I. Lordship defined
A. Threes uses of the term “lord”.
1. As a cordial and humble address of respect.
a. “My lord”.
2. Describes a relationship to a superior.
a. Your master, boss, etc.
b. Anyone with authority over you is a lord.
i. In medieval times societies were based on feudal “lordships” where people in a specific
area were under the control of the “land lord”.
ii. The land lord was frequently also called a king.
3. Reference to God – “The Lord God”.
a. “Adonne” or adonnai and Jehovah.
B. Jesus was designated as Lord when He was born – Luke 2:11.
1. Lord, or kurios means supreme authority having absolute control.
a. He is ruler over all of creation having absolute power and authority –Matthew 28:18.
C. We celebrate Jesus birth as savior, but fail to recognize His Lordship.
1. Americans are free and independent to exercise free will.
a. No one is considered “lord” or master over us.
2. Only when we submit to employers or laws of the land are we regulated by others.
a. But this is not real lordship as it is not a 24/7 condition of life.
3. Therefore, we have difficulty understanding and submitting to true lordship.
a. We do not have the discipline of being under lordship conditions over our lives which
amounts to control, bondage or servitude.
4. Lordship must be taught to believers.
a. We need to learn to conform to Christ as Lord over our lives.
D. Lordship is submitting to the will Christ who has authority over you to rule and guide you.
1. The one whose will you obey and follow instead of doing your own will – Matthew 7:21-27.
a. Note that we are building His house or dwelling place – a temple built without hands but
with the Word, the gospel
II. The Sovereignty of God.
A. Being all-powerful and all-knowing makes Him ALL-MIGHTY – Genesis 17:1.
1. Recognize His greatness and your insufficiency – Psalm 91:1-2.
a. This will develop respectful fear which equals reverence – Proverbs 9:10 and Proverbs 15:33.
i. This helps develop our proper relationship with Him – 2 Corinthians 7:1.
ii. His is in charge, we are not.
iii. We are dependent upon Him – Proverbs 2:1-12 and Proverbs 19:23.
iv. We fear transgressing and disobeying Him – Proverbs 8:13 and Proverbs 16:6.
b. Then we will become wise and walk properly before Him – Proverbs 14:26-27.
B. People rebel against authority when they lose respect (fear) of the power of that authority.
1. Rebelling against God is to do your own thing.
a. Rebellion is sin as it is defiance of authority, just as it began in the garden.
i. It begins by losing fear of the Lord, then exercising self-will.
b. Seeing God only as love, grace and mercy causes believers to become loose and undisciplined.
C. The reverential fear we are to have is the type of fear you had of your father when you were a child –
2 Corinthians 5:10-11.
1. You feared disobeying him because of punishment.
2. Yet you still loved him and knew he loved and cared for you.
a. The Lord our God is the perfect example of a Father which is why Jesus introduced Almighty
God to us as our Heavenly Father – Matthew 6:9.
III. Being in subjection
A. Lordship describes a relationship of a master and his servant.
1. Salvation brings us into a new relationship that needs to be understood and further developed – Ephesians 4:21-32.
a. The old relationship has to be put off.
i. No longer being a servant of sin and Satan – Romans 6:16.
b. The old sinful (carnal) nature is crucified with Christ – Romans 6:6.
c. The new nature is sinless and righteous – Romans 6:19.
i. The new Christ-like nature must be “put on” – Romans 13:14.
d. Christ the Lord is the new righteous master – Romans 6:22.
2. Christ is to rule, govern and be lord of the new creation.
a. He did not impose salvation on you; it’s your choice.
b. He does not impose His lordship on you, you choose to submit to Him as Lord.
i. Too many believers do not submit to Him as Lord of their life, so they continue to
live their own life as they choose.
c. We submit by being obedient to Him and seek His will.
i. He cannot work with or through defiant servants who do their own thing – Matthew 7:21-23.
aa. Note that “iniquity” means rebellion or “doing your own thing”.
B. Being in subjection is being in servitude.
1. Servitude means you have forsaken your will and desires in order to obey your lord – Luke 17:7-10.
a. Most of us being independent and free willed have difficulty with the concept of servitude and not having one’s own rights.
b. This is basic to discipleship – Luke 9:23 (more on this topic in Lesson 204).
c. Is Jesus Christ your Lord in all your affairs? Or only when it is convenient or on your terms?
i. Lordship does not turn on and off or subject to your will.
ii. By this you are using Him, not letting Him use you.
