A. Man is not an accident or product of evolution.
1. He was designed and fashioned by God for a purpose and a reason - Genesis 2:7.
a. He was made from the natural elements of the earth which he identifies with and is to rule over.
i. "Adam" means "rudy", "red" and implies the clay and dust his body was made from.
2. God breathed the "breath of life" into Adam - Genesis 1:26-27.
a. He became a living SOUL (not a spirit).
i. Soul = personality, feelings, emotions, intellect and a will.
b. God's spirit (breath) merged with a body made of dust and clay and produced a "soul" that was viable.
3. Adam's soul was influenced by the Spirit of God working in and through Adam's own spirit (heart).
a. Everything Adam did was in harmony with God.
b. He had unbroken intimate fellowship with God.
B. Man was made like God - Hebrews 1:6
1. Made a little lower than Elohim (plural for God) - Genesis 1:26-27.
a. The word translated angels is "Elohim" (God plural) - Psalm 8:4-8.
b. "Elohim" also denotes the quality of a judge, ruler and dignitary.
i. "Crowned with glory" means man was given God's dignity.
2. Made in the image of God to rule the earth - Genesis 1:28.
a. Made with God's glory and dignity, (character and nature – listed in scripture as the Fruit of the Spirit – Galatians 5:22-23; consider each quality of this divine nature).
i.Which was lostfrom which when he fell by accepting eating the forbidden fruit - Romans 3:23 and
Genesis 3:1-5.
ii. The mMan, Adam, had the glory (dignity and honor) of God, as a son received of his father
(in name and family).
b. Man was made like God, with all God's qualities, character and nature.
i. Less God's divine attributes - Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence.
C. The Trinity was involved in making man - Genesis 1:26.
1. Man was made a three-part being like God; spirit, soul and body.
a. His "image" - meaning phantom; figure; shadow or resemblance.
i. Implies man's spirit resembles God; what He looks like if you could see in the spirit realm.
b. His "likeness" - meaning mold; shape; form and refers to God's qualities in character of soul
or nature and disposition.
i. God has a soul - Matthew 12:18
aa. Where all His character, nature, intellect, feelings and emotions are; just like in man.
c. God has body parts like man's so we know what His basic appearance is like -– (ref. lesson 110).
D. God personally made an ideal place for man - Genesis 2:8.
1. A care-free environment for God's pride and joy - Genesis 2:15.
a. A place where he was fully provided for and protected.
E. God originally made man righteous and good, possessing God's own character and nature in his
heart (spirit) - Genesis 1:31.
1. Adam was God's offspring, made in His image.
2. God also gave man a will of his own lest he be merely a puppet or like a robot.
3. Man was “good” when God made him – Genesis 1:31.
NOTE: We fail to recognize man as he was before the fall; we only know his state after the fall. Christ represented all that God originally placed in man, as man was intended to be. Jesus gave an example of how those who are redeemed are to be - Ephesians 4:23-24 and Colossians 3:10.
A. When Adam submitted to the beguiling will of the serpent he came under the influence the spirit of Satan which dominated his heart (spirit).
1. He was no longer submitted to God, thus he was no longer influenced by God.
a. God withdrew His Spirit from man's spirit resulting in a spiritual coma.
i. Sin and death entered man's experience as a result
ii. Man was no longer spiritually viable or alive.
B. Sin combined with an earthly body, thus a fallen soul and a lifeless spirit produced "the flesh" or "self" consisting of "I WANT, I WILL AND I AM" -or the big "I".
1. This is actually the nature of Satan himself which has now become resident in man.
a. Sin, rebellion, selfishness and evil doing is now the nature of man.
i. The righteousness God gave man is now gone.
NOTE: Before the fall man was animated and motivated by the power of God's Spirit through his own spirit. the soul of man reflected and bore the image of God. He though in Godly ways; He spoke in Godly ways; he walked in Godly ways; he lived holy and righteous being filled with God's character and nature - Ephesians 3:19. Since the fall man has been animated and motivated by the power of his own soul that has been deprived of the character and nature of God. Man's reasoning's, motives, desires, wisdom, strengths and talents originate in the soul. Man's soul is no longer dominated by man's spirit or by God's Spirit; it is now dominated by "the flesh" (the "old man") - selfishness, which is in league with the nature of Satan, and thus easily influenced by the devil. Self is now man's big problem - more on this later in this lesson.
C. Man was intended to live forever - Genesis 2:9, 16-17.
1. Death referred to is spiritual death, separation from God
a. Separation of the life force from the life source.
i. Man died to ZOE (life as God has it); the life Jesus came to restore -– John 10:10.
2. The result, man now lives off of other life forms; drawing from their life to sustain his own.
a. Kill and eat animals (blood shed - the life of the body) to sustain his own life -– a substitute and
perverted way of life.
3. Physical life begins to wind down in length due to corruption, sin, sickness, disease, wickedness and
D. Man was to live life (zoe) on a spiritual plane in relationship, fellowship and harmony with God.
1. This relationship was broken by sin - Gen. 3:22-24.
2. This relationship was restored by Jesus - Eph. 2:10.
E. Man embarked on life at a lower level - the self.
1. Seeking to satisfy carnal appetites, lusts and pleasures.
A. For fellowship with Him.
1. God is Love; love needs an object to show love to.
a. Love also likes to be received, acknowledged and appreciated, which generates more love to flow out -
John 15:9-14, 1 John 2:5 and 4:11-12.
2. God's desire was to have communion with His created "off-spring".
a. As demonstrated with Adam - Genesis 3:8-9.
i. And Enoch - Genesis 5:22-24.
b. Christ re-established the opportunity for that communion - John 14:6.
i. Re-birth of spiritual life - John 11:25.
