I. Mankind is a triune being created in the image of God.
A. He is composed of spirit soul and body, each part is inter-related – (This topic is covered more
thoroughly in Lesson 208).
1. Spirit – changed by being re-born by Jesus Christ in the “born-again” experience.
2. Soul – the mind and individual personality, changed by man becoming a disciple of Christ.
3. Body – changed at the resurrection upon Christ’s return.
a. Also affected by prayer for healing and deliverance through Christ.
B. Each area can be conditioned to respond to input from knowing, understanding and applying
God’s Word (what is in the Holy Bible) –Proverbs 4:20-22.
1. The spirit (reborn) responds to spiritual input.
a. The Word, prayer, the Holy Spirit leading, fellowship with God, etc.
b. Your spirit then gives input to the soul (mind) to make decisions or to take action.
i. Sometimes the soul lags a few steps behind the spirit in recognizing of accepting what
needs to be done.
2. The soul (mind) can receive input from either the spirit or the body (flesh).
a. The soul is the place where decisions and responses are made.
i. Both conscious and sub-conscious decisions.
b. Depending on the type of conditioning or discipline that the mind has been subjected to
determines whether the decision or response will be carnal or spiritual.
i. This makes the soul the battle ground between the flesh and the spirit – Romans 8:6 and Galatians 5:17 & 24.
ii. It is also where temptations are contemplated.
aa. Where the devil makes suggests that appeal to the flesh.
3. The body responds to physical and material input.
a. Through the five senses of sight, touch, taste, smell and sound.
i. The body gives input to the soul to make decisions and take action.
4. Now it becomes obvious why the mind (soul) has to be renewed –2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
a. It is your mind that regulates your behavior – Proverbs 16:3 and 23:7.
i. By thoughts, both conscious and sub-conscious.
ii. By attitudes.
iii. By Conditioning of environment , peers or schooling.
iv. Patterning by what the mind focuses on or is exposed to –Psalm 101:3.
II. Renewal Starts With Jesus Christ
A. He is the example we are to follow – John 14:6.
1. He is the Way to live this life – a spiritual, or spirit led life.
a. This requires the re-born spirit (born-again) being made alive unto Christ and responds to Him.
2. He is the Truth – revelation, knowledge which affects the mind (soul).
a. Truth avoids the corruption and errors caused by lies and deception.
i. Truth sets free those held captive by lies and false doctrines –John 8:31-32.
3. He is the Life – (zoe = life as God has it), a new way of living patterned after Him that regulates
our behavior on this earth and for eternity.
a. We are to reflect and represent Him under His Lordship as a true disciple.
B. He is Truth because He is also the Word of God that became flesh and His Word is Truth – John 17:17.
1. Knowledge of Him and his Word begins to renew the mind.
a. As knowledge of the Word increases you conform to the truth of His Word.
i. Thus the renewed mind separates you from the sinful acts of the world.
ii. This knowledge sets you free of wrong habits, traditions, superstitions, ignorance as you
increase in the truth – John 8:32.
aa. Note that John 8:31 was directed to those who are disciples “if you continue”
in His Word – the sign of a true disciple.
III. Your mind is like a computer and has already been conditioned and programmed to think certain ways.
A. By input from the world, your environment, peers, education and experiences, and culture.
1. These things condition your thinking, attitudes and the way you understand things.
B. You mind responds based on the way it has been programmed.
1. The computer term “garbage in-garbage out” applies to your mind.
a. Your thoughts, attitudes and understanding are conditioned based on input – what was
fed into you mind.
b. That programming needs to be changed.
i. Some need much more re-programming than others.
2. Don't feed on “garbage” – the things of the world that are contrary to the Word of God and
principles of His Kingdom.
a. Avoid unfit, unprofitable or questionable things like what is on TV, movies, videos,
magazines, gossip, bad news, etc.
i. All such things have a negative effect on you mind.
3. Feed your mind with truth (the Word of God), and wholesome uplifting things – Philippians 4:8
a. Focus on positive input, that which is of God – Romans 13:14, Ephesians 5:1-10.
C. The natural (carnal) mind will not think on the things of God preferring the things of the flesh
and the world – Romans 8:5-7.
