There are those who teach that the God of the Bible, (of Christians and Jews), is the same as the god of Islam. Actually the god of Islam is the exact opposite of the one true God of the Bible. This makes Islam’s god a satanic idol – a false god. This fact is clearly recognized by the tenants of Islam and their own testimony.
Below are the differences between the God of the Bible known as Jehovah or Yahweh, as well as our Heavenly Father, while Islam’s god is called Allah:
- Islamists claim that Allah is “unknowable” meaning there is no personal relationship with their god and that only strict adherence to Islamic law and terms of worship is required. Whereas the God of the Bible is very personal and willing to engage in both the individual and corporate affairs of His people when asked in prayer. Consider also that under the new covenant that God is introduced by Jesus as our “Heavenly Father” who loves and cares for us, (Matthew 6:9-13).
- Islam’s god, Allah, has no love, no mercy, no grace and no forgiveness, only death or barbaric punishments for any transgression of Islamic ordinances. Whereas the God of the Bible is love (1 John 4:16 & John 3:16); His mercy and grace is forever (Psalm 136), and he is eager to forgive those who repent and ask forgiveness.
- Under Islam women are mere chattel property of the men and have no rights. The God of the Bible has such regard for women that He esteems them similar to men when he pours out His Spirit on them to prophesy (Acts 2:18) and commands their husbands to cherish them (Ephesians 5:27).
- God of the Bible has always existed but Allah only came about as a fantasy of Muhammad in the 7th century. The name “Allah” actually refers to the pagan worship of the moon god, it was also the name of Muhammad’s father.
- Islam claims that the apocalyptic number “666” refers to their holy book, the Koran, to Muhammad and to the religion of Islam. See this website to see Islam’s own claims to be identified by 666. (Note: The Islamists frequently change addresses of their web sites, so it may require a diligent search.)
- The Koran tells its followers that it is proper to tell lies in order to promote Islamic causes. The Bible lists lies as sin and that liars are children of, and inspired of, the devil, (John 8:44); note also that murder is from the devil, which is an Islamic tool to spread its oppressive religion.
This is only a very brief review of the comparison of the God of the Bible and the god of Islam. A study of the history of Muhammad and the development of the religion of Islam is very revealing as to its satanic/demonic origin. (Even Muhammad believed himself to be demon possessed.) Thus it is no wonder that Islam seeks to eliminate Jews and Christians; they do it in the name of their god, (John 16:2). Do you recall hearing such murderers yelling “Allah Akbar” when they kill non-Muslims, (i.e. the Fort Hood massacre).
Pray for the Muslims that they may know the truth and be set free from the bondage of their demonic beliefs by accepting the truth of Jesus Christ as God’s only begotten son who died for our sins and rose again, (John 3:16). Islam states that God does not have a son which qualifies it as a religion of antichrist, (1 John 4:2-3).
A key thing to recognize and remember: a religion is a system of beliefs, be they true or not, and as such Islam is considered a religion, but in fact it more of a political entity with a religious facade. However, true Christianity IS NOT a religion; it is a RELATIONSHIP with God, our Heavenly Father, and that relationship comes only through a personal life changing experience with Jesus Christ.
See the following website for more history of Islam and comments of historic leaders regarding Islam: