A. He is the presence of God on the earth with man.
1. His work with man began when Christ completed His task - John 16:5-7.
a. The present age is known as the "church age"; the "age of grace" and the "age of the Holy Spirit".
B. He confirms the word of God by doing the works of God in response to His Word -– Mark 16:20.
1. He makes the Word (we believe) work.
a. He does the supernatural that was promised as we trust in it and speak it -– Mark 16:15-18 and
John 14:12.
C. The Holy Spirit was involved in the re-creation listed in - Genesis 1:2, 26.
1. In verse we see the Holy Spirit "pondering" (brooding or hovering) in meditation as He planned for man
and his environs.
a. This is where the plan of redemption was figured out, before the foundation of the social order of
the earth.
D. Do not confuse the Holy Spirit with the rest of the Trinity
1. God is SPIRIT - John 4:24
a. Because He is not flesh and blood and cannot be classified in any other human terms.
b. The Holy Spirit is identified apart from God - Isaiah 48:16.
2. Jesus has His OWN spirit - Luke 23:46.
a. His spirit is also "Holy".
b. It is Jesus' Spirit that is received at salvation - Galatians 4:6.
i. Prayer: "Come into my heart Lord Jesus, I accept you as my savior", and His Spirit enters because
His body can't.
ii. It is Jesus' Spirit that indwells us.
c. Jesus breathed "His" Spirit (which is Holy) on the disciples which brought their regeneration -
John 20:22.
i. THE Holy Spirit came on them in Acts 2:,1-2, (refer also to Luke 24:49).
ii. THE Holy Spirit came on Jesus in the same way and remained - John 1:32-33.
iii. THE Holy Spirit comes upon us in the same way for the same purpose -– Acts 8:14-17.
d. It was the Spirit of Christ that inspired the Old Testament prophets and scriptures - 1 Peter 1:10-11.
i. It was the Spirit of Christ that took physical form and appeared to Abraham - Genesis 18.
3. The Holy Spirit is also a "spirit" - God's presence (heart) abiding with us.
a. He is called the "spirit" and "the Spirit of God".
4. He is sent by both the Father and the Son - John 15:26.
A. He is a person but just can't be seen.
1. In KVJ, "Holy Ghost" means Holy Phantom because He can't be seen physically.
B. His character and attributes are revealed by various names used to describe Him -– Isaiah 11:2 (ref. Rev. 1:4)
1. Comforter - John 14:16
2. Truth - John 14:17
3. Grace (as the revealer of) - Hebrews 10:29.
C. Has a mind of his own - Romans 8:27.
A. He is like the very "heart" of God.
1. He is the most tender and sensitive part of the Godhead.
NOTE: When a loved one leaves, you may say, " I'll be with you". You can't really, but it is your heart's desire and will that goes with them. The Holy Spirit (like the heart of God) can actually go with the one loved. He goes with each of us at all times.
B. The Holy Spirit can be "grieved" - Ephesians 4:29-31.
1. He will not manifest in an environment like this because such behavior offends him - 1 Thessalonians 5:19.
NOTE: If you ever came into a place where two people were arguing and you were not part of the argument, you probably felt your heart (spirit) "knot up" because it was offended by the hostile environment. So it is with the Holy Spirit.
2. An environment of envy, strife or hostility grieves the Holy Spirit but welcomes Satan's demons -
James 3:16.
a. Such conditions are frequently found in the church.
b. No wonder there are such problems and lack of God's presence and power in our churches.
i. His presence and power comes by the Holy Spirit.
C. Why is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit the unpardonable sin - Matthew 12:31?
1. The Holy Spirit, as the tender heart of God, is severely hurt when He is called evil, unclean and labeled or classified with the vileness of the devil - Matthew 12:22-28.
a. Blasphemy is speaking evil of, or speaking against the Holy Spirit -– Matthew 12:32.
b. Some churches are guilty of this behavior, saying the gifts of the Spirit (tongues, etc.) are of the devil.
2. This sin is not forgiven because the Holy Spirit, who brings conviction of sin, is so offended by that
person that He leaves and will stay away from him.
a. Therefore, that person cannot be convicted of sin and be led to Jesus for regeneration.
NOTE: Preachers, who hopefully, are already saved and who preach in ignorance, have already had their sins forgiven and accepted Christ. The result of their abuse of the Holy Spirit will be an absence of His presence and the manifestation of His power and giftings in their ministry and churches. The Holy Spirit will reveal Jesus and convict those who hear such preachers, but that is because the Holy Spirit confirms the Word which was spoken, he does not confirm/endorse such a man's ministry.