1. The carnal mind (old nature) becomes more corrupt as it gains more knowledge of the world.
IV. What is in you shows by your speech and responses when pressure is applied.
A. Pressure usually causes a person to lose control of normal restraints known as “self-control”.
1. As a tube of tooth paste issues forth its contents when pressure is applied , so does mankind
issue forth things he normally would not when suddenly subjected to abnormal pressure.
a. What comes out of your mouth when you hit accidentally hit your thumb with a hammer?
aa. Is that expletive a surprise to you?
bb. It was there all the time!
2. What is in you will come out under pressure - Luke 6:45.
a. This demonstrates the need to renew what is in you – in your mind.
B. If the renewed spirit is allowed to influence the bodily response via the renewed mind, then what
comes out under pressure will glorify God –1 Corinthians 10:31 and 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
C. Attitude affects outlook - the way you see things.
1. Your frame of mind (attitude) determines how you perceive things, thus controls how you
respond to situations and circumstances.
a. Positive or negative: joyful or despondent; envying and jealous or rejoicing; sour or happy.
b. To focus on your problems, or focus on your solutions.
2. Attitude is a product of conditioning of the sub-conscious mind.
a. Attitude is also changed by the renewing of the mind because the conscious effort to renew
gets into and affects the sub-conscious.
V. Renewing the Mind is Your Responsibility – Romans 12:2
A. The renewing of your spirit was done by Jesus when you accepted Him as savour believing
the gospel message.
1. His spirit entered your spirit and it was made alive unto him, (born-again), renewed to life again
as God originally intended man to live.
2. Since the mind (soul) is the intermediate ground between the spirit and the body, it must be
renewed and disciple to conform to your renewed spirit.
a. Then your body will be able to follow the directives of the spirit without conflict from
B. Re-program the computer (your mind) with new software which comes from the Word of God.
1. Putting off the things of this world to the pursuit of the Kingdom of God, Matthew 6:33.
a. From the carnal to the spiritual – Romans 8:6.
b. Put off the old ways and seek to live in the new way –Ephesians 4:23-24 and Colossians 3:8-10.
i. Notice the behavioral changes that accompany the renewed mind – Ephesians 4:25-32.
2. Believers cannot live the Christian life if they are double-minded – James 1:8.
a. Double-mindedness is to be carnally minded at one time and spiritually minded at other times.
b. Compromise between two ways of thinking based on personal desires or lusts shows something
of the carnal nature has not been “put off”.
c. Such a person will justify selfish or worldly behavior when convenient, then return to godliness when necessary –Luke 11:33-36.
C. Renewing the mind is s process of re-education through use of the Word of God.
1. Knowing God’s Word, promises, what God wants and how much God loves you is priority
knowledge – Colossians 3:8-9.
a. Replace unprofitable (carnal) knowledge eternal beneficial knowledge – Romans 13:12-13.
b. Don’t feed your mind on garbage which causes spiritual indigestion.
2. Re-program your mind by focusing on Jesus, the living Word so you can conform to His
image – Colossians 3:10-14.
a. “Put on” Jesus’ likeness (lifestyle) – Romans 13:14.
i. To be Christian means to be Christ-like.
D. Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you – Proverbs 23:7.
1. The devil cannot read your mind, but through his evil spirits he can use suggestive influence to
plant evil thoughts in your mind.
a. These are the “fiery darts of the wicked” or temptations –Ephesians 6:16.
2. If you focus on those impure, fearful or contrary thoughts, they will take root and eventually
rise in strength and captivate you in their grip.
a. The result will cause you to give into the temptation.
3. Wrong thoughts are like seeds sown by the enemy and meditating on them is like watering those
seeds causing them to grow.
a. Meditating on impure thoughts is to entertain their concepts within your consciousness,
giving them a place to mature.
i. The end result will be to produce the evil act.
4. Your “will” or self-control must act like a traffic cop for your mind.
a. When an improper thought enters, your “cop” or will must recognize it and take
immediate action to arrest it.
i. Take it captive and throw it out of the mind in obedience to the will of the Lord
Jesus Christ – 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
b. Failure to recognize or reject the unclean thought allows it to remain.
i. It will eventually find acceptance and a place to grow.
ii. This place then becomes a stronghold of the enemy from which he will be able to influence or even control your mind, decisions, responses, attitude and behavior regarding that thought, idea or temptation.
5. Exercising self-control of your thoughts requires alert, conscience, and disciplined effort.
a. It does not occur automatically unless it is regularly practiced.
i. It can occur automatically as you become disciplined in the spirit, but even this quality
must be maintained with effort.
