Note: God reveals Himself, His plans, purposes and His desire to dwell with man, restoring His relationship with man as with Adam at the beginning. God used the Tabernacle and His Holy Days in the Old Testament, but those plans and purposes have not yet been totally fulfilled and still apply as prophetic representations of what is still being fulfilled today under the New Testament. Jesus satisfied and fulfilled the requirements of the Law; nevertheless, these prophetic representations are still yet to be fulfilled; namely His Second Coming and our gathering together unto Him. In this lesson we will see the significance of GOD’S TABERNACLE and HIS HOLY DAYS (in appendix 1, of this lesson).
I. God’s Plan and Purpose for a Dwelling Place – (tabernacle and church).
A. Typified by the tabernacle of Moses.
1. Patterned after the Heavenly sanctuary – Hebrews 8:2-5.
a. Items, furnishings and construction pieces are each representative of spiritual truth of the
Kingdom of God.
2. The church, called a tabernacle not built with hands, is represented by parts of the tabernacles construction.
Note: The following physical items have spiritual meanings –
Oil = Holy Spirit Purple = Royalty
White Linen = Righteousness Blue = Obedience
Water = Scripture (Word) Wood – Human nature
Silver = Redemption Gold = Divine nature
Scarlet = Blood of Jesus
B. The tabernacle was a dwelling place of God to be with His people - then.
1. Now, the Body of Christ in His swelling place – Hebrews 3:5-6.
a. Individually – 1 Corinthians 6:13-15.
b. Corporately – 1 Corinthians 3:16-17.
c. No longer in a building of brick or stone but by human hands – Mark 14:58.
2. God, through Christ, is the architect and builder – Acts 7:48.
a. He is building you (individually and corporately) as a living stone to be part of His
Holy habitation – Ephesians 2:20-22.
i. This will occur to each person, as a living stone, who is faithful to Him to be used and
placed where He wants.
ii. He must shape each stone for its proper place and function.
iii. He places each stone (obedient person) in his proper place in relation to others, each
with a specific and loving purpose.
II. God’s building material for the tabernacle is also representative of His eternal dwelling place –
Exodus 25:8 and Psalm 132:13-14.
A. The building is ordered – Exodus 35:5-9.
1. Materials came from Egypt (type of the sinful world) – Exodus 12:35-36.
a. Each item has a spiritual parallel significance, (as in the table shown in Section A.2. Note above).
B. The entrance into the outer court.
1. The first thing seen is white linen – Exodus 72:9.
a. Representative of the righteousness of the saints – Revelation 19:8, also in Revelation 3:4-5 and 7:9-11.
i. What the world should see as evidence of God’s presence in His church.
2. A wide gate leading into the tabernacle was a curtain of purple, blue and scarlet – Exodus 27:16.
a. The access or door is provided by the King (purple = royalty) who as obedient (blue), and who
shed His blood (scarlet).
i. This represents Jesus – John 10:9.
b. The curtain was supported by four wood pillars.
i. Wood representing humanity.
aa. Four men who documented for all history Jesus as the king, the obedient servant,
the door, and the sacrificial lamb – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
C. Once inside the door of the tabernacle (passing through curtain) we are presented with the Brazen
Alter of Sacrifice.
1. This item represents what is sacrificed and offered up to God.
a. It is representative of the cross of Christ where He offered Himself and His blood was shed
for all of our sins.
2. A sacrifice implies something has to die – for believers it’s our self-will.
a. We are to offer ouir lives up to God, but as a living sacrifice – Romans 12:1 and Luke 9:23.
i. We should offer ourselves daily to Him by denying our own selfish or fleshly desires
(lusts) – Romans 6:6-11.
b. Don’t fear this kind of death because true life is the result – Galatians 2:20.
D. Next we encounter the Laver of brass filled with water – Exodus 30:16-21.
1. The priests were required to wash before they ministered unto the Lord.
a. We must be washed in the water of the Word to prepare us for the ministry of the Word –
Ephesians 5:26-27.
2. How does the Word cleanse or wash us – Hebrews 4:12.
a. The bottom of the Laver bowl was lined with mirrors which represent the Word – James 1:23-25.
i. As we are washed and changed by the Word we begin to reflect His image – 2 Corinthians 3:18.
aa. We begin to see ourselves as God sees us.