A. With unbelievers - John 16:7-12.
1. He convicts of sin leading sinners to Christ, to forgiveness and repentance.
a. He convinces them of their need for Jesus.
2. He exposes (reveals) righteousness so that sin can be fully recognized for the evil that it is.
a. The Holy Spirit shows true righteousness to man by revealing Christ who is true righteousness.
3. He convinces the world of Satan's destiny.
a. He exposes clearly the difference between sin and righteousness, leaving no questions.
NOTE: He also continues to deal with sin in the lives of believers. He gently does this until such time that they harden their hearts to the point that they can't hear or respond to His convicting work.
4. He conveys the Grace (love) of God to men.
a. He reveals all that God provides for man's needs to bring him into fellowship with God.
B. The Holy Spirit's function with Christ.
1. Though Jesus is the divine Son of God, He laid down His divine powers to take on the limitations
of mortal man.
2. The supernatural powers He demonstrated were by the working of the Holy Spirit -– Acts 10:38.
a. Jesus did no miracles until after He was Baptized (equipped) by the Holy Spirit -–
Luke 3:21-22 and John 2:11.
i. Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to be tested by Satan - Luke 4:1-13.
ii. Then He returned to begin His ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit -– Luke 4:14-15, 18.
3. Jesus performed His ministry in total harmony with the Holy Spirit.
a. He employed all the gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in - 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.
b. Jesus also exhibited all the fruits of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22-23.
c. Jesus' life demonstrated being led of the Spirit.
i. The Holy Spirit gave Him the power (ability) to minister supernaturally; to proclaim and
demonstrate the Kingdom of God.
ii. The power of the Holy Spirit is provided to us for the same purpose (as will be explained later).
4. The presence of the Holy Spirit manifesting the power of God is called the "anointing";. (This is much abused in some churches/ministries).
a. Christ (Messiah) means "The Anointed One"; referring to being anointed of the Holy Spirit who remained on Him - John 1:33.
b. Christian (a follower of Christ) means "little anointed one".
5. He always reveals Jesus - 1 John 5:7.
a. Points to Jesus and the Word via testimony/witness.
C. The Holy Spirit's work in and with believers.
NOTE: Most us do not realize the critical role the Holy Spirit performs in our lives. His task is to purify and cleanse the church/saints - John 16:7-11. He is more than a comforter giving good feeling; He is sent to lead and guide us - Romans 8:14; to teach us John 14:26; guide us into all truth - John 16:13; not just doctrinal truth but transforming truth. His purpose is to change us and transform us into the image of Jesus through sanctification - 2 Thessalonians 2:13 and 1 Peter 1:2.
1. He gives revelation of Jesus and the Kingdom.
a. He reveals Christ in a greater way - John 15:26.
i. This causes praise and worship - Eph. 5:14 and 18.
ii. This revelation is for believers, not unbelievers.
b. He gives knowledge of God's Word and reveals truths and mysteries -– John 14:26, John 16:12-15.
2. He directs the work of the ministry - Acts 16:7 & 11:11-12.
a. He will lead men - Romans 8:14.
3. He gives power (supernatural ability) to minister and carry on the work that Jesus began - Acts 1:8
a. Just as He did it - John 14:12, 16 & 17.
4. He works with the Word of God (the seed sown) to help it reproduce Christ in us.
a. By watering the weed with the Word giving knowledge and understanding.
b. By cultivating and weeding - revealing sins (choking weeds) that are in our lives.
c. To lead us in the paths of righteousness to reproduce the Sons of God.
NOTE: The Holy Spirit prepares us and makes us ready for the "Adoption as Sons" - Romans 8:14-15. We do not automatically receive "adoption" any more than we automatically receive the "fullness" of Christ. If we never grow spiritually we will never be placed as son and granted the authority to rule with Christ - John 1:12 and Romans 8:14. "As many as are led by the Spirit, they are the sons of God". Salvation makes you a child of God, but you need to mature to be a son who is vested with the inheritance of the Father. This is the work of the Holy Spirit in the saints.