6. Guard what goes into your mind (soul) through the senses; particularly through sight and
sound – Psalm 101:3.
a. These areas will influence consciously as well as sub-consciously.
VI. How to Renew or Reprogram your Mind.
A. Fill your mind with the Word of God by reading, meditating, memorizing, repeating it over and
over until it becomes a part of you.
1. Learn to apply the appropriate scriptures to whatever situation you face – Psalm 119:11.
a. Learn to always respond to situations with the Word of God and not your own emotions.
2. Emotional responses usually are selfish and cause more problems.
a. Reprogramming the mind with God’s Word can cure depression by giving you a positive outlook.
3. God’s Word shows you God’s loving care for you and what He thinks of you as His own child through Jesus Christ – Romans 8:1 and 8:31-32 and 8:35-39.
a. You get to know God by knowing His Word, which reveals His character and nature – His love,
his provision and His protection for you.
B. It also shows you how to live the new and redeemed life, a new way of living.
1. Living by faith in Him and His Word – Romans 1:16-17.
a. By which we also receive His promises - 2 Corinthians 1:20.
b. Without a good knowledge of His Word you will not know His will, desires and intentions
for you – 1 John 5:14-15.
2. With knowledge of His Word you will be able to pray according to His will.
a. Knowing God’s Word helps you to apply specific scriptures to situations and circumstances
you find yourself in.
3. Locate the scripture that deals with that problem.
a. Meditate, focus on, memorize ad recite it until that verse becomes part of you and pray that
verse when you pray.
i. Don’t pray the problem; pray the solution – God’s Word.
c. Your renewed mind and thinking will become lined up with the Word of God which
you can apply in all areas of life.
i. You displace the negative of this world with the positive of the Kingdom of God.
aa. This changes your attitude and outlook, even your personality.
4. Your faith is built up by knowing the Word of God – Romans 10:17.
a. The more you know of God and His Word the more confidence you have in your
situations and circumstances.
VII. The Result of a Renewed Mind is a New Way of Living and a New Behavior – Romans 12:3-21.
A. Notice that every command is contrary to the natural, fleshly (carnal) way of thinking and behaving.
1. Obedience to and conforming to the Word of God requires renewing the mind.
a. Accepting God’s way and rejecting the world’s way.
B. A summary is revealed in Colossians 3:5-17.
1. Verses 5 to 7 – the behavior of the old nature must die, be put off.
2. Verses 8 & 9 – purge the conversation and attitude.
3. Verses 10& 11- renew the mind with a new program – Christ and the Word.
4. Verses 12 to 14 – observe the new behavior that is produced.
5. Verse 14 – the completely renewed min now conforms to the will, the way and the nature of Christ
and God – Charity (the God kind of love).
a. Love is the outward evidence of the completed process –2 Peter 1:5-9.
i. Now spiritual fruit will be seen, which God is looking for –John 15:16.
ii. Renewing the mind is required to go onto spiritual maturity.
C. Now the renewed mind can work in harmony with the re-born spirit to produce the image of Christ
in you – Colossians 1:27, Romans 8:28-29 and Galatians 4:19.
VIII. Conclusion to Renewing the Mind.
A. Examples of scriptures for specific reprogramming your thinking.
1. Fear – 2 Timothy 1:7, 1 John 4:18 and Isaiah 41:10, 13.
2. Worry and anxiety – Philippians 4:6-7 and Matthew 6:25-34.
3. Provision – Philippians 4:19 and Romans 8:32.
4. Protection – Psalm 91 and Isaiah 43:1-2.
5. Problems – Romans 828, Psalm 34:17-19 and Mark 11:23.
6. Requests – John 14:13-14, John 15:7, John 16:23-24, Ephesians 3:20 and Matthew 21:22.
B. Renewing the mind requires self discipline and exerted effort put forth to accomplish as follows.
1. Identify the appropriate scripture to use.
2. Speak it out loud often.
3. Write it down, hopefully from memory.
4. Write each scripture on cards and post them in conspicuous places.
a. Every time you see a card – read it out load.
5. Meditate on each scripture to determine it meaning to you.
a. How can you apply each passage.
b. See it as God writing to you personally.
6. Within two weeks these scriptures can become a motivating part of you.
a. Then you begin to conform to the Word and put it into practice.