B. God wanted to love something that He could identify with; that had a self will and ability to respond independently.
1. So HE made man like Himself (in His image), glorious (with dignity).
a. God put some of Himself in man; this is why He is so concerned for us -– Psalm 8:3-6.
2. God is Spirit, so He gave man a spirit by breathing His own Spirit into him -– Genesis 2:7.
a. This made man a living soul; like God, with personality, feelings, etc.
i. The soul is what experiences what both the spirit and body feel; it relates to both.
aa. The SOUL feels - God's love from the spirit, or the world's hate and sensuality from the body.
b. The spirit is the prime and eternal part of man that identifies with God.
i. Since the fall, the soul only relates to the body (flesh).
aa. Responding to sensual, physical, intellectual elements.
ii. The "lost" soul has no contact with or input from the spirit which became dormant (as dead).
c. It was this part of man that died and became separated from God by sin.
3. Man now fails to recognize that he also has a spirit, so he neglects the things of the spirit.
a. Scripture calls for us to deny the flesh, the old nature, and to walk in (being led by) the spirit - Romans 8:1-15, Romans 13:11-14 and in Ephesians 4:17-24.
i. Being led by what is in your spirit (which comes from God's Spirit) will allow you to live a life
representing your Heavenly Father.
IV. GOD HAS A PURPOSE AND POSITION FOR MAN: to have dominion, to rule and govern -
Genesis 1:28 and Psalm 115:15-16.
A. Purpose - repopulate and colonize the earth.
1. The original population went in the path of rebellion with the earth's original ruler, Lucifer -
Ezekiel 28:14-17 and Isaiah 14:12).
a. There was some kind of life or civilization on earth over which Lucifer ruled.
i. They were probably not men in the fashion as we are.
ii. The spirits of these long dead beings may be the demons and evil spirits we deal with now.
b. God judged and destroyed this society (more on this subject in another lesson).
2. God limited man's abilities to operate in the physical, material realm as a physical being.
a. As long as he was in proper relationship with God, he didn't need abilities in the spirit realm.
b. With no creative powers, he had to use physical procreative ability to fulfill God's plan to
repopulate the earth.
i. This is not possible without a female - Genesis 2:18, 23-25.
c. The "man" in Hebrew is "eesh or ish" and means male human; "woman" is "ishshah" and means
female human.
i. Woman is like man only having a physical difference to fulfill a physical function.
ii. The physical difference is also chemical which affects emotions and sensitivities necessary to
function in her role.
d. All that a woman IS, came from man; man had all human qualities to himself -– Genesis 2:21.
i. Certain qualities were taken from him and placed in her so that there would be an
interdependence on one another.
B. To take over rule (dominion) of the earth - Psalm 115:17.
1. To replace Lucifer as ruler over the earth.
a. Lucifer became jealous and set out to get control of the re-formed earth again -– Genesis 3:1-5.
b. He used deceit to tempt the woman to submit to him.
i. She was beguiled by his lie; He caused her to want to be like God.
aa. She already was like God but didn't realize it.
bb. Satan always causes you to doubt what God says about you, and what God made you to be.
ii. Satan causes doubt in God's Word and dissatisfaction with what and who you are and
what you have.
aa. Dissatisfaction creates LUST, (a quality of Satan’s nature) – John 8:44.
c. When they submitted to Satan's idea they betrayed what God gave them into Satan's hand - Luke 4:5-6.
i. They gave rulership of earth back to Lucifer who has been the "god" of this world ever since -
2 Corinthians 4:3-4.
C. Have Dominion - past, present and future.
1. Adam ruled briefly in the past.
a. As long as he submitted to God, He had delegated authority.
i. That authority to rule was lost when they succumbed to the devil's deception -– Luke 4:6.
aa. Satan got dominion back again when he got dominion over man.
ii. Man's spiritual life was lost; this is where the power, authority, dominion and true life came from.
2. They ruled in righteousness.
a. They were clothed in righteousness (which may have been white spiritual garments (Revelation 3:5, 18) before the fall, which they lost afterward -– Genesis 3:7.
D. Man turned his dominion over to Satan who became ruler of this world - Luke 4:6
1. Man now has to ask God, through prayer, to intervene in his affairs.
a. God limited Himself by His Word, so he can't act sovereignly to get involved unless asked to by man.
b. God will not violate His Word of giving control of earth and events into man's hands.
i. All the evil that happens is not God's fault, so don't blame Him -– it is all man's fault since acquiring the nature of the devil.
ii. Now we see the need for prayer and intercession in man’s affairs -– Matthew 6:31-33.
E. Jesus (as a man) came with all authority and power, used it, showed it, and gave it to those who were
restored back to God through him - Matthew 28:18-19 and Mark 16:15-18.
1. Man can rule (dominion) again in this life, but only through proper submission to His Lordship.
2. This rule is in the spirit realm which (when properly exercised) can affect things in the physical realm.
a. This is determined by the level or quality of spiritual life (zoe) and intimate relationship one has with God.
F. Future - we rule with Christ in His Kingdom -– (more on this subject in a later lesson) - Revelation 20:6..
A. Man was intended to have a high quality of life, the glory of God and self-worth,
(which he had before the fall).
1. This he lost and carnality entered with the fall changing man's nature -– Genesis 3:9-13.
a. All mankind born since then are devoid of any godly, spiritual quality, no glory - Romans 3:23.
i. The self-centered nature (the bent to sin) is now passed on to all Adam's descendants - Genesis 5:3.