V. The Holy Spirit empowers believers to carry on the Work Jesus began.
A. Jesus sends the Holy Spirit - Luke 3:6.
B. The Holy Spirit gives divine power for ministry - Acts 1:8.
C. Jesus commanded that no ministry begin until this ability was received - Luke 24:49.
D. The power came as a result of unity - Acts 1:8 & 2:2-4.
E. The power continued to come - Acts 4:31 and 4:33.
F. The power was given over and over - Acts 19:1-6.
G. The power brings revival - Acts 19:11-20.
a. Power produces signs, wonders and miracles (of God's love).
i. Ability to cast out demons also - Matthew 22:28
H. Paul depended on this power - 1 Corinthians 2:4-5.
I. This power is for all believers - Mark 16:17-18 and Acts 2:39.
a. The Holy Spirit determines who uses what, etc. - 1 Corinthians 12:6-7, 11, 29-31.
J. Jesus commanded His disciples to teach others the same things He taught and showed them -
Matthew 28:20.
a. This includes the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit.
NOTE: The Holy Spirit is the same source of the same power for the same anointing for the same ministry and comes upon us in the same manner it came upon Jesus. Note also the conditions for this power - John 14:15.
VI. The gifts of the Holy Spirit to equip us to minister to others are to continue throughout the church age
until Jesus returns - 1 Corinthians 1:7.
A. The gifts are given by God's love to benefit others to whom we minister to and show His Love to -
1 Corinthians 12:7.
B. The church, relying on man's limited ability, has not won the world to Christ because it lacks the
power tools to demonstrate God's Love - 1 Corinthians 2:5.
C. How is this power received? The same way Jesus received it; by being baptized (overwhelmed or immersed) in the Holy Spirit.
1. This is an act of faith acceptance just like receiving Jesus as savoir.
ii. Accept the fact by faith.
V. BAPTISM OF FIRE - Matthew 3:11.
A. Fire purifies and perfect our character, burning out the "old man" while renewing and strengthening us
in our spirit.
1. The Holy Spirit leads us into and through trials and tribulations - Romans 5:3-5 and James 1:2-4.
a. Jesus endured such testing and proving - Luke 4:1-2.
b. We are to follow and not resist - 1 Peter 5:12-13.
2. The process destroys the "old man" so the new man, the image of Christ can be formed in us -
Colossians 1:27.
a. This is actually Gods love at work - Ephesians 3:13-19.
i. It is His will to achieve the ultimate for us and in us - John 16:33.
3. The selfish, carnal nature must be eliminated from us so we don't carry it with us into His kingdom.
a. Most believers think they will change when they get to heaven.
b. God wants us to changed here and now - so He has a FIRE for us to walk through - Isaiah 43:1-2.
VI. Gifts Of the Holy Spirit
A. Divine equipping gifts of ability that only comes from the Holy Spirit -– 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.
1. Three Gifts of Revelation (knowing & understanding):
a. Word of Wisdom - divine ability to rightly apply knowledge; and having insight into divine will and
purpose of God; revelation of how to solve problems and apply knowledge.
b. Word of Knowledge - divine revelation that one could not possibly know otherwise, and covers
both the affairs of man and the plans of God.
c. Discerning of spirits - insight into the realm of the spirit and recognition of demonic activity and evil
intents and personality of the spirit motivating man.
i. It also helps in recognizing the spirit of men, whether it is right or wrong.
2. Three Vocal Gifts (speaking by divine inspiration):
a. Prophecy - speaking in known language to men for edification, exhortation, instruction, correction,
revelation and comfort by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and not conceived by human thought or effort.
NOTE: Man can speak/prophesy by one of three spirits - the Holy Spirit; his own spirit or out of his own heart; by an evil spirit. Most general prophecy comes out of the heart/spirit of man.
b. Tongues - speaking out in language not learned or known by the one speaking.
i. Three purposes for speaking in tongues are:
aa. Praying to God without the interference and the limitations of the natural mind and it builds oneself up in understanding - 1 Corinthians 14:2, and 14:14-15,.
ii. Building up ones faith - 1 Corinthians 14:4 and Jude 20.
iii. Speaking to men accompanied with an interpretation and functions as a supernatural sign to unbelievers and provides edification as does prophecy - 1 Corinthians 14:4, 13, 22-28.
c. Interpretation of Tongues - a supernatural speaking which interprets (sometimes an exact translation)
a message in a language unknown to the one interpreting.
i. Produces a similar result as prophecy, except it has a spectacular supernatural demonstration
which is a sign to unbelievers.