7. This should be a conscious and deliberate daily practice –Matthew 6:11 & 34.
I. Mankind is a triune being created in the image of God.
A. He is composed of spirit soul and body, each part is inter-related – (This topic is covered more
thoroughly in Lesson 208).
1. Spirit – changed by being re-born by Jesus Christ in the “born-again” experience.
2. Soul – the mind and individual personality, changed by man becoming a disciple of Christ.
3. Body – changed at the resurrection upon Christ’s return.
a. Also affected by prayer for healing and deliverance through Christ.
B. Each area can be conditioned to respond to input from knowing, understanding and applying
God’s Word (what is in the Holy Bible) –Proverbs 4:20-22.
1. The spirit (reborn) responds to spiritual input.
a. The Word, prayer, the Holy Spirit leading, fellowship with God, etc.
b. Your spirit then gives input to the soul (mind) to make decisions or to take action.
i. Sometimes the soul lags a few steps behind the spirit in recognizing of accepting what
needs to be done.
2. The soul (mind) can receive input from either the spirit or the body (flesh).
a. The soul is the place where decisions and responses are made.
i. Both conscious and sub-conscious decisions.
b. Depending on the type of conditioning or discipline that the mind has been subjected to
determines whether the decision or response will be carnal or spiritual.
i. This makes the soul the battle ground between the flesh and the spirit – Romans 8:6 and Galatians 5:17 & 24.
ii. It is also where temptations are contemplated.
aa. Where the devil makes suggests that appeal to the flesh.
3. The body responds to physical and material input.
a. Through the five senses of sight, touch, taste, smell and sound.
i. The body gives input to the soul to make decisions and take action.
4. Now it becomes obvious why the mind (soul) has to be renewed –2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
a. It is your mind that regulates your behavior – Proverbs 16:3 and 23:7.
i. By thoughts, both conscious and sub-conscious.
ii. By attitudes.
iii. By Conditioning of environment , peers or schooling.
iv. Patterning by what the mind focuses on or is exposed to –Psalm 101:3.
II. Renewal Starts With Jesus Christ
A. He is the example we are to follow – John 14:6.
1. He is the Way to live this life – a spiritual, or spirit led life.
a. This requires the re-born spirit (born-again) being made alive unto Christ and responds to Him.
2. He is the Truth – revelation, knowledge which affects the mind (soul).
a. Truth avoids the corruption and errors caused by lies and deception.
i. Truth sets free those held captive by lies and false doctrines –John 8:31-32.
3. He is the Life – (zoe = life as God has it), a new way of living patterned after Him that regulates
our behavior on this earth and for eternity.
a. We are to reflect and represent Him under His Lordship as a true disciple.
B. He is Truth because He is also the Word of God that became flesh and His Word is Truth – John 17:17.
1. Knowledge of Him and his Word begins to renew the mind.
a. As knowledge of the Word increases you conform to the truth of His Word.
i. Thus the renewed mind separates you from the sinful acts of the world.
ii. This knowledge sets you free of wrong habits, traditions, superstitions, ignorance as you
increase in the truth – John 8:32.
aa. Note that John 8:31 was directed to those who are disciples “if you continue”
in His Word – the sign of a true disciple.
III. Your mind is like a computer and has already been conditioned and programmed to think certain ways.
A. By input from the world, your environment, peers, education and experiences, and culture.
1. These things condition your thinking, attitudes and the way you understand things.
B. You mind responds based on the way it has been programmed.
1. The computer term “garbage in-garbage out” applies to your mind.
a. Your thoughts, attitudes and understanding are conditioned based on input – what was
fed into you mind.
b. That programming needs to be changed.
i. Some need much more re-programming than others.
2. Don't feed on “garbage” – the things of the world that are contrary to the Word of God and
principles of His Kingdom.
a. Avoid unfit, unprofitable or questionable things like what is on TV, movies, videos,
magazines, gossip, bad news, etc.
i. All such things have a negative effect on you mind.
3. Feed your mind with truth (the Word of God), and wholesome uplifting things – Philippians 4:8
a. Focus on positive input, that which is of God – Romans 13:14, Ephesians 5:1-10.
C. The natural (carnal) mind will not think on the things of God preferring the things of the flesh
and the world – Romans 8:5-7.