2. Without godly influence or controls, degenerate man only gets worse -– Genesis 6:5.
B. In man is a desire to worship something beyond himself.
1. His carnality madke him subject to things of the natural, material and physical realm.
a. Man began to worship things; works of his own hands or things he sees but are out of reach.
b. Some worship mystical things that they do not understand.
C. Man becomes religious; a substitute for being spiritual.
1. Religion is based on tradition, ritual and superstition; what man can do by himself to pacify the
desire to worship and appease his idea of God.
a. Many worship fleshly things: bodies, heroes and various personalities, etc.
b. Religious people worship buildings, rituals, vestments and symbols of their religion.
i. All these things keep people from true spiritual quality of life and worship.
2. Focus on the Word, ways and (Zoe)) life of God through Christ produces spiritual quality as God
wants us to have it - Romans 8:6.
a. Man's condition before the fall was walking in the light; he could see things clearly.
b. Man's condition after the fall is like darkness; he can't see.
c. Man's intended condition after regeneration is to be restored to the light and even to be the light -
2 Peter 2:9 and Matthew 5:14-16.
3. Man, as a material being, continues to pursue material life rather than spiritual life.
a. Carnality keeps many of the redeemed in a fog which cloud their ability to see.
i. They are religious but not spiritual, yet they think they are fine because they satisfy their
"religion" with human efforts - Revelation 3:14-20.
b. They have not been taught to die to selfish carnal desires and to continue diligently to pursue
the eternal spiritual things - Colossians 3:1-2.
D. Self (the "old man", flesh) must die daily.
1. Kept under control of the new man, the renewed mind, with purpose -– 1 Corinthians 9:27.
a. Humble SELF, (the big "I"), by living daily in subjection to God , under His hand of guidance.
2. Self is the root of sin, the part where lust dwells.
a. The "self" is readily tempted to be satisfied by Satan and his demon spirits.
3. The "new man" maintains Kingdom living (which only begins at salvation) by Kingdom thinking, talking, walking and being subject to the King.
a. "Not my will, but thy will be done".
b. Self must be set aside totally; put to death, nail to the cross with Christ -– Galatians 2:20.
i. We are to be Kingdom centered rather than "self" centered.
4. The "self" is totally corrupt because of sin's power.
a. This is why the "self" must be destroyed, put to death - Galatians 5:19-21 and Colossians 3:8-9.
NOTE: The soul is not the flesh/self, but it is a source of life for the flesh/self and the flesh/self uses the soul to perpetrate its existence and to carry out its own will. Every portion of the soul that has not been "crucified" can still be manipulated by demon spirits.
E. In Christ we can be like Adam before the fall if we exercise SELF control, practice godliness, seek first
His Kingdom.
1. Then we will fulfill our God-planned destiny living as the very sons of God bearing is each of us His own image and likeness – His divine character and nature – 2 Peter 1:4.
a. This is why God has given us His Word which contains His promises and guidelines for living.
A. Instituted by God - Genesis 2:18
1. Purpose is to replenish the earth with beings made after the likeness of God -– Genesis 2:24
a. "Replenish" as to replace the former life forms that populated the earth under the leadership
of Lucifer. (more on this topic in a later lesson)
2. Family consists of parents and their offspring.
a. Children grow, marry and reproduce to fulfill the plan of God.
B. The family is an organization consisting of different positions and functions -– 1 Corinthians 11:3.
1. Father/Husband bears total responsibility for establishing the LOVE environment for the household - Ephesians 5:25, 28 and 33.
a. Raise children (after weaned from mother) - Ephesians 6:4.
b. Young men are to be prepared for role of husband and father - Titus 2:6-8.
c. Fathers deal with spiritual, governmental, national and civic affairs -– Proverbs 31:23.
i. Both within and outside the home.
2. Wife/Mother functions in subjection to and under the protective role of the loving husband -
Genesis 3:16 and Ephesians 5:22-24.
a. She maintains the home environment - 1 Timothy 5:14, Titus 2:3-5 and 1 Timothy 3:12-13.
b. She deals with domestic affairs of the household - Proverbs 31:13-27.
3. Children are to learn and grow - Ehpesians 6:1-3.
a. Children learn by observing their parents.
i. Love - for God and others.
ii. The Word (Law) of God - Deuteronomy 6:1-9.
iii. All of which produce accepted social and moral behavior and values.
C. Purpose of the family is to live a godly life - Titus 2:12-13.
1. The family is the basic unit of the church - Matthew 18:20.
a. Spiritual families make a spiritual church.
b. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true.
A. Man must be restored to his former dignity (glory) - Romans 8:18.
(Just like Adam at the beginning when he had the character and nature of God).
1. Made righteous - this is accomplished through faith in God's Love (provision).
a. Accepting and believing on Jesus Christ - John 8:29.
2. Self worth and eternal value (dignity, from doxa = glory) is restored to man on an individual
and personal basis.
a. Though made available to all, all do not accept.
3. God's LOVE is to be experienced - Ephesians 3:17-19.
a. It reproduces His fullness in those it is allowed to mature in - John 15:2-5 and 2 Peter 1:3-4, 8.
B. Man is to be transformed back into the image of God/Christ - Galatians 4:19, Colossians 1:27 and
Romans 8:29.
1. God's restored offspring (man) is to be fully visible and repopulate the earth with God's righteousness - Romans 8:19.
a. Just as God intended when He placed man on earth in the garden.
2. The "new man" is the Spirit of Christ in you.
a. The enemy has no effect on the "new man".
i. The enemy has much effect on the self, the "old man".
aa. Thus the old man or self must be put away - Ephesians 4:21-24 and Colossians 3:8-10.