3. Three Gifts of Power (supernatural ability):
a. Faith - supernatural ability to act or do an impossible task without the element of doubt, unbelief
or human reasoning.
b. Gifts of Healing - supernatural ability to impart healing of all manner of sickness or malady without human aid or medicine.
i. The plural of "Gifts" implies that there are many gifts, each one suited for healing of a specific
kind of infirmity.
c. Working of Miracles - supernatural ability to intervene in the ordinary course of nature and to
counteract natural laws.
i. Miracles are things that cannot possibly occur in the natural realm.
ii. Casting out demons is called a miracle because it is something that occurs only in the supernatural realm - John 9:38-39.
B. The Holy Spirit nurtures, waters and cultivates the necessary FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT which is the character and nature of God - Galatians 5:22-23.
1. This fruit is the quality of His image and likeness that manifests in our lives and MUST be seen in His people - John 15:1-8.
a. It is the life of Christ, the vine, that becomes evident.
b. This fruit is not man's works as many have assumed - John 15:4.
i. Man is able to produce works without Christ; but, man cannot produce the Fruit of the Spirit
unless he is intimately and constantly tied into Christ.
2. This fruit MUST be seen in those who are His servants or ministers, otherwise they are not to be listened
to - Matthew 7:15-20.
a. It's not man's works but Christ's character and nature that is the FRUIT that must be seen.
b. Many ministers are doing "their own thing" which is rebellion (iniquity) -– Matthew 7:21-23.
i. "Never knew" does not mean they were not "saved"; it means they were never really close to,
(intimate with), Him.
NOTE: the Word "knew" is the same word used for when a man "knew" his wife in an intimate act; this refers to having the closest possible personal knowledge of another. The story of Martha and Mary also typifies those who are busy doing their own thing (service) compared to those who take time to intimately know Him, to hear His voice, and do as He says - see Luke 10:38-42).
ii. Such ministers are building man's church, not Christ's church.
aa. They are doing things "their way" - the way they were taught to by man in seminary or
traditional Bible college.
bb. They have not taken time to hear from Him or be led of the Spirit.
iii. Since they are not "Obedient" then they are “disobedient" which is iniquity or rebellion.
c. They produce a church that is man centered, not Christ centered.
i. It reflects man's personality traits, programs, organization, rules and requires membership (which
is for control of the people).
ii. It has a "form of godliness, but denies the power thereof" - 2 Timothy 3:5.
aa. Power to change into the image of Christ, more on this topic later).
bb. We are to "turn away" from such.
3. Whose house is being built? - CHRIST'S ! - Matt. 7:24-27.
a. The wise man is obedient and does things Christ's way which produces a strong house/church/saints.
i. It can stand when the storms of life hit. Why?.....because faith was built on truth and a solid
doctrinal foundation.
b. The foolish man is disobedient and does things man's way produces a weak house/church/saints.
i. It cannot stand when the storms of life hit. Why?.....because faith was not built on truth but on
man's doctrines, dogma, rituals and religious pretense.
c. Note another reference to those who are wise compared to those who are foolish -– Matthew 25:1-12.
NOTE: Most scholars agree that the Holy Spirit is the spiritual oil of God that fuels spiritual fire/lights. Man tries to keep the fire and light burning by using wood, hay and stubble as fuel -
11 Corinthians 3:12-13.
i. Christ said He did not "know" or have intimate knowledge of them, yet they were numbered among those awaiting him. Why? ...their light (His life in them) went out.
ii. Does this mean they were not saved; can't answer that, but it does mean that they missed out on a
special event.
NOTE: All of us need to be intimate with Christ, to conform to His image, and be led of the Holy Spirit - Romans 8:1, 29; Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Colossians 3:10; Ephesians 3:17-19.
d. The True work of the Gift ministries is to the assist the saints in growing to spiritual maturity to reach the full stature of Christ likeness - Ephesians 4:11-13.
i. Christ seen in you – Romans 8:29; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 1:27.
ii. The Word and promises of God are also provided to accomplish this goal – so His divine nature
is seen in us - 2 Peter 1:4.
BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS: Satan can counterfeit the supernatural gifts. A counterfeit is an imitation, a look alike but is not the real thing. This is why Jesus warned us to look for the Fruit instead of the Gifts in Matthew 7. This scripture is about those who preach, teach and claim to work in ministry. “By their fruit ye shall know them”, and that fruit is the Fruit of the Spirit, not man’s fruit or the product his man’s efforts. More on this in another lesson.