2. “He is Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all”.
C. Abdicate the throne of your will and life so HE can establish His dominion there – Luke 17:20-21.
1. A king has a kingdom, a domain where he dominates.
a. Who (or what) dominates your life – you or Christ?
i. Full-time or part-time?
b. Is His kingdom within you?
i. Is it obvious by who rules in your life?
ii. Does it show by how you live?
2. Your “will” (desire) is the throne of your life where your inward directives come from.
3. Who rules your affairs and motivates you?
4. Whose “will” do you perform?
a. This shows who is Lord in your life - Luke 6:46
IV. When Christ is Lord and in Control, He implements His plan for your life.
A. With you in control, you chart your own life’s path according to your desires (will).
1. This may lead you in a different direction than He would lead you in.
B. With Christ in control as Lord, He will chart your life’s path according to His divine will.
1. Notice the change in Paul’s path when Christ became his Lord – Acts 9:1-6 and 13-16.
C. The Lord has a pre-determined plan and purpose for each one that submits to His Lordship –
Proverbs 3:5-6.
1. This is called “predestination”, ( which will be covered in Lesson 207).
2. Trusting your own desires, senses, wisdom and knowledge can lead you to make wrong decisions,
direct you the wrong way – Proverbs 16:25.
3. It will be evident who is Lord in your life if “you acknowledge Him in all your ways”.
a. Many times you will not understand how He is leading you or why things are going the way they are.
i. You are not to rely on your reasoning if He is in control.
ii.This requires absolute trust in Him and His Word (promises).
D. You honor Him by trusting Him enough to yield your life to Him – Hebrews 11:6.
1. The philosophy of the world says “do your own thing”.
a. That philosophy is destructive – Colossians 2:8.
V. Lordship begins with commitment of yourself to serve Him.
A. Christ gave us the example as He carried out His Father’s will – Luke 22:41-42.
1. This is being a living sacrifice - Romans 12:1.
a. You sacrifice your will (desires), which must die, do His will can live in and through you.
b. In a sacrifice, something must die – Galatians 2:20.
i. So that something else may live – His will in you.
B. The believers next step (after repentance and water baptism) is to commit himself to the Lordship of Christ.
1. Paul made this commitment which allowed Christ to direct his affairs as Lord – 2 Timothy 1:1-12.
C. Did Christ receive the purchased goods that He paid for – Acts 20:28.
1. You received His grace, mercy, forgiveness and salvation which He paid for with His life on the cross.
2. Have you given Him the life that He purchased?
a. Your commitment and submission to let Him live His will through you so He can guide and
direct you for His glory.
i. That He can reproduce Himself in you so you can be recognized as a child of God.
3. A person can be a believer and still live his own life without having Christ being Lord of his life.
a. It will show by living a life of compromise.
i. Filled with the things of and preoccupation with what is in the world – Luke 12:15.
D. Dying to fleshly lusts and self-will is necessary.
1. You cannot serve two masters, Christ and self.
2. Feelings can’t get hurt if you are dead to self-interests.
3. Flesh (self) tends to resurrect itself.
a. It has to be dealt with daily – 1 Corinthians 15:31.
i. Flesh (self) is the carnal nature that must be consciously and deliberately “put off” and
denied, nailed to the cross – Luke 9:23.
ii. The old fleshly nature is not eliminated when you accept Christ as savior. aa. It must be
dealt with by an act of you will – Romans 13:14 and Ephesians 4:22-23.
aa. Christ cannot be Lord in you until the other lord in you have abdicated the throne of
your life – Galatians 5:16-17.
E. The works or results of the flesh with its unclean desires must be dealt with – Galatians 5:19-21.
1. The old nature seeks self gratification with things of the world.
a. The fleshly old nature opposes spiritual and godly, righteous life.
2. If you haven’t crucified the fleshly old nature you are still your own lord; and Christ is not
Lord of your life.
a. You will continue to do your own thing, not His.
b. You will lead a life of compromise and not having victory of sinful behavior.
c. You will be vacillating between two kingdoms, the kingdoms of this world and the Kingdom of God.
i. Because you know you want to be Christian yet you have carnal lusts for things of this world
still controlling you.
d. Weakness, failure and guilt permeate your life as a result – Galatians 5:17.
F. Death to the flesh (selfish lusts and desires) is a required step to be under the Lordship of Christ – Galatians 5:24.