3. This washing and cleansing does not come from church tradition, rules or regulations, but from revelation of His Word.
a. Such a revelation is a result of the continued washing at the Laver of His Word.
4. The Laver was positioned at the entrance of the Holy Place, the first of the inner two rooms
of the tabernacle.
a. The priests could not enter into the Holy Place until they washed at the Laver.
i. Likewise every believer should wash himself in the Word before coming to the Lord in
prayer and fellowship.
E. Entrance into the Holy Place was through a curtain like at the Outer Court, that curtain representing
Christ – Exodus 26:36.
1. This curtain was higher, narrower and finer that the previous one.
a. Jesus is above us, being the narrow way – John 14:6.
2. This curtain had five pillars of wood to hang it from – Exodus 26:37.
a. Special wood to represent the five gift ministries given to man – Ephesians 4:8-11.
i. Given for perfecting, maturing and building the saints into the image of Christ – Ephesians 4:12.
b. Gold covered the natural wood pillars implying the anointing and gifting are divine, from God.
i. This encourages saints to not focus on and worship (idolize) man, but to recognize the love
gift (anointing) of God on the man – 2 Corinthians 4:7.
F. Inside the Holy Place is the Golden Candlestick (Lampstand) positioned on the left – Exodus 25:31-32.
1. Made from one piece of pure gold – represent one God.
2. The lamps contain oil – represent the Holy Spirit.
a. Oil (the Holy Spirit) supplies the fire giving light which reveals Christ who is the light.
3. Seven lamps represent the seven Spirits and nature of God – Revelation 5:6.
a. Each characteristic of the Spirit and nature of God was first revealed to Israel – Isaiah 11:2.
4. Each characteristic of the Spirit and nature of God was personally revealed to us by God’s descriptive names and manifested in Christ.
a. Jehovah-Shalom: the Lord our Peace – Christ the Prince of Peace.
b. Jehovah-Nissi: the Lord our Victor – Jesus gained the victory over the enemy for us.
c. Jehovah-Jireh: the Lord our Provider – through Christ, Philippians 4:19 and Romans 8:32.
d. Jehovah-Shammah: the Lord is Present – Matthew 28:20 and Hebrews 13:5.
e. Jehovah-Rapha: the Lord our Healer – James 5:14-15. aa. The name Jesus means health,
rescue, deliverance, safety and salvation.
f. Jehovah-Raah: the Lord our Shepherd – Christ our chief shepherd – John 10:11 and 1 Peter 5:4.
g. Jehovah-Tsidkenu: the Lord our Righteousness – which Jesus is become – 2 Corinthians 5:21.
G. The Table of Showbread located on the right in the Holy Place – Exodus 25:23-30.
1. Represents the “Bread of His Presence” represents what Jesus did when He was ministering in Israel.
a. The bread was for the priests who served in the tabernacle.
i. Twelve loaves, one for each tribe.
ii. The bread was broken when eaten.
iii. Jesus being the bread of life which was broken for us – John 6:32-35, 48-51, Matthew 26:26-28.
b. Bowls on the table contain drink (wine) for the priests.
i. Bread and wine represents the Lords Table (Communion).
c. The table made of wood (humanity) was covered in gold (divine) also represents Jesus, the son
of man and the Son of God.
H. The Altar of Incense located directly before the Holy of Holies – Exodus 30:1-10.
1. For the burning of incense, the altar was made of wood covered in gold, (representing Jesus,
both human and divine).
a. Sweet (savory) smelling incense is a type of worship, praise, obedience and prayer that we offer
up to God – Revelation 8:3-4.
i. The aroma is pleasing to God.
ii. Christ offered himself up to God who was well pleased – Luke 3:22 and Ephesians 5:2.
2. This altar was the tallest item in the entire tabernacle which shows the importance of worship
and prayer to God.
3. Special incense was made of four spices which were red (stacte), black (onycha), brown or yellow (galbanum) and white (frankincense).
a. These represent all races and colors of man that are to offer up prayer and worship to God.
I. The entrance into the Holy of Holies – Exodus 26:31-33.
1. The curtain again represents Christ; it was torn from top to bottom at His crucifixion.
a. Through the curtain was the only way into the Holy of Holies.
i. Jesus opened the way for all mankind to come to God by His crucifixion.