A. He is the presence of God on the earth with man.
1. His work with man began when Christ completed His task - John 16:5-7.
a. The present age is known as the "church age"; the "age of grace" and the "age of the Holy Spirit".
B. He confirms the word of God by doing the works of God in response to His Word -– Mark 16:20.
1. He makes the Word (we believe) work.
a. He does the supernatural that was promised as we trust in it and speak it -– Mark 16:15-18 and
John 14:12.
C. The Holy Spirit was involved in the re-creation listed in - Genesis 1:2, 26.
1. In verse we see the Holy Spirit "pondering" (brooding or hovering) in meditation as He planned for man
and his environs.
a. This is where the plan of redemption was figured out, before the foundation of the social order of
the earth.
D. Do not confuse the Holy Spirit with the rest of the Trinity
1. God is SPIRIT - John 4:24
a. Because He is not flesh and blood and cannot be classified in any other human terms.
b. The Holy Spirit is identified apart from God - Isaiah 48:16.
2. Jesus has His OWN spirit - Luke 23:46.
a. His spirit is also "Holy".
b. It is Jesus' Spirit that is received at salvation - Galatians 4:6.
i. Prayer: "Come into my heart Lord Jesus, I accept you as my savior", and His Spirit enters because
His body can't.
ii. It is Jesus' Spirit that indwells us.
c. Jesus breathed "His" Spirit (which is Holy) on the disciples which brought their regeneration -
John 20:22.
i. THE Holy Spirit came on them in Acts 2:,1-2, (refer also to Luke 24:49).
ii. THE Holy Spirit came on Jesus in the same way and remained - John 1:32-33.
iii. THE Holy Spirit comes upon us in the same way for the same purpose -– Acts 8:14-17.
d. It was the Spirit of Christ that inspired the Old Testament prophets and scriptures - 1 Peter 1:10-11.
i. It was the Spirit of Christ that took physical form and appeared to Abraham - Genesis 18.
3. The Holy Spirit is also a "spirit" - God's presence (heart) abiding with us.
a. He is called the "spirit" and "the Spirit of God".
4. He is sent by both the Father and the Son - John 15:26.
A. He is a person but just can't be seen.
1. In KVJ, "Holy Ghost" means Holy Phantom because He can't be seen physically.
B. His character and attributes are revealed by various names used to describe Him -– Isaiah 11:2 (ref. Rev. 1:4)
1. Comforter - John 14:16
2. Truth - John 14:17
3. Grace (as the revealer of) - Hebrews 10:29.
C. Has a mind of his own - Romans 8:27.
A. He is like the very "heart" of God.
1. He is the most tender and sensitive part of the Godhead.
NOTE: When a loved one leaves, you may say, " I'll be with you". You can't really, but it is your heart's desire and will that goes with them. The Holy Spirit (like the heart of God) can actually go with the one loved. He goes with each of us at all times.
B. The Holy Spirit can be "grieved" - Ephesians 4:29-31.
1. He will not manifest in an environment like this because such behavior offends him - 1 Thessalonians 5:19.
NOTE: If you ever came into a place where two people were arguing and you were not part of the argument, you probably felt your heart (spirit) "knot up" because it was offended by the hostile environment. So it is with the Holy Spirit.
2. An environment of envy, strife or hostility grieves the Holy Spirit but welcomes Satan's demons -
James 3:16.
a. Such conditions are frequently found in the church.
b. No wonder there are such problems and lack of God's presence and power in our churches.
i. His presence and power comes by the Holy Spirit.
C. Why is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit the unpardonable sin - Matthew 12:31?
1. The Holy Spirit, as the tender heart of God, is severely hurt when He is called evil, unclean and labeled or classified with the vileness of the devil - Matthew 12:22-28.
a. Blasphemy is speaking evil of, or speaking against the Holy Spirit -– Matthew 12:32.
b. Some churches are guilty of this behavior, saying the gifts of the Spirit (tongues, etc.) are of the devil.
2. This sin is not forgiven because the Holy Spirit, who brings conviction of sin, is so offended by that
person that He leaves and will stay away from him.
a. Therefore, that person cannot be convicted of sin and be led to Jesus for regeneration.
NOTE: Preachers, who hopefully, are already saved and who preach in ignorance, have already had their sins forgiven and accepted Christ. The result of their abuse of the Holy Spirit will be an absence of His presence and the manifestation of His power and giftings in their ministry and churches. The Holy Spirit will reveal Jesus and convict those who hear such preachers, but that is because the Holy Spirit confirms the Word which was spoken, he does not confirm/endorse such a man's ministry.
