and got back up again to continue on doing right.
A. This tears a person apart (destruction) - Matthew 6:22.
1. Two allegiances create conflict of interest.
a. A compromise indicates lack of commitment to changed life and thoughts, or true repentance.
i. Hanging on to the worldly lusts and not being fixed on Christ.
B. Desire for things of the world have the person's attention and affection - Colossians 3:1-2.
1. Lust for things of the world lead to sin - 1 John 2:15-16 and James 1:14-15.
2. Continuing to practice sin creates a hardened heart that eventually will not acknowledge those practices as being sinful.
a. A hardened heart does not respond to the promptings (convicting and leading) of the Holy Spirit.
3. Such a person loses fellowship with God - Hebrews 3:12-15.
a. Sin breaks fellowship in our conscious mind.
b. Sin makes you want to hide from God - Genesis 3:8-10.
VII. Final Comments On Repentance
A. As you repent and ask forgiveness of God, you must also forgive others who have done wrong to you -
Mark 11:25-26.
1. This is also a form of repentance - "I repent of holding ought against _________".
a. You have authority to forgive those who sin against YOU - John 20:23.
i. When you forgive them, God wipes it off their record.
ii. You have followed in Christ-likeness and fulfilled to command to LOVE them - 1 John 3:10-16 and Colossians 3:12-14.
B. We have need for continual repentance until we are able to live free of sin.
1. Jesus died for original sin (sin nature - the old man or Adamic carnal life).
a. His blood covers sins of the past; those committed before accepting Christ and the human tendency to sin.
b. It also has authority over sins of the future that you may commit.
i. Future sins need to be confessed and repented of - I John 1:9.
aa. Such sins are not automatically forgiven because of accepting Christ in the past but need to be confessed and repented of.
(Note: this is dealt with by continual and constant cleansing - the washing of the water of the Word - Ephesians 5:26.)
2. Having the mind completely changed so we conform to His righteousness that indwells us.
a. Believers do go astray by giving into their old nature (self), or by ignorance - 1 John 2:1.
3. We are commanded to live in the new nature that Christ gave us, which does not sin 1 John 3:9 & 5:18.
a. That sinless nature is in our spirit, but we must renew our mind (thoughts) to conform to our reborn and righteous spirit, and keep "self" in subjection in order to achieve this - Colossians 3:10 and
1 Corinthians 9:27.
C. Sinlessness IS attainable despite what many preach; if it wasn't, it would not be in the Bible.
1. It is a command from God - 1 John 3:5-10
2. It is an attribute of God, part of His Divine nature - 2 Peter 1:4.
3. To deny it is an excuse to justify sinning and a "cop out" on a scriptural command - 1 Corinthians 15:34.
4. Scripture records a man who walked so pure that he pleased God - Enoch - Genesis 5:22-24.
a. How about Job - Job 1:8.
i. Would you like God to say this about you?
D. We are to go on to attain perfection (completeness or maturity in Christ) and SELF CONTROL.
1. Our new nature makes provision to attain because IT IS ALREADY the righteousness of God in Christ -
2 Corinthians 5:21 and 1 Corinthians 1:30.
Note: More detail on being sinless is covered in lesson 108 SIN (Hamartiolgy).
2. Our old nature takes over as we yield to fleshly lusts.
a. Therefore the need for additional repentance if and when the need occurs.
i. Complete and total forgiveness is given by Him - Hebrews 10:17.
ii. So no need of guilt and condemnation - Romans 8:1, (note the condition).
E. Christ has made us free from (the need to) sin and made provision for us to live free of it - Romans 6:1-23.
1. Discipline your thinking to see things this way.
a. This is the way God sees you - as righteous through Christ.
A. Renewing the mind is a must to live the redeemed life without guilt, fear and condemnation - Romans 12:2.
1. Think as God would have you think - His way.
a. Think as instructed according to His Word.