2. The way into the Holy of Holies was not seen as the curtain was one piece without an opening.
a. Only the High Priest was allowed to supernaturally enter after he was totally and ceremonially
cleansed of his sin and made pure.
b. Since Jesus blood cleanses from all sin and unrighteousness, those who are under His blood now
have free access to God – Hebrews 4:14-16.
J. Upon entering into the Holy of Holies you see the Ark of the Covenant – Exodus 25:10-22.
1. The only piece of furniture in the Holy of Holies was in two parts.
a. The wood box layered in gold inside and out and had at cover on top made of the same materials
but with two cherubim facing each other mounted on top.
i. The wood covered in gold again represents Christ humanity and divinity.
2. Inside the box was manna – the bread of God (that was supernaturally preserved).
a. Jesus is also the bread of God, the bread of life.
b. This bread was spiritual food, as is Jesus – John 6:48-58.
3. Also inside the box were the tablets of stone with the Ten Commandments etched into them –
the Low of Moses.
a. Now the Law of God is etched in the hearts of the true believers – Romans 8:2 and Hebrews 8:10.
4. Also inside the box was Aaron’s rod that budded – Numbers 17:1-8.
a. God reaffirmed His anointing on Aaron in a time of rebellion by demonstration with his Word.
i. It sprouted buds, blossom and almonds showing supernatural life.
ii. This represents God’s anointed servants are to bring forth new life by the proclaiming the
Word (gospel) to others.
aa. This is represented by the buds and fruit (almonds).
5. The Mercy Seat is where the atoning blood was poured out on.
a. The blood appealed to God’s mercy and bring forgiveness and the remission of sins.
i. The result the blood allows true believers to be in right standing (righteousness) with God.
aa. This requires faith in what Jesus did when He shed His blood for our sins.
6. The Cherubim represent the ministry of angels who watch over that which belongs to God –
Hebrews 1:14.
a. This includes the saints as well as Jesus when He ministered on earth.
APPENDIX 1: The significance of God’s Holy Days – His Appointed Times.
Today it appears that the church is totally ignorant of the special days that God ordained for His people to be reverent of; namely, the Holy Feast days that He set up for Israel to observe, (Leviticus 23). These holy feast days are Passover, Pentecost and the autumn Feast of Tabernacles (which consists of three holy celebrations of Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles). These days are very special as each is a prophetic representation of what is to be fulfilled in Jesus.
Leviticus 23:2 …..These are MY feasts, God said; note that they are not Israel’s feasts, but God’s.
These special observances are called in scripture “holy convocations” or special Sabbath days, these events are holy Sabbath days in addition to the weekly seventh day Sabbath; these are days that no one is to work, thus these are referred to as holidays, (a derivative of holy days).
Unfortunately, the church has adopted man’s secular holidays and ignores God’s ordained holidays. In so doing the church also ignores the prophetic significance of each of these special observances. What is most distressing is that the last of these holidays is especially significant to the church, yet we are ignorant of what they represent. The church, even more than the Jews, should be celebrating this last annual set of three autumn holidays which are back to back ending with the Feast of Tabernacles.
Let’s do a simple review of the prophetic meaning that God established in each of the holy feast days: Passover is representative of Jesus becoming the sin sacrifice, the Lamb of God slain for the sins of all mankind; whose blood was shed to cleanse us of all unrighteousness. This celebration occurs in the spring.
The church erroneously observes Easter as the resurrection of Christ but that day was established by the Roman Catholic Church and is not the day of Christ’s resurrection. Likewise, Good Friday was not the day of His crucifixion as you don’t get three days and three nights from Friday sunset to Sunday sunrise; and scripture emphatically states that “as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the fish, so must Jesus be three days and three nights in the belly of the earth”, (Matthew 12:38-40).
So if you want to observe the proper day of Christ’s crucifixion and the resurrection just look at what day the Jews celebrate Passover. It was the 24 hour period prior to Passover that Jesus was crucified, called the “Day of Preparation”, the day when they killed the Passover Lamb, (John 19:13-16, 31 &42). Jesus became God’s Passover Lamb, ( 1 Corinthians 5:7), and He had to be off the cross before Passover began at sunset since Passover is the high holy Sabbath of the Jews; (it was not the weekly Sabbath as has been assumed). Then you count three days and three nights from that day and you have the actual day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the grave. Since Passover is the prophetic celebration of Jesus becoming the sin and blood sacrifice for mankind this prophetic event has been completely fulfilled.