A. With unbelievers - John 16:7-12.
1. He convicts of sin leading sinners to Christ, to forgiveness and repentance.
a. He convinces them of their need for Jesus.
2. He exposes (reveals) righteousness so that sin can be fully recognized for the evil that it is.
a. The Holy Spirit shows true righteousness to man by revealing Christ who is true righteousness.
3. He convinces the world of Satan's destiny.
a. He exposes clearly the difference between sin and righteousness, leaving no questions.
NOTE: He also continues to deal with sin in the lives of believers. He gently does this until such time that they harden their hearts to the point that they can't hear or respond to His convicting work.
4. He conveys the Grace (love) of God to men.
a. He reveals all that God provides for man's needs to bring him into fellowship with God.
B. The Holy Spirit's function with Christ.
1. Though Jesus is the divine Son of God, He laid down His divine powers to take on the limitations
of mortal man.
2. The supernatural powers He demonstrated were by the working of the Holy Spirit -– Acts 10:38.
a. Jesus did no miracles until after He was Baptized (equipped) by the Holy Spirit -–
Luke 3:21-22 and John 2:11.
i. Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to be tested by Satan - Luke 4:1-13.
ii. Then He returned to begin His ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit -– Luke 4:14-15, 18.
3. Jesus performed His ministry in total harmony with the Holy Spirit.
a. He employed all the gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in - 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.
b. Jesus also exhibited all the fruits of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22-23.
c. Jesus' life demonstrated being led of the Spirit.
i. The Holy Spirit gave Him the power (ability) to minister supernaturally; to proclaim and
demonstrate the Kingdom of God.
ii. The power of the Holy Spirit is provided to us for the same purpose (as will be explained later).
4. The presence of the Holy Spirit manifesting the power of God is called the "anointing";. (This is much abused in some churches/ministries).
a. Christ (Messiah) means "The Anointed One"; referring to being anointed of the Holy Spirit who remained on Him - John 1:33.
b. Christian (a follower of Christ) means "little anointed one".
5. He always reveals Jesus - 1 John 5:7.
a. Points to Jesus and the Word via testimony/witness.
C. The Holy Spirit's work in and with believers.
NOTE: Most us do not realize the critical role the Holy Spirit performs in our lives. His task is to purify and cleanse the church/saints - John 16:7-11. He is more than a comforter giving good feeling; He is sent to lead and guide us - Romans 8:14; to teach us John 14:26; guide us into all truth - John 16:13; not just doctrinal truth but transforming truth. His purpose is to change us and transform us into the image of Jesus through sanctification - 2 Thessalonians 2:13 and 1 Peter 1:2.
1. He gives revelation of Jesus and the Kingdom.
a. He reveals Christ in a greater way - John 15:26.
i. This causes praise and worship - Eph. 5:14 and 18.
ii. This revelation is for believers, not unbelievers.
b. He gives knowledge of God's Word and reveals truths and mysteries -– John 14:26, John 16:12-15.
2. He directs the work of the ministry - Acts 16:7 & 11:11-12.
a. He will lead men - Romans 8:14.
3. He gives power (supernatural ability) to minister and carry on the work that Jesus began - Acts 1:8
a. Just as He did it - John 14:12, 16 & 17.
4. He works with the Word of God (the seed sown) to help it reproduce Christ in us.
a. By watering the weed with the Word giving knowledge and understanding.
b. By cultivating and weeding - revealing sins (choking weeds) that are in our lives.
c. To lead us in the paths of righteousness to reproduce the Sons of God.
NOTE: The Holy Spirit prepares us and makes us ready for the "Adoption as Sons" - Romans 8:14-15. We do not automatically receive "adoption" any more than we automatically receive the "fullness" of Christ. If we never grow spiritually we will never be placed as son and granted the authority to rule with Christ - John 1:12 and Romans 8:14. "As many as are led by the Spirit, they are the sons of God". Salvation makes you a child of God, but you need to mature to be a son who is vested with the inheritance of the Father. This is the work of the Holy Spirit in the saints.
