by W. G. Guy
The kingdom of God is a reflection of who God is because it is His domain or where His dominion has influence. Consider the three things that scripture says that God is: He is Light; He is Love, and He is Life, (through Jesus Christ).
1 John 1:5 – “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all” –
1 John 4:8 – He that loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is love.
John 14:6 – Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Thus the very foundation of God’s Kingdom is Love which brings Love and results in Life (zoe – eternal life as God has it and gives it).
Jesus is the Son of God, and when He ministers to others He is bringing to them that Light, that Love and that Life that God is through Jesus Christ. That is why when Jesus healed people He told them that those things that are of the Kingdom of God (or Heaven) have now come near to them. This message even began with the prophet John the Baptist:
Matthew 3:1-2 – In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judæa, and saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Jesus continued the same message of repentance introducing the kingdom of God (heaven):
Matthew 4:17 – From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Then Jesus showed that what heaven has for them by healing and casting out demons:
Matthew 12:28 – But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you, (repeated in Luke 11:20).
Jesus even instructed his disciples to do and preach the same things:
Luke 10:9 – and heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.
People can experience what is in the kingdom of God that is the result of God’s LIGHT, LOVE and LIFE, but only through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ:
Romans 14:17 – for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
1 Corinthians 4:20 – For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.
That power is in His Light, Love and converted Life!
The gospel is good news, and the gospel of the kingdom of God is about that divine Light, Love and Life that is offered.
Mark 1:14-15 – Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
Luke 8:1 – And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him,
Because the kingdom of God is based on His Love, He brought healing to those who came to receive of Him.
Luke 9:11 – And the people, when they knew it, followed him: and he received them, and spake unto them of the kingdom of God, and healed them that had need of healing.
Jesus commanded His disciples to do the same thing, promoting that which is in and of the kingdom of God, which is good news (gospel) for all of us.
Matthew 10:7-8 – And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.
The kingdom of God has an enemy that opposes all that God offers to mankind. That enemy is Satan, referred to as a thief and the devil.
John 10:10 – The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life (zoe), and that they might have it more abundantly.
Satan uses his influence to control the kingdoms of mankind and this world. But, since Jesus Christ IS the King of God’s Kingdom, He brings all of the blessings of God’s Kingdom to all those who accept Him as Savior and Lord. This includes God’s Light, Love, Life along with healing, protection and provision.
Romans 8:32 – He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
by W. G. Guy
The kingdom of God is a reflection of who God is because it is His domain or where His dominion has influence. Consider the three things that scripture says that God is: He is Light; He is Love, and He is Life, (through Jesus Christ).
1 John 1:5 – “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all” –
1 John 4:8 – He that loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is love.
John 14:6 – Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Thus the very foundation of God’s Kingdom is Love which brings Love and results in Life (zoe – eternal life as God has it and gives it).
Jesus is the Son of God, and when He ministers to others He is bringing to them that Light, that Love and that Life that God is through Jesus Christ. That is why when Jesus healed people He told them that those things that are of the Kingdom of God (or Heaven) have now come near to them. This message even began with the prophet John the Baptist:
Matthew 3:1-2 – In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judæa, and saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Jesus continued the same message of repentance introducing the kingdom of God (heaven):
Matthew 4:17 – From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Then Jesus showed that what heaven has for them by healing and casting out demons:
Matthew 12:28 – But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you, (repeated in Luke 11:20).
Jesus even instructed his disciples to do and preach the same things:
Luke 10:9 – and heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.
People can experience what is in the kingdom of God that is the result of God’s LIGHT, LOVE and LIFE, but only through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ:
Romans 14:17 – for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
1 Corinthians 4:20 – For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.
That power is in His Light, Love and converted Life!
The gospel is good news, and the gospel of the kingdom of God is about that divine Light, Love and Life that is offered.
Mark 1:14-15 – Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
Luke 8:1 – And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him,
Because the kingdom of God is based on His Love, He brought healing to those who came to receive of Him.
Luke 9:11 – And the people, when they knew it, followed him: and he received them, and spake unto them of the kingdom of God, and healed them that had need of healing.
Jesus commanded His disciples to do the same thing, promoting that which is in and of the kingdom of God, which is good news (gospel) for all of us.
Matthew 10:7-8 – And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.
The kingdom of God has an enemy that opposes all that God offers to mankind. That enemy is Satan, referred to as a thief and the devil.
John 10:10 – The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life (zoe), and that they might have it more abundantly.
Satan uses his influence to control the kingdoms of mankind and this world. But, since Jesus Christ IS the King of God’s Kingdom, He brings all of the blessings of God’s Kingdom to all those who accept Him as Savior and Lord. This includes God’s Light, Love, Life along with healing, protection and provision.
Romans 8:32 – He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?