Fifty days later is the Celebration Pentecost, when God gave something special to his people as a deposit of Himself. The Jews celebrate this day as when God gave His Ten Commandments – The Law. To the church it is when God sent His Holy Spirit to empower His people and marked the birth of the church of Jesus Christ. This prophetic event has also been completely fulfilled.
The next annual holidays of God are the three combined feasts of Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles. This celebration occurs in autumn, usually in late September or early October. This is the celebration whose prophetic significance is so great to the church because it represents what we are all waiting for. The first part of this celebration is called by the Jews, Rosh Hashanah and marks the beginning of this time of these three celebrations with the Feast of Trumpets.
Trumpets are used for three purposes: 1) to sound a call to alert of danger or an approaching enemy; 2) to call people to assemble; 3) to herald the coming of royalty, or a king. The church is anticipating a trumpet call, (1 Thessalonians 4:16); this trumpet call, which is the last in a series of trumpets, is the one that summons the saints into the clouds to meet Jesus upon His return. This is quite an important celebration that this feast symbolizes.
To the Jews, this is the celebration of new beginnings; they call it the New Year. It can be concluded from scripture and historical documents that this is also the time that Jesus was actually born. The trumpet heralded the coming of the king. You must understand that Jesus was not born on December 25th, this is another date established by the Roman Catholic Church and is based solely on ancient pagan celebrations that even pre-dated the Roman Catholic Church; (this is a separate topic that I and others have written about and can provide that information if you want it).
Jesus was born during the series of autumn holy days which represent both his first and second comings. What is most significant is that in addition to the heralding of Jesus birth, the sound of the last trumpet blast during this event prophetically announces the coming of King Jesus for His saints at the end of this age – referred to as the rapture. This is the timing of the return of Christ; and though we don’t know the day or the hour, we do know the season according to the apostle Paul, (1 Thessalonians 5:1-5) – during the fall feasts celebration.
The second phase of the Feast of Tabernacles is known as Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. The Jews use this time to do serious soul searching, repenting, asking forgiveness and making things right with others. It obviously has to do with removing the consequences of sin and is the only one time each year when the high priest enters the Holy of Holies with the sacrificial blood to sprinkle on the mercy seat. The prophetic representation of this day is the time of the Judgment Seat of Christ, the day the Book of Life is opened and those whose names are written in it are declared acquitted of their sins before God by the atoning blood of Jesus.
This celebration occurs eight days after the last trumpet sounds. So prophetically, we are gathered to Christ at that last trumpet, then once all are assembled we find ourselves standing before Christ, the true, righteous and just judge, to have Him declare before the Father that He shed His blood for each and every one that is found written in the Book of Life, (Revelation 13:8). It is important to note that this book is opened again at the Great White Throne Judgment of God (Revelation 20:12, 15) to show the unsaved that their names are not in this book. (Their deeds are also recorded in another book, the Book of Remembrance.) So the Day of Atonement is prophetically yet to be fulfilled and is represented by the observation of this special holyday, which the church does not observe as yet.
The last phase of this special time of year is the great celebration of joy, praise, rejoicing and happiness, the Feast of Tabernacles. Originally, the Jews would celebrate by leaving their normal place of abode and take up a temporary dwelling outside their houses in booths that were built on their flat rooftops. This occurs fifteen days after the Trumpets and lasts for another eight days. This feast is the prophetic representation of both the birth of Jesus and His second coming. The first when He was born King of the Jews, Matthew 2:1-2; the second is when He returns as King of kings and Lord of lords.
On the eighth day is the Great Feast. This is also called the Feast of Ingathering which celebrates the final harvest. The prophetic significance of this celebration is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, the time when all has been accomplished and all the saints are gathered and present for the greatest celebration in all creation as we are joined with Jesus Christ as heirs to His throne and enter into His kingdom and the Holy City, the New Jerusalem. Now could there be any more of a reason for great Joy and rejoicing that is symbolized by this last of God’s holidays?
The observance of Tabernacles is so significant that it will be required by all people to celebrate it throughout the millennial reign of Christ; failure to do so will have a consequence as recorded in Zachariah 14:16-19.
Church, wake up and begin to observe God’s holidays more than we heed man’s phony (and corrupt) holidays! And stop celebrating man’s false holidays which offend God and Christ because they are not representative of Him.