1. The carnal mind (old nature) becomes more corrupt as it gains more knowledge of the world.
IV. What is in you shows by your speech and responses when pressure is applied.
A. Pressure usually causes a person to lose control of normal restraints known as “self-control”.
1. As a tube of tooth paste issues forth its contents when pressure is applied , so does mankind
issue forth things he normally would not when suddenly subjected to abnormal pressure.
a. What comes out of your mouth when you hit accidentally hit your thumb with a hammer?
aa. Is that expletive a surprise to you?
bb. It was there all the time!
2. What is in you will come out under pressure - Luke 6:45.
a. This demonstrates the need to renew what is in you – in your mind.
B. If the renewed spirit is allowed to influence the bodily response via the renewed mind, then what
comes out under pressure will glorify God –1 Corinthians 10:31 and 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
C. Attitude affects outlook - the way you see things.
1. Your frame of mind (attitude) determines how you perceive things, thus controls how you
respond to situations and circumstances.
a. Positive or negative: joyful or despondent; envying and jealous or rejoicing; sour or happy.
b. To focus on your problems, or focus on your solutions.
2. Attitude is a product of conditioning of the sub-conscious mind.
a. Attitude is also changed by the renewing of the mind because the conscious effort to renew
gets into and affects the sub-conscious.
V. Renewing the Mind is Your Responsibility – Romans 12:2
A. The renewing of your spirit was done by Jesus when you accepted Him as savour believing
the gospel message.
1. His spirit entered your spirit and it was made alive unto him, (born-again), renewed to life again
as God originally intended man to live.
2. Since the mind (soul) is the intermediate ground between the spirit and the body, it must be
renewed and disciple to conform to your renewed spirit.
a. Then your body will be able to follow the directives of the spirit without conflict from
B. Re-program the computer (your mind) with new software which comes from the Word of God.
1. Putting off the things of this world to the pursuit of the Kingdom of God, Matthew 6:33.
a. From the carnal to the spiritual – Romans 8:6.
b. Put off the old ways and seek to live in the new way –Ephesians 4:23-24 and Colossians 3:8-10.
i. Notice the behavioral changes that accompany the renewed mind – Ephesians 4:25-32.
2. Believers cannot live the Christian life if they are double-minded – James 1:8.
a. Double-mindedness is to be carnally minded at one time and spiritually minded at other times.
b. Compromise between two ways of thinking based on personal desires or lusts shows something
of the carnal nature has not been “put off”.
c. Such a person will justify selfish or worldly behavior when convenient, then return to godliness when necessary –Luke 11:33-36.
C. Renewing the mind is s process of re-education through use of the Word of God.
1. Knowing God’s Word, promises, what God wants and how much God loves you is priority
knowledge – Colossians 3:8-9.
a. Replace unprofitable (carnal) knowledge eternal beneficial knowledge – Romans 13:12-13.
b. Don’t feed your mind on garbage which causes spiritual indigestion.
2. Re-program your mind by focusing on Jesus, the living Word so you can conform to His
image – Colossians 3:10-14.
a. “Put on” Jesus’ likeness (lifestyle) – Romans 13:14.
i. To be Christian means to be Christ-like.
D. Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you – Proverbs 23:7.
1. The devil cannot read your mind, but through his evil spirits he can use suggestive influence to
plant evil thoughts in your mind.
a. These are the “fiery darts of the wicked” or temptations –Ephesians 6:16.
2. If you focus on those impure, fearful or contrary thoughts, they will take root and eventually
rise in strength and captivate you in their grip.
a. The result will cause you to give into the temptation.
3. Wrong thoughts are like seeds sown by the enemy and meditating on them is like watering those
seeds causing them to grow.
a. Meditating on impure thoughts is to entertain their concepts within your consciousness,
giving them a place to mature.
i. The end result will be to produce the evil act.
4. Your “will” or self-control must act like a traffic cop for your mind.
a. When an improper thought enters, your “cop” or will must recognize it and take
immediate action to arrest it.
i. Take it captive and throw it out of the mind in obedience to the will of the Lord
Jesus Christ – 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
b. Failure to recognize or reject the unclean thought allows it to remain.
i. It will eventually find acceptance and a place to grow.
ii. This place then becomes a stronghold of the enemy from which he will be able to influence or even control your mind, decisions, responses, attitude and behavior regarding that thought, idea or temptation.
5. Exercising self-control of your thoughts requires alert, conscience, and disciplined effort.
a. It does not occur automatically unless it is regularly practiced.
i. It can occur automatically as you become disciplined in the spirit, but even this quality
must be maintained with effort.