3. Jesus gave His life to bring us to the Father so we can have restored fellowship and relationship
with Him - John 17:2-3.
a. Just as Adam had before the fall - Genesis 3:8-9.
C. Our new man, the zoe life, flows from Christ to and through us as we maintain intimate fellowship
with Him - John 15:1-6.
1. Fruit is the character and nature of God (fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22.
a. It's the life of Christ, the vine, that produces this fruit.
b. Fruit is not man's works; this fruit can't be produced if the life (zoe) of the vine isn't flowing.
i. Man can do many great works without Christ which proves that this fruit is unique to Him.
c. It is not your works or what you can do for Him; it is what He can produce in and through you.
i. God isn't interested in what you can do; He is interested in what you can become.
A. God no longer dwells in a temple of stone made by human mans hands.
1. He now abides in those who have received Him - 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
a. He abides in us by His Spirit.
B. To defile the this temple is to embrace false, deceitful doctrines.
1. This allows the spirit of antichrist to gain access through disguise and deceit -– 2 Thessalonians 2:4.
a. In the hearts of Christians by false anointed ones (false Christs) mixing error with truth and
using the name of Jesus and corrupting the Word of God.
A. Those who receive Jesus receive the ability (power) to "become" sons of God.
1. We are not automatically made "sons" because there are requirements to attain sonship - Romans 8:14.
a. Are all believers "led of the Spirit"?
2. Death to self (flesh) is required - Romans 8:13.
a. These believers may be "saved" and as such are "children" of God, but have matured to point
of being "sons".
i. An heir cannot receive the title and position until he has grown up and been prepared - Galatians 4:1.
3. The Spirit leads in the process of dying to self (flesh) - Hebrews 12:5-7.
a. See also Philippians 2:14-15; 1 John 3:1-3 and 2 Corinthians 6:17-18.
i. The self is being crucified with Christ - Galatians 2:20.
4. Promises are to those who "overcome" - Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26-28; 3:5, 12, 21; and 21:7.
B. We are to be Christ's "brethren" - Romans 8:29; Hebrews 2:11.
1. We are call His brethren, not His bride - why?
a. God's plan is that we are to become "sons of God" the Father, not the "bride of Christ"- Hebrews 2:10.
NOTE: The "bride" is often used to describe the corporate church, however, scripture says we are "His body", "His brethren". Actually the Bible never says the church "is" the bride, but is used figuratively "as" a bride. The body of Christ is not female but male. Scripture does identifiesy the "bride of Christ" as being the heavenly Jerusalem which Christ and his body enter into at to after the marriage supper to consummate the plan of God - Revelation 21:9-10. The analogy of the church as the bride is based on Jesus as the bridegroom coming for those who are betrothed to Him. It describes a relationship of union, being married, joined totally. This is our relationship to Jesus, but our relationship to the Father is as a "son", and to Christ as a “joint heir”, not a "bride".
C. The process of becoming a "son of God" begins with sowing a spiritual seed that comes from God -–
that see is His Word - Matthew 13:18-23.
1. Just as Word as a seed was sown in the womb of a virgin and produced Jesus, the Son of God.
a. The same seed, Word of God, when sown in our hearts and nurtured to maturity produces
the image of Christ in us - Ephesians 4:13.
2. God is looking for this fruit, the image of His Son in us, of which some attain 100%, some 60%
and some just 30% of His character and nature.
a. These cease to be treated as little children and begin to be treated as sons -– sons who are being prepared to conduct the Father's business.
i. Sons are given awesome power, authority and responsibility to rule with Jesus over His creation.
b. Those who don't produce any of the image of Christ are described in Matthew 13:19-22.
D. Having such a great love for God and Jesus that they forsake all else -– Luke 14:26-27.
1. Their pursuit is knowing God and obeying Him rather than the customary things of this life.
a. Careers, financial security, pleasure and selfish interests - Matthew 6:31-33.
i. Seek the zoe life rather than the soulish and material life - John 10:10
b. Change of affections - Colossians 3:1-3, 1 John 2:15.
A. The purpose and plan of God as was established at the beginning of mankind was to rule over God's
creation - Genesis 1:26-28.
1. Once God has drawn from among mankind those who will follow and obey him, which is the reason for evangelism, then He leads them to maturity by His Spirit in discipleship.
a. The reason for the gift ministries - Ephesians 4:11-13.
b. To where the saints are Kings and Priests of God - Revelation 1:5; 5:10; 20:6 and 1 Peter 2:5, 9.
2. A divine government as run by the King of Salem, Melchizedek - Genesis 14:18.
B. Jesus is a King after the Order of Melchizedek, who is a Priest/King who has the dual function of
maintaining peace and righteousness - Hebrews 5:6,10; 6:20; 7:11, 15, 17, 21.
1. The role of priest - makes God known to the people and brings the people into fellowship with God.
a. Having grace and mercy looking after the well-being of the people.
i. Dealing with the needs of the people - with the staff of a shepherd.
2. The role of king - to govern, rule and execute judgment.
a. Upholding moral values and virtues with truth and justice.
i. Exercise authority and sit in judgment over people and issues - with the rod of iron.
C. Our preparation requires that deny self, walk in obedience from the heart.
1. Only after we have been tested and proven in this area are we qualified to teach and govern others
in the Kingdom.
a. Our preparation is through trials - Hebrews 12:11; Romans 5:3-5; James 1:2-4; 1 Peter 4:12-13;
Psalm 11:5; and Psalm 66:10-12.
i. Trials are not punishment but training, like military boot camp breaks you down as an
individual (self) and then builds you up as a warrior for the service.
ii. Obedience is learned from things suffered -Hebrews 5:8-10.
Conclusion: Romans 8:14-19.