1. Being Christ’s (His possession) and under His direction now prepares you to be a true disciple.
a. Disciple = a follower who under disciplined learning.
VI. Obedience separates the professors and confessors from the possessors – Luke 6:46.
A. Many Christians call Him “Lord” but He does not rule in their heart – Matthew 7:21.
1. They may do many things “for” Him, but not “by” him – Matthew 7:22.
a. They still profess and confess, speaking of Him.
i. False preachers do the same and deceive many – Matthew 24:4-5 & 24.
2. They do their “own” thing, doing things their way and not being led of Him – Matthew 7:23
a. This is called “iniquity” which is rebellion or “doing your own thing”.
B. Obedience to God is a life of righteousness and holiness – 1 Peter 1:13-17.
1. Obedience is learned through discipleship, (covered in lesson 204).
a. Unfortunately, most Christians are converts and do not become true disciples.
i. Thus they do not learn obedience to do things His way.
2. As you yield to His Lordship you walk in obedience as He leads you.
a. You are kept secure in Him – 1 Peter 1:5.
3. There are conditions that you have to live by – Philippians 2:12.
a. “Working out” actually means “living out” or as in “walking in” that way of life.
VII. Benefits of being under His Lordship.
A. Most people pray asking God to “bless …..” this or that.
1. Usually themselves, their family, friends, possessions or ambitions.
a. Or they ask God to “give me …..”, etc.
B. People want God to bless what they have or what they are attempting to do.
1. They are asking Him to put His seal of approval on it.
C. To really have God bless something of yours – give it to Him.
1. Put it in His hands.
2. God knows how to bless and prosper what is placed in His hands.
a. If what you place in His hands is not of God, He will eliminate it.
3. Whatever you place in His hands becomes His possession.
a. He knows how to care for and bless what is His.
D. Do not become possessive of what God gives you or places in your hands to do – including
any sort of ministry.
1. Remember it is His that was assigned to you.
E. Being under His Lordship requires a new nature in you.
1. The carnal old nature is selfish and self-serving.
a. It is concerned with getting, guarding and promoting SELF.
2. The new divine nature (2 Peter 1:4) is concerned with loving, giving and serving others as Christ did.
F. The new nature allows you to give yourself, your desires and possessions over to the Lordship
(control) of Christ.
1. Because you trust Him, (having faith in Him).
2. Because you recognize that His ability to guide and manage your affairs is greater that your ability.
VIII. The Ultimate and Universal Lordship of Christ – Philippians 2:9-11.
A. All men, all angels and all creatures, good and evil, in heaven and earth will recognize Christ
as being LORD.
1. This does not mean all will be saved- all will finally acknowledge His sovereignty and dominion.
a. Including those that opposed and fought against Him.
i. All will bow in recognition of His majesty; all to the glory of God, the Father.
B. Christians have the privilege of recognizing , bowing, yielding and submitting to Him NOW.
1. This is to our benefit as a blessing, a form of worship.
C. The rebellious and wicked will be forced to bow when Christ takes over - Revelation 11:15.
1. He will be judge of the wicked and rebellious.
D. Our willful and humble submission and recognition allows Him to prepare us to rule and reign
with Him in His Kingdom – Revelation 5:10.
1. We have learned to yield, obey and live under His authority and Lordship.
a. This equips us to rule with Him in His Kingdom - Matthew 25:21.
i. This is a reward for obedience and faithfulness.
IX. A glimpse of the Kingdom.
A. The Lordship of Christ will be universal on earth – Luke 19:11-13 and Acts 1:9-11.
1. His Lordship will not be voluntary but imposed on all the earth that will be subject to Him.
a. The saints will share in ruling with Him over all that remain on earth that were not
destroyed at Armageddon.
2. All remaining inhabitants will be subjects under His rulership.
a. The sheep nations – Matthew 25:31-33.
B. Vast changes will occur because of His presence on earth in which everything will now conform to Him.
1. Even all of nature will change – Romans 8:19-22.
a. No more sickness or disease, no more war and weapons of destruction.
b. No more killing of people or animals – Isaiah 65:25 and Isaiah 11:6-8.
i. No more eating of animal meat, even by other animals
X. Conclusion
A. Recognizing the Lordship of Christ, who He is and His authority is required in order to become
a true disciple of Christ.
1. This leads to the next lesson in this series.
a. You acknowledge Jesus Christ as your Lord before you can completely submit to Him
to be His disciple.
i. A disciple is more than a follower because many followers can quit following – John 6:66-69.