V. The Holy Spirit empowers believers to carry on the Work Jesus began.
A. Jesus sends the Holy Spirit - Luke 3:6.
B. The Holy Spirit gives divine power for ministry - Acts 1:8.
C. Jesus commanded that no ministry begin until this ability was received - Luke 24:49.
D. The power came as a result of unity - Acts 1:8 & 2:2-4.
E. The power continued to come - Acts 4:31 and 4:33.
F. The power was given over and over - Acts 19:1-6.
G. The power brings revival - Acts 19:11-20.
a. Power produces signs, wonders and miracles (of God's love).
i. Ability to cast out demons also - Matthew 22:28
H. Paul depended on this power - 1 Corinthians 2:4-5.
I. This power is for all believers - Mark 16:17-18 and Acts 2:39.
a. The Holy Spirit determines who uses what, etc. - 1 Corinthians 12:6-7, 11, 29-31.
J. Jesus commanded His disciples to teach others the same things He taught and showed them -
Matthew 28:20.
a. This includes the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit.
NOTE: The Holy Spirit is the same source of the same power for the same anointing for the same ministry and comes upon us in the same manner it came upon Jesus. Note also the conditions for this power - John 14:15.
VI. The gifts of the Holy Spirit to equip us to minister to others are to continue throughout the church age
until Jesus returns - 1 Corinthians 1:7.
A. The gifts are given by God's love to benefit others to whom we minister to and show His Love to -
1 Corinthians 12:7.
B. The church, relying on man's limited ability, has not won the world to Christ because it lacks the
power tools to demonstrate God's Love - 1 Corinthians 2:5.
C. How is this power received? The same way Jesus received it; by being baptized (overwhelmed or immersed) in the Holy Spirit.
1. This is an act of faith acceptance just like receiving Jesus as savoir.
ii. Accept the fact by faith.
V. BAPTISM OF FIRE - Matthew 3:11.
A. Fire purifies and perfect our character, burning out the "old man" while renewing and strengthening us
in our spirit.
1. The Holy Spirit leads us into and through trials and tribulations - Romans 5:3-5 and James 1:2-4.
a. Jesus endured such testing and proving - Luke 4:1-2.
b. We are to follow and not resist - 1 Peter 5:12-13.
2. The process destroys the "old man" so the new man, the image of Christ can be formed in us -
Colossians 1:27.
a. This is actually Gods love at work - Ephesians 3:13-19.
i. It is His will to achieve the ultimate for us and in us - John 16:33.
3. The selfish, carnal nature must be eliminated from us so we don't carry it with us into His kingdom.
a. Most believers think they will change when they get to heaven.
b. God wants us to changed here and now - so He has a FIRE for us to walk through - Isaiah 43:1-2.
VI. Gifts Of the Holy Spirit
A. Divine equipping gifts of ability that only comes from the Holy Spirit -– 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.
1. Three Gifts of Revelation (knowing & understanding):
a. Word of Wisdom - divine ability to rightly apply knowledge; and having insight into divine will and
purpose of God; revelation of how to solve problems and apply knowledge.
b. Word of Knowledge - divine revelation that one could not possibly know otherwise, and covers
both the affairs of man and the plans of God.
c. Discerning of spirits - insight into the realm of the spirit and recognition of demonic activity and evil
intents and personality of the spirit motivating man.
i. It also helps in recognizing the spirit of men, whether it is right or wrong.
2. Three Vocal Gifts (speaking by divine inspiration):
a. Prophecy - speaking in known language to men for edification, exhortation, instruction, correction,
revelation and comfort by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and not conceived by human thought or effort.
NOTE: Man can speak/prophesy by one of three spirits - the Holy Spirit; his own spirit or out of his own heart; by an evil spirit. Most general prophecy comes out of the heart/spirit of man.
b. Tongues - speaking out in language not learned or known by the one speaking.
i. Three purposes for speaking in tongues are:
aa. Praying to God without the interference and the limitations of the natural mind and it builds oneself up in understanding - 1 Corinthians 14:2, and 14:14-15,.
ii. Building up ones faith - 1 Corinthians 14:4 and Jude 20.
iii. Speaking to men accompanied with an interpretation and functions as a supernatural sign to unbelievers and provides edification as does prophecy - 1 Corinthians 14:4, 13, 22-28.
c. Interpretation of Tongues - a supernatural speaking which interprets (sometimes an exact translation)
a message in a language unknown to the one interpreting.
i. Produces a similar result as prophecy, except it has a spectacular supernatural demonstration
which is a sign to unbelievers.