A. Man is not an accident or product of evolution.
1. He was designed and fashioned by God for a purpose and a reason - Genesis 2:7.
a. He was made from the natural elements of the earth which he identifies with and is to rule over.
i. "Adam" means "rudy", "red" and implies the clay and dust his body was made from.
2. God breathed the "breath of life" into Adam - Genesis 1:26-27.
a. He became a living SOUL (not a spirit).
i. Soul = personality, feelings, emotions, intellect and a will.
b. God's spirit (breath) merged with a body made of dust and clay and produced a "soul" that was viable.
3. Adam's soul was influenced by the Spirit of God working in and through Adam's own spirit (heart).
a. Everything Adam did was in harmony with God.
b. He had unbroken intimate fellowship with God.
B. Man was made like God - Hebrews 1:6
1. Made a little lower than Elohim (plural for God) - Genesis 1:26-27.
a. The word translated angels is "Elohim" (God plural) - Psalm 8:4-8.
b. "Elohim" also denotes the quality of a judge, ruler and dignitary.
i. "Crowned with glory" means man was given God's dignity.
2. Made in the image of God to rule the earth - Genesis 1:28.
a. Made with God's glory and dignity, (character and nature – listed in scripture as the Fruit of the Spirit – Galatians 5:22-23; consider each quality of this divine nature).
i.Which was lostfrom which when he fell by accepting eating the forbidden fruit - Romans 3:23 and
Genesis 3:1-5.
ii. The mMan, Adam, had the glory (dignity and honor) of God, as a son received of his father
(in name and family).
b. Man was made like God, with all God's qualities, character and nature.
i. Less God's divine attributes - Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence.
C. The Trinity was involved in making man - Genesis 1:26.
1. Man was made a three-part being like God; spirit, soul and body.
a. His "image" - meaning phantom; figure; shadow or resemblance.
i. Implies man's spirit resembles God; what He looks like if you could see in the spirit realm.
b. His "likeness" - meaning mold; shape; form and refers to God's qualities in character of soul
or nature and disposition.
i. God has a soul - Matthew 12:18
aa. Where all His character, nature, intellect, feelings and emotions are; just like in man.
c. God has body parts like man's so we know what His basic appearance is like -– (ref. lesson 110).
D. God personally made an ideal place for man - Genesis 2:8.
1. A care-free environment for God's pride and joy - Genesis 2:15.
a. A place where he was fully provided for and protected.
E. God originally made man righteous and good, possessing God's own character and nature in his
heart (spirit) - Genesis 1:31.
1. Adam was God's offspring, made in His image.
2. God also gave man a will of his own lest he be merely a puppet or like a robot.
3. Man was “good” when God made him – Genesis 1:31.
NOTE: We fail to recognize man as he was before the fall; we only know his state after the fall. Christ represented all that God originally placed in man, as man was intended to be. Jesus gave an example of how those who are redeemed are to be - Ephesians 4:23-24 and Colossians 3:10.
A. When Adam submitted to the beguiling will of the serpent he came under the influence the spirit of Satan which dominated his heart (spirit).
1. He was no longer submitted to God, thus he was no longer influenced by God.
a. God withdrew His Spirit from man's spirit resulting in a spiritual coma.
i. Sin and death entered man's experience as a result
ii. Man was no longer spiritually viable or alive.
B. Sin combined with an earthly body, thus a fallen soul and a lifeless spirit produced "the flesh" or "self" consisting of "I WANT, I WILL AND I AM" -or the big "I".
1. This is actually the nature of Satan himself which has now become resident in man.
a. Sin, rebellion, selfishness and evil doing is now the nature of man.
i. The righteousness God gave man is now gone.
NOTE: Before the fall man was animated and motivated by the power of God's Spirit through his own spirit. the soul of man reflected and bore the image of God. He though in Godly ways; He spoke in Godly ways; he walked in Godly ways; he lived holy and righteous being filled with God's character and nature - Ephesians 3:19. Since the fall man has been animated and motivated by the power of his own soul that has been deprived of the character and nature of God. Man's reasoning's, motives, desires, wisdom, strengths and talents originate in the soul. Man's soul is no longer dominated by man's spirit or by God's Spirit; it is now dominated by "the flesh" (the "old man") - selfishness, which is in league with the nature of Satan, and thus easily influenced by the devil. Self is now man's big problem - more on this later in this lesson.
C. Man was intended to live forever - Genesis 2:9, 16-17.
1. Death referred to is spiritual death, separation from God
a. Separation of the life force from the life source.
i. Man died to ZOE (life as God has it); the life Jesus came to restore -– John 10:10.
2. The result, man now lives off of other life forms; drawing from their life to sustain his own.
a. Kill and eat animals (blood shed - the life of the body) to sustain his own life -– a substitute and
perverted way of life.
3. Physical life begins to wind down in length due to corruption, sin, sickness, disease, wickedness and
D. Man was to live life (zoe) on a spiritual plane in relationship, fellowship and harmony with God.
1. This relationship was broken by sin - Gen. 3:22-24.
2. This relationship was restored by Jesus - Eph. 2:10.
E. Man embarked on life at a lower level - the self.
1. Seeking to satisfy carnal appetites, lusts and pleasures.
A. For fellowship with Him.
1. God is Love; love needs an object to show love to.
a. Love also likes to be received, acknowledged and appreciated, which generates more love to flow out -
John 15:9-14, 1 John 2:5 and 4:11-12.
2. God's desire was to have communion with His created "off-spring".
a. As demonstrated with Adam - Genesis 3:8-9.
i. And Enoch - Genesis 5:22-24.
b. Christ re-established the opportunity for that communion - John 14:6.
i. Re-birth of spiritual life - John 11:25.