I. Lordship defined
A. Threes uses of the term “lord”.
1. As a cordial and humble address of respect.
a. “My lord”.
2. Describes a relationship to a superior.
a. Your master, boss, etc.
b. Anyone with authority over you is a lord.
i. In medieval times societies were based on feudal “lordships” where people in a specific
area were under the control of the “land lord”.
ii. The land lord was frequently also called a king.
3. Reference to God – “The Lord God”.
a. “Adonne” or adonnai and Jehovah.
B. Jesus was designated as Lord when He was born – Luke 2:11.
1. Lord, or kurios means supreme authority having absolute control.
a. He is ruler over all of creation having absolute power and authority –Matthew 28:18.
C. We celebrate Jesus birth as savior, but fail to recognize His Lordship.
1. Americans are free and independent to exercise free will.
a. No one is considered “lord” or master over us.
2. Only when we submit to employers or laws of the land are we regulated by others.
a. But this is not real lordship as it is not a 24/7 condition of life.
3. Therefore, we have difficulty understanding and submitting to true lordship.
a. We do not have the discipline of being under lordship conditions over our lives which
amounts to control, bondage or servitude.
4. Lordship must be taught to believers.
a. We need to learn to conform to Christ as Lord over our lives.
D. Lordship is submitting to the will Christ who has authority over you to rule and guide you.
1. The one whose will you obey and follow instead of doing your own will – Matthew 7:21-27.
a. Note that we are building His house or dwelling place – a temple built without hands but
with the Word, the gospel
II. The Sovereignty of God.
A. Being all-powerful and all-knowing makes Him ALL-MIGHTY – Genesis 17:1.
1. Recognize His greatness and your insufficiency – Psalm 91:1-2.
a. This will develop respectful fear which equals reverence – Proverbs 9:10 and Proverbs 15:33.
i. This helps develop our proper relationship with Him – 2 Corinthians 7:1.
ii. His is in charge, we are not.
iii. We are dependent upon Him – Proverbs 2:1-12 and Proverbs 19:23.
iv. We fear transgressing and disobeying Him – Proverbs 8:13 and Proverbs 16:6.
b. Then we will become wise and walk properly before Him – Proverbs 14:26-27.
B. People rebel against authority when they lose respect (fear) of the power of that authority.
1. Rebelling against God is to do your own thing.
a. Rebellion is sin as it is defiance of authority, just as it began in the garden.
i. It begins by losing fear of the Lord, then exercising self-will.
b. Seeing God only as love, grace and mercy causes believers to become loose and undisciplined.
C. The reverential fear we are to have is the type of fear you had of your father when you were a child –
2 Corinthians 5:10-11.
1. You feared disobeying him because of punishment.
2. Yet you still loved him and knew he loved and cared for you.
a. The Lord our God is the perfect example of a Father which is why Jesus introduced Almighty
God to us as our Heavenly Father – Matthew 6:9.
III. Being in subjection
A. Lordship describes a relationship of a master and his servant.
1. Salvation brings us into a new relationship that needs to be understood and further developed – Ephesians 4:21-32.
a. The old relationship has to be put off.
i. No longer being a servant of sin and Satan – Romans 6:16.
b. The old sinful (carnal) nature is crucified with Christ – Romans 6:6.
c. The new nature is sinless and righteous – Romans 6:19.
i. The new Christ-like nature must be “put on” – Romans 13:14.
d. Christ the Lord is the new righteous master – Romans 6:22.
2. Christ is to rule, govern and be lord of the new creation.
a. He did not impose salvation on you; it’s your choice.
b. He does not impose His lordship on you, you choose to submit to Him as Lord.
i. Too many believers do not submit to Him as Lord of their life, so they continue to
live their own life as they choose.
c. We submit by being obedient to Him and seek His will.
i. He cannot work with or through defiant servants who do their own thing – Matthew 7:21-23.
aa. Note that “iniquity” means rebellion or “doing your own thing”.
B. Being in subjection is being in servitude.
1. Servitude means you have forsaken your will and desires in order to obey your lord – Luke 17:7-10.
a. Most of us being independent and free willed have difficulty with the concept of servitude and not having one’s own rights.
b. This is basic to discipleship – Luke 9:23 (more on this topic in Lesson 204).
c. Is Jesus Christ your Lord in all your affairs? Or only when it is convenient or on your terms?
i. Lordship does not turn on and off or subject to your will.
ii. By this you are using Him, not letting Him use you.