6. Guard what goes into your mind (soul) through the senses; particularly through sight and
sound – Psalm 101:3.
a. These areas will influence consciously as well as sub-consciously.
VI. How to Renew or Reprogram your Mind.
A. Fill your mind with the Word of God by reading, meditating, memorizing, repeating it over and
over until it becomes a part of you.
1. Learn to apply the appropriate scriptures to whatever situation you face – Psalm 119:11.
a. Learn to always respond to situations with the Word of God and not your own emotions.
2. Emotional responses usually are selfish and cause more problems.
a. Reprogramming the mind with God’s Word can cure depression by giving you a positive outlook.
3. God’s Word shows you God’s loving care for you and what He thinks of you as His own child through Jesus Christ – Romans 8:1 and 8:31-32 and 8:35-39.
a. You get to know God by knowing His Word, which reveals His character and nature – His love,
his provision and His protection for you.
B. It also shows you how to live the new and redeemed life, a new way of living.
1. Living by faith in Him and His Word – Romans 1:16-17.
a. By which we also receive His promises - 2 Corinthians 1:20.
b. Without a good knowledge of His Word you will not know His will, desires and intentions
for you – 1 John 5:14-15.
2. With knowledge of His Word you will be able to pray according to His will.
a. Knowing God’s Word helps you to apply specific scriptures to situations and circumstances
you find yourself in.
3. Locate the scripture that deals with that problem.
a. Meditate, focus on, memorize ad recite it until that verse becomes part of you and pray that
verse when you pray.
i. Don’t pray the problem; pray the solution – God’s Word.
c. Your renewed mind and thinking will become lined up with the Word of God which
you can apply in all areas of life.
i. You displace the negative of this world with the positive of the Kingdom of God.
aa. This changes your attitude and outlook, even your personality.
4. Your faith is built up by knowing the Word of God – Romans 10:17.
a. The more you know of God and His Word the more confidence you have in your
situations and circumstances.
VII. The Result of a Renewed Mind is a New Way of Living and a New Behavior – Romans 12:3-21.
A. Notice that every command is contrary to the natural, fleshly (carnal) way of thinking and behaving.
1. Obedience to and conforming to the Word of God requires renewing the mind.
a. Accepting God’s way and rejecting the world’s way.
B. A summary is revealed in Colossians 3:5-17.
1. Verses 5 to 7 – the behavior of the old nature must die, be put off.
2. Verses 8 & 9 – purge the conversation and attitude.
3. Verses 10& 11- renew the mind with a new program – Christ and the Word.
4. Verses 12 to 14 – observe the new behavior that is produced.
5. Verse 14 – the completely renewed min now conforms to the will, the way and the nature of Christ
and God – Charity (the God kind of love).
a. Love is the outward evidence of the completed process –2 Peter 1:5-9.
i. Now spiritual fruit will be seen, which God is looking for –John 15:16.
ii. Renewing the mind is required to go onto spiritual maturity.
C. Now the renewed mind can work in harmony with the re-born spirit to produce the image of Christ
in you – Colossians 1:27, Romans 8:28-29 and Galatians 4:19.
VIII. Conclusion to Renewing the Mind.
A. Examples of scriptures for specific reprogramming your thinking.
1. Fear – 2 Timothy 1:7, 1 John 4:18 and Isaiah 41:10, 13.
2. Worry and anxiety – Philippians 4:6-7 and Matthew 6:25-34.
3. Provision – Philippians 4:19 and Romans 8:32.
4. Protection – Psalm 91 and Isaiah 43:1-2.
5. Problems – Romans 828, Psalm 34:17-19 and Mark 11:23.
6. Requests – John 14:13-14, John 15:7, John 16:23-24, Ephesians 3:20 and Matthew 21:22.
B. Renewing the mind requires self discipline and exerted effort put forth to accomplish as follows.
1. Identify the appropriate scripture to use.
2. Speak it out loud often.
3. Write it down, hopefully from memory.
4. Write each scripture on cards and post them in conspicuous places.
a. Every time you see a card – read it out load.
5. Meditate on each scripture to determine it meaning to you.
a. How can you apply each passage.
b. See it as God writing to you personally.
6. Within two weeks these scriptures can become a motivating part of you.
a. Then you begin to conform to the Word and put it into practice.
7. This should be a conscious and deliberate daily practice –Matthew 6:11 & 34.