B. God wanted to love something that He could identify with; that had a self will and ability to respond independently.
1. So HE made man like Himself (in His image), glorious (with dignity).
a. God put some of Himself in man; this is why He is so concerned for us -– Psalm 8:3-6.
2. God is Spirit, so He gave man a spirit by breathing His own Spirit into him -– Genesis 2:7.
a. This made man a living soul; like God, with personality, feelings, etc.
i. The soul is what experiences what both the spirit and body feel; it relates to both.
aa. The SOUL feels - God's love from the spirit, or the world's hate and sensuality from the body.
b. The spirit is the prime and eternal part of man that identifies with God.
i. Since the fall, the soul only relates to the body (flesh).
aa. Responding to sensual, physical, intellectual elements.
ii. The "lost" soul has no contact with or input from the spirit which became dormant (as dead).
c. It was this part of man that died and became separated from God by sin.
3. Man now fails to recognize that he also has a spirit, so he neglects the things of the spirit.
a. Scripture calls for us to deny the flesh, the old nature, and to walk in (being led by) the spirit - Romans 8:1-15, Romans 13:11-14 and in Ephesians 4:17-24.
i. Being led by what is in your spirit (which comes from God's Spirit) will allow you to live a life
representing your Heavenly Father.
IV. GOD HAS A PURPOSE AND POSITION FOR MAN: to have dominion, to rule and govern -
Genesis 1:28 and Psalm 115:15-16.
A. Purpose - repopulate and colonize the earth.
1. The original population went in the path of rebellion with the earth's original ruler, Lucifer -
Ezekiel 28:14-17 and Isaiah 14:12).
a. There was some kind of life or civilization on earth over which Lucifer ruled.
i. They were probably not men in the fashion as we are.
ii. The spirits of these long dead beings may be the demons and evil spirits we deal with now.
b. God judged and destroyed this society (more on this subject in another lesson).
2. God limited man's abilities to operate in the physical, material realm as a physical being.
a. As long as he was in proper relationship with God, he didn't need abilities in the spirit realm.
b. With no creative powers, he had to use physical procreative ability to fulfill God's plan to
repopulate the earth.
i. This is not possible without a female - Genesis 2:18, 23-25.
c. The "man" in Hebrew is "eesh or ish" and means male human; "woman" is "ishshah" and means
female human.
i. Woman is like man only having a physical difference to fulfill a physical function.
ii. The physical difference is also chemical which affects emotions and sensitivities necessary to
function in her role.
d. All that a woman IS, came from man; man had all human qualities to himself -– Genesis 2:21.
i. Certain qualities were taken from him and placed in her so that there would be an
interdependence on one another.
B. To take over rule (dominion) of the earth - Psalm 115:17.
1. To replace Lucifer as ruler over the earth.
a. Lucifer became jealous and set out to get control of the re-formed earth again -– Genesis 3:1-5.
b. He used deceit to tempt the woman to submit to him.
i. She was beguiled by his lie; He caused her to want to be like God.
aa. She already was like God but didn't realize it.
bb. Satan always causes you to doubt what God says about you, and what God made you to be.
ii. Satan causes doubt in God's Word and dissatisfaction with what and who you are and
what you have.
aa. Dissatisfaction creates LUST, (a quality of Satan’s nature) – John 8:44.
c. When they submitted to Satan's idea they betrayed what God gave them into Satan's hand - Luke 4:5-6.
i. They gave rulership of earth back to Lucifer who has been the "god" of this world ever since -
2 Corinthians 4:3-4.
C. Have Dominion - past, present and future.
1. Adam ruled briefly in the past.
a. As long as he submitted to God, He had delegated authority.
i. That authority to rule was lost when they succumbed to the devil's deception -– Luke 4:6.
aa. Satan got dominion back again when he got dominion over man.
ii. Man's spiritual life was lost; this is where the power, authority, dominion and true life came from.
2. They ruled in righteousness.
a. They were clothed in righteousness (which may have been white spiritual garments (Revelation 3:5, 18) before the fall, which they lost afterward -– Genesis 3:7.
D. Man turned his dominion over to Satan who became ruler of this world - Luke 4:6
1. Man now has to ask God, through prayer, to intervene in his affairs.
a. God limited Himself by His Word, so he can't act sovereignly to get involved unless asked to by man.
b. God will not violate His Word of giving control of earth and events into man's hands.
i. All the evil that happens is not God's fault, so don't blame Him -– it is all man's fault since acquiring the nature of the devil.
ii. Now we see the need for prayer and intercession in man’s affairs -– Matthew 6:31-33.
E. Jesus (as a man) came with all authority and power, used it, showed it, and gave it to those who were
restored back to God through him - Matthew 28:18-19 and Mark 16:15-18.
1. Man can rule (dominion) again in this life, but only through proper submission to His Lordship.
2. This rule is in the spirit realm which (when properly exercised) can affect things in the physical realm.
a. This is determined by the level or quality of spiritual life (zoe) and intimate relationship one has with God.
F. Future - we rule with Christ in His Kingdom -– (more on this subject in a later lesson) - Revelation 20:6..
A. Man was intended to have a high quality of life, the glory of God and self-worth,
(which he had before the fall).
1. This he lost and carnality entered with the fall changing man's nature -– Genesis 3:9-13.
a. All mankind born since then are devoid of any godly, spiritual quality, no glory - Romans 3:23.
i. The self-centered nature (the bent to sin) is now passed on to all Adam's descendants - Genesis 5:3.