2. “He is Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all”.
C. Abdicate the throne of your will and life so HE can establish His dominion there – Luke 17:20-21.
1. A king has a kingdom, a domain where he dominates.
a. Who (or what) dominates your life – you or Christ?
i. Full-time or part-time?
b. Is His kingdom within you?
i. Is it obvious by who rules in your life?
ii. Does it show by how you live?
2. Your “will” (desire) is the throne of your life where your inward directives come from.
3. Who rules your affairs and motivates you?
4. Whose “will” do you perform?
a. This shows who is Lord in your life - Luke 6:46
IV. When Christ is Lord and in Control, He implements His plan for your life.
A. With you in control, you chart your own life’s path according to your desires (will).
1. This may lead you in a different direction than He would lead you in.
B. With Christ in control as Lord, He will chart your life’s path according to His divine will.
1. Notice the change in Paul’s path when Christ became his Lord – Acts 9:1-6 and 13-16.
C. The Lord has a pre-determined plan and purpose for each one that submits to His Lordship –
Proverbs 3:5-6.
1. This is called “predestination”, ( which will be covered in Lesson 207).
2. Trusting your own desires, senses, wisdom and knowledge can lead you to make wrong decisions,
direct you the wrong way – Proverbs 16:25.
3. It will be evident who is Lord in your life if “you acknowledge Him in all your ways”.
a. Many times you will not understand how He is leading you or why things are going the way they are.
i. You are not to rely on your reasoning if He is in control.
ii.This requires absolute trust in Him and His Word (promises).
D. You honor Him by trusting Him enough to yield your life to Him – Hebrews 11:6.
1. The philosophy of the world says “do your own thing”.
a. That philosophy is destructive – Colossians 2:8.
V. Lordship begins with commitment of yourself to serve Him.
A. Christ gave us the example as He carried out His Father’s will – Luke 22:41-42.
1. This is being a living sacrifice - Romans 12:1.
a. You sacrifice your will (desires), which must die, do His will can live in and through you.
b. In a sacrifice, something must die – Galatians 2:20.
i. So that something else may live – His will in you.
B. The believers next step (after repentance and water baptism) is to commit himself to the Lordship of Christ.
1. Paul made this commitment which allowed Christ to direct his affairs as Lord – 2 Timothy 1:1-12.
C. Did Christ receive the purchased goods that He paid for – Acts 20:28.
1. You received His grace, mercy, forgiveness and salvation which He paid for with His life on the cross.
2. Have you given Him the life that He purchased?
a. Your commitment and submission to let Him live His will through you so He can guide and
direct you for His glory.
i. That He can reproduce Himself in you so you can be recognized as a child of God.
3. A person can be a believer and still live his own life without having Christ being Lord of his life.
a. It will show by living a life of compromise.
i. Filled with the things of and preoccupation with what is in the world – Luke 12:15.
D. Dying to fleshly lusts and self-will is necessary.
1. You cannot serve two masters, Christ and self.
2. Feelings can’t get hurt if you are dead to self-interests.
3. Flesh (self) tends to resurrect itself.
a. It has to be dealt with daily – 1 Corinthians 15:31.
i. Flesh (self) is the carnal nature that must be consciously and deliberately “put off” and
denied, nailed to the cross – Luke 9:23.
ii. The old fleshly nature is not eliminated when you accept Christ as savior. aa. It must be
dealt with by an act of you will – Romans 13:14 and Ephesians 4:22-23.
aa. Christ cannot be Lord in you until the other lord in you have abdicated the throne of
your life – Galatians 5:16-17.
E. The works or results of the flesh with its unclean desires must be dealt with – Galatians 5:19-21.
1. The old nature seeks self gratification with things of the world.
a. The fleshly old nature opposes spiritual and godly, righteous life.
2. If you haven’t crucified the fleshly old nature you are still your own lord; and Christ is not
Lord of your life.
a. You will continue to do your own thing, not His.
b. You will lead a life of compromise and not having victory of sinful behavior.
c. You will be vacillating between two kingdoms, the kingdoms of this world and the Kingdom of God.
i. Because you know you want to be Christian yet you have carnal lusts for things of this world
still controlling you.
d. Weakness, failure and guilt permeate your life as a result – Galatians 5:17.
F. Death to the flesh (selfish lusts and desires) is a required step to be under the Lordship of Christ – Galatians 5:24.