3. Three Gifts of Power (supernatural ability):
a. Faith - supernatural ability to act or do an impossible task without the element of doubt, unbelief
or human reasoning.
b. Gifts of Healing - supernatural ability to impart healing of all manner of sickness or malady without human aid or medicine.
i. The plural of "Gifts" implies that there are many gifts, each one suited for healing of a specific
kind of infirmity.
c. Working of Miracles - supernatural ability to intervene in the ordinary course of nature and to
counteract natural laws.
i. Miracles are things that cannot possibly occur in the natural realm.
ii. Casting out demons is called a miracle because it is something that occurs only in the supernatural realm - John 9:38-39.
B. The Holy Spirit nurtures, waters and cultivates the necessary FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT which is the character and nature of God - Galatians 5:22-23.
1. This fruit is the quality of His image and likeness that manifests in our lives and MUST be seen in His people - John 15:1-8.
a. It is the life of Christ, the vine, that becomes evident.
b. This fruit is not man's works as many have assumed - John 15:4.
i. Man is able to produce works without Christ; but, man cannot produce the Fruit of the Spirit
unless he is intimately and constantly tied into Christ.
2. This fruit MUST be seen in those who are His servants or ministers, otherwise they are not to be listened
to - Matthew 7:15-20.
a. It's not man's works but Christ's character and nature that is the FRUIT that must be seen.
b. Many ministers are doing "their own thing" which is rebellion (iniquity) -– Matthew 7:21-23.
i. "Never knew" does not mean they were not "saved"; it means they were never really close to,
(intimate with), Him.
NOTE: the Word "knew" is the same word used for when a man "knew" his wife in an intimate act; this refers to having the closest possible personal knowledge of another. The story of Martha and Mary also typifies those who are busy doing their own thing (service) compared to those who take time to intimately know Him, to hear His voice, and do as He says - see Luke 10:38-42).
ii. Such ministers are building man's church, not Christ's church.
aa. They are doing things "their way" - the way they were taught to by man in seminary or
traditional Bible college.
bb. They have not taken time to hear from Him or be led of the Spirit.
iii. Since they are not "Obedient" then they are “disobedient" which is iniquity or rebellion.
c. They produce a church that is man centered, not Christ centered.
i. It reflects man's personality traits, programs, organization, rules and requires membership (which
is for control of the people).
ii. It has a "form of godliness, but denies the power thereof" - 2 Timothy 3:5.
aa. Power to change into the image of Christ, more on this topic later).
bb. We are to "turn away" from such.
3. Whose house is being built? - CHRIST'S ! - Matt. 7:24-27.
a. The wise man is obedient and does things Christ's way which produces a strong house/church/saints.
i. It can stand when the storms of life hit. Why?.....because faith was built on truth and a solid
doctrinal foundation.
b. The foolish man is disobedient and does things man's way produces a weak house/church/saints.
i. It cannot stand when the storms of life hit. Why?.....because faith was not built on truth but on
man's doctrines, dogma, rituals and religious pretense.
c. Note another reference to those who are wise compared to those who are foolish -– Matthew 25:1-12.
NOTE: Most scholars agree that the Holy Spirit is the spiritual oil of God that fuels spiritual fire/lights. Man tries to keep the fire and light burning by using wood, hay and stubble as fuel -
11 Corinthians 3:12-13.
i. Christ said He did not "know" or have intimate knowledge of them, yet they were numbered among those awaiting him. Why? ...their light (His life in them) went out.
ii. Does this mean they were not saved; can't answer that, but it does mean that they missed out on a
special event.
NOTE: All of us need to be intimate with Christ, to conform to His image, and be led of the Holy Spirit - Romans 8:1, 29; Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Colossians 3:10; Ephesians 3:17-19.
d. The True work of the Gift ministries is to the assist the saints in growing to spiritual maturity to reach the full stature of Christ likeness - Ephesians 4:11-13.
i. Christ seen in you – Romans 8:29; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 1:27.
ii. The Word and promises of God are also provided to accomplish this goal – so His divine nature
is seen in us - 2 Peter 1:4.
BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS: Satan can counterfeit the supernatural gifts. A counterfeit is an imitation, a look alike but is not the real thing. This is why Jesus warned us to look for the Fruit instead of the Gifts in Matthew 7. This scripture is about those who preach, teach and claim to work in ministry. “By their fruit ye shall know them”, and that fruit is the Fruit of the Spirit, not man’s fruit or the product his man’s efforts. More on this in another lesson.