2. Without godly influence or controls, degenerate man only gets worse -– Genesis 6:5.
B. In man is a desire to worship something beyond himself.
1. His carnality madke him subject to things of the natural, material and physical realm.
a. Man began to worship things; works of his own hands or things he sees but are out of reach.
b. Some worship mystical things that they do not understand.
C. Man becomes religious; a substitute for being spiritual.
1. Religion is based on tradition, ritual and superstition; what man can do by himself to pacify the
desire to worship and appease his idea of God.
a. Many worship fleshly things: bodies, heroes and various personalities, etc.
b. Religious people worship buildings, rituals, vestments and symbols of their religion.
i. All these things keep people from true spiritual quality of life and worship.
2. Focus on the Word, ways and (Zoe)) life of God through Christ produces spiritual quality as God
wants us to have it - Romans 8:6.
a. Man's condition before the fall was walking in the light; he could see things clearly.
b. Man's condition after the fall is like darkness; he can't see.
c. Man's intended condition after regeneration is to be restored to the light and even to be the light -
2 Peter 2:9 and Matthew 5:14-16.
3. Man, as a material being, continues to pursue material life rather than spiritual life.
a. Carnality keeps many of the redeemed in a fog which cloud their ability to see.
i. They are religious but not spiritual, yet they think they are fine because they satisfy their
"religion" with human efforts - Revelation 3:14-20.
b. They have not been taught to die to selfish carnal desires and to continue diligently to pursue
the eternal spiritual things - Colossians 3:1-2.
D. Self (the "old man", flesh) must die daily.
1. Kept under control of the new man, the renewed mind, with purpose -– 1 Corinthians 9:27.
a. Humble SELF, (the big "I"), by living daily in subjection to God , under His hand of guidance.
2. Self is the root of sin, the part where lust dwells.
a. The "self" is readily tempted to be satisfied by Satan and his demon spirits.
3. The "new man" maintains Kingdom living (which only begins at salvation) by Kingdom thinking, talking, walking and being subject to the King.
a. "Not my will, but thy will be done".
b. Self must be set aside totally; put to death, nail to the cross with Christ -– Galatians 2:20.
i. We are to be Kingdom centered rather than "self" centered.
4. The "self" is totally corrupt because of sin's power.
a. This is why the "self" must be destroyed, put to death - Galatians 5:19-21 and Colossians 3:8-9.
NOTE: The soul is not the flesh/self, but it is a source of life for the flesh/self and the flesh/self uses the soul to perpetrate its existence and to carry out its own will. Every portion of the soul that has not been "crucified" can still be manipulated by demon spirits.
E. In Christ we can be like Adam before the fall if we exercise SELF control, practice godliness, seek first
His Kingdom.
1. Then we will fulfill our God-planned destiny living as the very sons of God bearing is each of us His own image and likeness – His divine character and nature – 2 Peter 1:4.
a. This is why God has given us His Word which contains His promises and guidelines for living.
A. Instituted by God - Genesis 2:18
1. Purpose is to replenish the earth with beings made after the likeness of God -– Genesis 2:24
a. "Replenish" as to replace the former life forms that populated the earth under the leadership
of Lucifer. (more on this topic in a later lesson)
2. Family consists of parents and their offspring.
a. Children grow, marry and reproduce to fulfill the plan of God.
B. The family is an organization consisting of different positions and functions -– 1 Corinthians 11:3.
1. Father/Husband bears total responsibility for establishing the LOVE environment for the household - Ephesians 5:25, 28 and 33.
a. Raise children (after weaned from mother) - Ephesians 6:4.
b. Young men are to be prepared for role of husband and father - Titus 2:6-8.
c. Fathers deal with spiritual, governmental, national and civic affairs -– Proverbs 31:23.
i. Both within and outside the home.
2. Wife/Mother functions in subjection to and under the protective role of the loving husband -
Genesis 3:16 and Ephesians 5:22-24.
a. She maintains the home environment - 1 Timothy 5:14, Titus 2:3-5 and 1 Timothy 3:12-13.
b. She deals with domestic affairs of the household - Proverbs 31:13-27.
3. Children are to learn and grow - Ehpesians 6:1-3.
a. Children learn by observing their parents.
i. Love - for God and others.
ii. The Word (Law) of God - Deuteronomy 6:1-9.
iii. All of which produce accepted social and moral behavior and values.
C. Purpose of the family is to live a godly life - Titus 2:12-13.
1. The family is the basic unit of the church - Matthew 18:20.
a. Spiritual families make a spiritual church.
b. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true.
A. Man must be restored to his former dignity (glory) - Romans 8:18.
(Just like Adam at the beginning when he had the character and nature of God).
1. Made righteous - this is accomplished through faith in God's Love (provision).
a. Accepting and believing on Jesus Christ - John 8:29.
2. Self worth and eternal value (dignity, from doxa = glory) is restored to man on an individual
and personal basis.
a. Though made available to all, all do not accept.
3. God's LOVE is to be experienced - Ephesians 3:17-19.
a. It reproduces His fullness in those it is allowed to mature in - John 15:2-5 and 2 Peter 1:3-4, 8.
B. Man is to be transformed back into the image of God/Christ - Galatians 4:19, Colossians 1:27 and
Romans 8:29.
1. God's restored offspring (man) is to be fully visible and repopulate the earth with God's righteousness - Romans 8:19.
a. Just as God intended when He placed man on earth in the garden.
2. The "new man" is the Spirit of Christ in you.
a. The enemy has no effect on the "new man".
i. The enemy has much effect on the self, the "old man".
aa. Thus the old man or self must be put away - Ephesians 4:21-24 and Colossians 3:8-10.