1. Being Christ’s (His possession) and under His direction now prepares you to be a true disciple.
a. Disciple = a follower who under disciplined learning.
VI. Obedience separates the professors and confessors from the possessors – Luke 6:46.
A. Many Christians call Him “Lord” but He does not rule in their heart – Matthew 7:21.
1. They may do many things “for” Him, but not “by” him – Matthew 7:22.
a. They still profess and confess, speaking of Him.
i. False preachers do the same and deceive many – Matthew 24:4-5 & 24.
2. They do their “own” thing, doing things their way and not being led of Him – Matthew 7:23
a. This is called “iniquity” which is rebellion or “doing your own thing”.
B. Obedience to God is a life of righteousness and holiness – 1 Peter 1:13-17.
1. Obedience is learned through discipleship, (covered in lesson 204).
a. Unfortunately, most Christians are converts and do not become true disciples.
i. Thus they do not learn obedience to do things His way.
2. As you yield to His Lordship you walk in obedience as He leads you.
a. You are kept secure in Him – 1 Peter 1:5.
3. There are conditions that you have to live by – Philippians 2:12.
a. “Working out” actually means “living out” or as in “walking in” that way of life.
VII. Benefits of being under His Lordship.
A. Most people pray asking God to “bless …..” this or that.
1. Usually themselves, their family, friends, possessions or ambitions.
a. Or they ask God to “give me …..”, etc.
B. People want God to bless what they have or what they are attempting to do.
1. They are asking Him to put His seal of approval on it.
C. To really have God bless something of yours – give it to Him.
1. Put it in His hands.
2. God knows how to bless and prosper what is placed in His hands.
a. If what you place in His hands is not of God, He will eliminate it.
3. Whatever you place in His hands becomes His possession.
a. He knows how to care for and bless what is His.
D. Do not become possessive of what God gives you or places in your hands to do – including
any sort of ministry.
1. Remember it is His that was assigned to you.
E. Being under His Lordship requires a new nature in you.
1. The carnal old nature is selfish and self-serving.
a. It is concerned with getting, guarding and promoting SELF.
2. The new divine nature (2 Peter 1:4) is concerned with loving, giving and serving others as Christ did.
F. The new nature allows you to give yourself, your desires and possessions over to the Lordship
(control) of Christ.
1. Because you trust Him, (having faith in Him).
2. Because you recognize that His ability to guide and manage your affairs is greater that your ability.
VIII. The Ultimate and Universal Lordship of Christ – Philippians 2:9-11.
A. All men, all angels and all creatures, good and evil, in heaven and earth will recognize Christ
as being LORD.
1. This does not mean all will be saved- all will finally acknowledge His sovereignty and dominion.
a. Including those that opposed and fought against Him.
i. All will bow in recognition of His majesty; all to the glory of God, the Father.
B. Christians have the privilege of recognizing , bowing, yielding and submitting to Him NOW.
1. This is to our benefit as a blessing, a form of worship.
C. The rebellious and wicked will be forced to bow when Christ takes over - Revelation 11:15.
1. He will be judge of the wicked and rebellious.
D. Our willful and humble submission and recognition allows Him to prepare us to rule and reign
with Him in His Kingdom – Revelation 5:10.
1. We have learned to yield, obey and live under His authority and Lordship.
a. This equips us to rule with Him in His Kingdom - Matthew 25:21.
i. This is a reward for obedience and faithfulness.
IX. A glimpse of the Kingdom.
A. The Lordship of Christ will be universal on earth – Luke 19:11-13 and Acts 1:9-11.
1. His Lordship will not be voluntary but imposed on all the earth that will be subject to Him.
a. The saints will share in ruling with Him over all that remain on earth that were not
destroyed at Armageddon.
2. All remaining inhabitants will be subjects under His rulership.
a. The sheep nations – Matthew 25:31-33.
B. Vast changes will occur because of His presence on earth in which everything will now conform to Him.
1. Even all of nature will change – Romans 8:19-22.
a. No more sickness or disease, no more war and weapons of destruction.
b. No more killing of people or animals – Isaiah 65:25 and Isaiah 11:6-8.
i. No more eating of animal meat, even by other animals
X. Conclusion
A. Recognizing the Lordship of Christ, who He is and His authority is required in order to become
a true disciple of Christ.
1. This leads to the next lesson in this series.
a. You acknowledge Jesus Christ as your Lord before you can completely submit to Him
to be His disciple.
i. A disciple is more than a follower because many followers can quit following – John 6:66-69.