3. Jesus gave His life to bring us to the Father so we can have restored fellowship and relationship
with Him - John 17:2-3.
a. Just as Adam had before the fall - Genesis 3:8-9.
C. Our new man, the zoe life, flows from Christ to and through us as we maintain intimate fellowship
with Him - John 15:1-6.
1. Fruit is the character and nature of God (fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22.
a. It's the life of Christ, the vine, that produces this fruit.
b. Fruit is not man's works; this fruit can't be produced if the life (zoe) of the vine isn't flowing.
i. Man can do many great works without Christ which proves that this fruit is unique to Him.
c. It is not your works or what you can do for Him; it is what He can produce in and through you.
i. God isn't interested in what you can do; He is interested in what you can become.
A. God no longer dwells in a temple of stone made by human mans hands.
1. He now abides in those who have received Him - 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
a. He abides in us by His Spirit.
B. To defile the this temple is to embrace false, deceitful doctrines.
1. This allows the spirit of antichrist to gain access through disguise and deceit -– 2 Thessalonians 2:4.
a. In the hearts of Christians by false anointed ones (false Christs) mixing error with truth and
using the name of Jesus and corrupting the Word of God.
A. Those who receive Jesus receive the ability (power) to "become" sons of God.
1. We are not automatically made "sons" because there are requirements to attain sonship - Romans 8:14.
a. Are all believers "led of the Spirit"?
2. Death to self (flesh) is required - Romans 8:13.
a. These believers may be "saved" and as such are "children" of God, but have matured to point
of being "sons".
i. An heir cannot receive the title and position until he has grown up and been prepared - Galatians 4:1.
3. The Spirit leads in the process of dying to self (flesh) - Hebrews 12:5-7.
a. See also Philippians 2:14-15; 1 John 3:1-3 and 2 Corinthians 6:17-18.
i. The self is being crucified with Christ - Galatians 2:20.
4. Promises are to those who "overcome" - Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26-28; 3:5, 12, 21; and 21:7.
B. We are to be Christ's "brethren" - Romans 8:29; Hebrews 2:11.
1. We are call His brethren, not His bride - why?
a. God's plan is that we are to become "sons of God" the Father, not the "bride of Christ"- Hebrews 2:10.
NOTE: The "bride" is often used to describe the corporate church, however, scripture says we are "His body", "His brethren". Actually the Bible never says the church "is" the bride, but is used figuratively "as" a bride. The body of Christ is not female but male. Scripture does identifiesy the "bride of Christ" as being the heavenly Jerusalem which Christ and his body enter into at to after the marriage supper to consummate the plan of God - Revelation 21:9-10. The analogy of the church as the bride is based on Jesus as the bridegroom coming for those who are betrothed to Him. It describes a relationship of union, being married, joined totally. This is our relationship to Jesus, but our relationship to the Father is as a "son", and to Christ as a “joint heir”, not a "bride".
C. The process of becoming a "son of God" begins with sowing a spiritual seed that comes from God -–
that see is His Word - Matthew 13:18-23.
1. Just as Word as a seed was sown in the womb of a virgin and produced Jesus, the Son of God.
a. The same seed, Word of God, when sown in our hearts and nurtured to maturity produces
the image of Christ in us - Ephesians 4:13.
2. God is looking for this fruit, the image of His Son in us, of which some attain 100%, some 60%
and some just 30% of His character and nature.
a. These cease to be treated as little children and begin to be treated as sons -– sons who are being prepared to conduct the Father's business.
i. Sons are given awesome power, authority and responsibility to rule with Jesus over His creation.
b. Those who don't produce any of the image of Christ are described in Matthew 13:19-22.
D. Having such a great love for God and Jesus that they forsake all else -– Luke 14:26-27.
1. Their pursuit is knowing God and obeying Him rather than the customary things of this life.
a. Careers, financial security, pleasure and selfish interests - Matthew 6:31-33.
i. Seek the zoe life rather than the soulish and material life - John 10:10
b. Change of affections - Colossians 3:1-3, 1 John 2:15.
A. The purpose and plan of God as was established at the beginning of mankind was to rule over God's
creation - Genesis 1:26-28.
1. Once God has drawn from among mankind those who will follow and obey him, which is the reason for evangelism, then He leads them to maturity by His Spirit in discipleship.
a. The reason for the gift ministries - Ephesians 4:11-13.
b. To where the saints are Kings and Priests of God - Revelation 1:5; 5:10; 20:6 and 1 Peter 2:5, 9.
2. A divine government as run by the King of Salem, Melchizedek - Genesis 14:18.
B. Jesus is a King after the Order of Melchizedek, who is a Priest/King who has the dual function of
maintaining peace and righteousness - Hebrews 5:6,10; 6:20; 7:11, 15, 17, 21.
1. The role of priest - makes God known to the people and brings the people into fellowship with God.
a. Having grace and mercy looking after the well-being of the people.
i. Dealing with the needs of the people - with the staff of a shepherd.
2. The role of king - to govern, rule and execute judgment.
a. Upholding moral values and virtues with truth and justice.
i. Exercise authority and sit in judgment over people and issues - with the rod of iron.
C. Our preparation requires that deny self, walk in obedience from the heart.
1. Only after we have been tested and proven in this area are we qualified to teach and govern others
in the Kingdom.
a. Our preparation is through trials - Hebrews 12:11; Romans 5:3-5; James 1:2-4; 1 Peter 4:12-13;
Psalm 11:5; and Psalm 66:10-12.
i. Trials are not punishment but training, like military boot camp breaks you down as an
individual (self) and then builds you up as a warrior for the service.
ii. Obedience is learned from things suffered -Hebrews 5:8-10.
Conclusion: Romans 8:14-19.